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(Spoilers for Non-Readers) Stoneheart S4


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is the moronic D + D aware of the hate they get for not including LS in the season finale. WTF are these morons thinking. Now she has to be in s5. Why else name Brienne's sword Oathkeeper, Why give Brienne an Oath to Cat, What is BWB for, What was Sansa's line saying they threw her body in the river with throat cut for, why have Arya update her kill list with Berics and Thoros name, and so on and so on.

WTF D + D at least now tell us when to expect her??

this is starting to look like trolling the book readers

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If Lady Stoneheart apears in the Season 5 finale, people will complain that they put her in the series too late.

The alternative would have been:

- Put her in 4x10

- Have her disappear off the face of the earth until -- 5x10?

- Maybe appear in season 6?

Better to introduce her when they can actually follow up on her story because having one short scene per season with her would have just been wrong.

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Well, I doubted it a bit this last week, but in the end I really am surprised.

Prediction here... As we all know, season 5 quickly drys out on really interesting material. And there wont be any huge climactic moments like the red wedding/Ned Stark/Oberyn/etc. So, to compensate, they're pushing LSH to the season 5 finale. That way, there'll be that epic "OMG OMG" for unsullied viewers. It had to be that, why else would they remove one of the most epic scenes. And it really does help season 5 if you think about it...

There are other moments that can end Season 5.

But, I suppose I can rationalize it by saying, as some others have, that Season 5 will on the whole have less episode-end-worthy material and that LS has been pushed back to provide a good episode ender. I assume that was part of their rationale. I could see Brienne meeting her early in Season 5, while Jaime is in Dorne, then having them meet up at the end of the season somewhere in the vicinity of KL as Jaime returns.

Also, Lena Headey for President of Trolland, 2016 :dunce:

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Someone in the AV Club review's comment section just pointed out that Lady Stoneheart will go even more psycho on Brienne if she learns that Brienne almost had Arya and then let her slip away, so hey, at least we have that to look forward to... next year :dunno:

Yeah at this point I'm not even counting on LS anymore to be honest... Hope I'm wrong though.

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Honestly, I'm close to not watching the series in the future. I don't consider myself a purist and don't mind the changes made in the adaptations of LoTR/Hobbit and Harry Potter etc. But when changes are made, for no logical/dramaturgical reasons, which are the rule rather than exception with Game of Thrones, I get annoyed.

The first season was great, probably the best.

The second has some flaws, like 100% of Daenerys' story
The third season was alright, some changes here and there, nothing too major

This season takes the cake by far, as being the worst of the bunch. It's full of contrived deviations and false conflicts/dilemmas, and it started so well. We're also seeing a serious snowball effect which could seriously alter future events.

PS: Yes, I'm fuming about the fact that LS wasn't included

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I consider the first one to be the best and I don't think it's a coincidence that this one was the one that followed the book most faithfully. D&D are just not as good as Martin and they show a lot of bias, it seems like they are actually making that show for themselves and they don't really care what the audience think. Not including LS after all those Catelyn mentions seriously looks like just trolling the audience because neither 1. it will make Jon's coming back more powerful 2. they don't have enough shockers for s5 and they are delaying her seem like good enough reasons for me.

And then there is whole Tywin/Tyrion/Shae thing - I haven't seen the episode yet but not having Tysha mentioned is just ridiculous, seeing how she was mentioned in the show before. Either they think the audience is incapable of retaining information or they genuinely think not including the mention of her will make the scene better which is just...wrong.

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I bitched about this on Twitter all night, I have nothing else left. I'm assuming they wanted to keep this card in their back pocket for s5 bc they know how screwed they are. But this SH reveal was how this season should have ended. Unsullied would have fallen off of their chairs all around the world. So many are probably going to get spoiled now just bc not enough ppl have the willpower to skip over articles that will now be written discussing how angry the book readers are re: this.

Just a horribly botched/wasted/missed opportunity by D&W. Fuck.

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Someone on youtube brought up a great point, that the show created a real problem for itself. Because now for the second straight year, book readers are bemoaning this HUGE thing that didn't happen. And non-readers are once again, hearing about this HUGE thing and wondering what it is

.........A LOT people are going to have enough and end up spoiling themselves, on this one. Or unwantingly get spoiled, by getting caught up in the crossfire of rabid discussion on twitter, forums, etc, about LS

So if they are actually planning on unveiling LS next season. A lot of the punch will be gone, because they simply waited too long. If they DO do it, they should probably come RIGHT out with it in episode one. Even then, it could be too late, but at least we'll know right away that it's happening and the speculation can stop

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I think a resurrected Hound is going to replace LSH. Just my wild prediction.

I wouldn't like any replacements, but if they were doing a replacement that one would actually make me really happy. And it might make sense in the eyes of the writers as if they somehow incorporated him hanging brienne, he'd have a good revenge motive, and they seem to be going for unGregor so there'd maybe be a dead sandor/gregor fight.

But yeah, LS might appear at the final of season 5. I can see why they'd do it but think it's maybe a bit late.

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Alex Graves talks about LS not being in the finale in this article-


How could they not even consider (sounds like that) LS as the final scene and get confused about the idea 'taking off on the internet' it was the PERFECT cliffhanger and the ASOS (season 4 material) epilogue! Obviously, people expected it! :bang:

I think she might be cut. :frown5:

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why do people that don't appreciate Dave and dan adaptation (me being first) care so much if something is completely omitted from the books, most of the book adaptation characters, arcs, ideas, tropes..whatever are VASTLY changed that only bears its name, it's usually turned into standard hollywood cliche whether visualization- vise or the importance, proper understanding what written word of GRRM said

i hope they will change everything in last three seasons, that way they won't ruin adaptation of "classic" scenes

ending can have some EPIC (dude!) battle on pair with Skyrim (I would give that David Benioff for adaptation, not something as complex like Iliad or ASOIAF)

and i can wait seven more years for release of a dream of spring, or the eight book, or never.. it's about the journey, and not about destination (that's why you get so many "creative" ideas for Robert's rebelion adaptation)

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I too am thinking they left Stoneheart for season 5 because there aren't that many shocking or huge events in AFfC/ADwD.

You have a few like "For the Watch", Varys and his little birds, "Aegon" (real or fake), and that's it really.

i doubt jon is going to be stabbed in season 5 since he hasn't even become commander yet.

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hmm... the Alex Graves interview makes me wonder if Stoneheart will be out altogether after all. They could come up with some other resolution to Jaime and Brienne, I suppose... but I was really hoping that Red Wedding 2.0 would happen and I'm pretty sure we need LS to run the BwB for that... whatever. It's pointless to speculate on that at this point. COME ON GRRM, WE NEED TWOW.

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If they were going to cut Lady Stoneheart all along, what was the point in the BWB storyline? For Jon's stabbing later on? To show that people can be rezzed?

Yeah, this is my biggest question too. The BWB played a fairly big role in Season 3. Now...poof? We never hear from them again? They'd be kinda like Gendry in that regard. :lol:

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If they were going to cut Lady Stoneheart all along, what was the point in the BWB storyline? For Jon's stabbing later on? To show that people can be rezzed?

What was the point of sending Brienne on the exact same quest? What was the point of them having Sansa say they slit her throat and threw her in the river? What is the point of having Catelyn namechecked every second episode this season? Why did they bother having Hot Pie even mention the BwB this season if they aren't going to be around any more?

If cutting LSH was part of the plan all along, then I don't see the plan. This requires massive, massive deviations to incorporate and it doesn't appear like they're doing that. Historically, when it comes to making changes, the show is far more likely to delay something than cut it.

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