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Episode 6 Preview

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Strange there wasn't any mention of Shae at all.

That's similar to how it went down in the books..

There was no real mention of her until the trial.

For the shock value I suppose..

I'm on the fence (though we already knew) about them flat out showing Cersei's discovery of Shae.

Whenever she stands trial In the books you reeeeally felt the betrayal from Tyrion's POV.

You then had to question her motives ALL ALONG.

I believe they've done well to (hopefully) establish that same feeling this week.

Though in the show it's all about their 'love for one-another' which is enough.. Don't get me wrong.. It's enough..

I always related Shae to Tysha though..

Tyrion's (failed) attempt of ridding himself of the nasty Tysha business.

Somewhat redemption in his eyes..

In the books I just couldn't really buy that they were truly 'In Love'.

In the show though.. They obviously care for one another..

Or else she would be living large thanks to Varys.

Can't wait to watch this scene play out.

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Interesting how they are bridging the gap between Mereen and King's Landing. it always annoyed me in the books how there was barely any mention of a surviving Targaryen ruling Mereen with 3 dragons and an army of Unsullied who's brother openly vowed to take back his family throne. You think that would have been the cause for more alarm.

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I'm sure we'll have plenty of Stannis, Sati. We'll open with him, so that's something. I don't know if they'll just show him setting sail and leave us to assume what went down since we saw him last or if they'll show him telling people at Dragonstone that he got a letter from the IBOB. But we'll have enough of him to hold us over I think. If his storyline shows up next episode then I guess some of the funny business, be it Mel nekkid or those courtesans (I think) nekkid, could be held over till then.

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^I love that video.

But I think Davos and the girlies will be in this episode. Sarine Sofair is credited as appearing in it on imdb and the other two women filmed with her. And apparently with Liam Cunningham. Also Sarine Sofair's character is named Lhara which sounds like an Essos name. And on Samantha Bentley's twitter (which I wouldn't recommend checking out, a little too NSFW for my taste) in September she posted a picture she's since deleted of herself in costume and it looked like something they'd wear aboard a pleasure barge.

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^One would hope. Anoushka Kellett may be the Black Pearl. I don't know for certain that they're actually on a pleasure barge, that's just my conjecture. I think it's likely. As for the actual reason that they're bringing in courtesan characters...I think we all know it. I just hope the scene with them isn't TOO over-the-top.

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^One would hope. Anoushka Kellett may be the Black Pearl. I don't know for certain that they're actually on a pleasure barge, that's just my conjecture.

Still, woman, Braavos...the only women of note are the prostitutes such as the sailor's wife, the courtesan the Black Pearl etc. Can't imagine who else they would be

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^Oh, I'm certain that they were cast to get naked. Two of them are models and one is a porn actress, so I never doubted that. I just have to add the disclaimer that I don't know for a fact that they'll be courtesans, though that is extremely likely.

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^One would hope. Anoushka Kellett may be the Black Pearl. I don't know for certain that they're actually on a pleasure barge, that's just my conjecture. I think it's likely. As for the actual reason that they're bringing in courtesan characters...I think we all know it. I just hope the scene with them isn't TOO over-the-top.

Dare we hope that will fulfill the episode's bewb quota? Nah, probably not...

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Not that this thread should go too far in this direction, though again its one hundred percent my fault for harping on about these naked actresses, but I think that GoT has an amount-of-nudity-per-season quota rather than a per-episode quota. I've grown to accept it just like we have to stomach product placement in a Bond film. Sometimes the scenes are genuinely sexy (Mel and Gendry IMO) and sometimes they're all-out tacky (every Theon sex scene ever). But it's one of the realities of the production. HBO's weird that way.

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