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Most Chivalrous Knight

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Dunk didn't put up with harming an innocent, even if you were a royal prince, for all the talk about Arthur Dayne or Baristan Selmy I don't know if I've heard of them doing anything similar.

Agreed. Dunk definitely wouldn't have stood by while innocent people were burned to death or women were brutalized/raped, regardless of who he was serving.

Thus far I'd say Dunk and Brienne are probably at the top of the list. Baelor Breakspear was a nice mention also.

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I'm going to throw in a vote for Ser Brienne of Tarth. So far she's put most of the men in the series to shame when it comes to chivalrous behavior. Though I hold out hope that Sandor could turn into a grumpy yet chivalrous knight.

Barristan and Dunk get second and third places respectively.

May I ask for a ruling from the OP on most chivalrous versus most noble versus greatest? Some really badass knights are being mentioned here, but I don't know how some of them compare in terms of chivalry.

:agree: I second this.

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Arthur might have conspired to kill his King, Rhaegar was not a knight (and caused a war), Balon Swann conspired to kill a child, and Beric, while a good man, doesn't exactly use chivalrous tactics with the BwB.

My vote goes to Barry the Bold.

Rhaegar was probably knighted, most princes and lords still get knighted even if it's not their title. But I agree he wasn't a true knight.

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Arthur might have conspired to kill his King, Rhaegar was not a knight (and caused a war), Balon Swann conspired to kill a child, and Beric, while a good man, doesn't exactly use chivalrous tactics with the BwB.

My vote goes to Barry the Bold.

Where are you getting that Rhaegar wasn't a knight? He personally knighted the Mountain, so he would have had to be a knight wouldn't he?
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Arthur might have conspired to kill his King, Rhaegar was not a knight (and caused a war), Balon Swann conspired to kill a child, and Beric, while a good man, doesn't exactly use chivalrous tactics with the BwB.

My vote goes to Barry the Bold.

rhaegar knighted the mountain so he would have had to of been a knight himself he just isn't given a ser because prince is a higher title
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Arthur Dayne the greatest knight Ned Stark ever saw. Rhaegar Targaryen. Balon Swann. Barristan Selmy are up there. Beric Dondarrion wasn't bad.

Rhaegar run off with (or kidnapped) another man's betrothed, while he himself was married, I'm pretty sure chivalry includes something along the lines of; always defend a lady's honour.

Beric Dondarrion is number one for me, a knight who truly protected the weak (though why he sacrificed himself to save bitch-unCat I will never understand).

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It's quite interesting that the two people in ASoIaF universe who, in my opinion, embody the values of knightood the best aren't actually, strictly speaking, knights.

Dunk and Brienne of Tarth.

:agree: 100%

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For me it's Davos.

Axell Florent threatens to murder him unless he convinces Stannis to invade Claw Island? Fuck you Axell, the smallfolk there are blameless.

Melisandre and Stannis considering burning Edric Storm? Fuck you both, he's a kid, and you guys should be defending the Wall; kill me if you disagree.

Frey challenges you to a duel in the field of honour? Fuck you Jared Frey, you know shit of honour.

This dude strives to protect the smallfolk, the weak, the innocent, the children, all while attempting to do justice, to defend the realm and to serve his King, and will put his neck on the chopping block to get it done.

A true knight indeed.

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