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Will Nymeria Sand kill Tommen so that the Martells can rule through Myrcella?


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Nymeria Sand is headed to KL to take her seat on the Small Council. We know that she told Doran that she and her sisters wanted to kill Tommen as well as Tywin and the Lannister twins to revenge Oberyn, Elia, Aegon(?) and Rhaenys. We know that she often conceal multiple daggers on her person. We know that Myrcella is at Sunspear and seems to be under the sway of the Martells. We know that Myrcella is Tommen's heir to the Iron Throne. We know that all of Cersei's children will wear crowns and dies before her, meaning that at some point Tommen will be killed and Myrcella will succeed him. We know if Myrcella marries Trystane & becomes queen, Trystane will be king.

So I think Nym might kill Tommen (or order it) to put Myrcella on the Iron Throne as a Martell puppet. If the Martells agree to work w/ Varys & Aegon (I reserve judgment as to whether he really is Aegon), they might see that as a step to eventually putting Aegon on the Iron Throne. What does everyone think of my theory?

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It's possible but I think Doran would have to choose Aegon or Myrcella not both. I can't see Jon Con or Aegon agreeing to a marriage with her and Lannister support isn't worth what it was these days. I think an Arianne/Aegon marriage is more likely. Maybe try to get Myrcella as lady of the Westerlands instead if possible?

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This is an interesting idea, if I'm understanding you correctly: getting Tommen out of the way and putting Trystane and Myrcella on the throne just as a way to clear the way for Aegon. With that, the Martells could presumably manipulate Myrcella into letting Trystane cede the throne to Aegon, the rightful Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, when the time is right. That's a permutation of the Martell-marrying-Myrcella I have not considered before.

Whether or not it's how it will go down, though, I do not know. I'm one of the people that trusts the Sand Snakes not to overstep their marching orders now that they've sworn on their father's grave to obey Doran, so it would have to be Doran to give the go-ahead to kill Tommen, and we know he cares about the lives of innocents--we don't know if his ill will to Tywin Lannister extends to his grandchildren. They would also have to coordinate closely with the Aegon camp to ensure that they did not assume Dorne was a lost cause due to the marriage, to ensure that this was merely positioning for Aegon's advantage, and to ensure that if Aegon did take the city, Trystane would not be punished for shacking up with a usurper's spawn.

Also, as soon as Tommen dies, if Myrcella is not already in the city ready to be crowned, both the Lannister forces and the Tyrell forces are going to be up in arms at what should be the destruction of their alliance--it will be a veritable shitshow with both sides positioning for power, just as it was with Robert Baratheon's death. Not that that's an insurmountable obstacle, but getting a royal Dornish procession into the city with a Martell at the helm, when both the Lannisters and the Tyrells don't exactly have the fondest affections for that family, will be difficult. We already have it on Doran's word (so, take it with a grain salt) that Cersei wants Trystane dead and the bethroal absolved. Not only that, but as soon as Tommen dies, the royal families will understand what that means, and Nymeria's probably going to be held at best, or killed at worst.

In conclusion, I would LOVE to see this happen, I just don't know how plausible it is. One thing's for sure though: if Tommen's got to die by a Sand Snake, it sure as hell had better be Tyene, because as soon as Nymeria sets foot into that Small Council chamber she's gonna be rousing all kinds of suspicions. I think she would have the sense to have a air-tight alibi for when the King dies. The KL establishment will not know Tyene's even in the city, so she should be safer.

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I agree it would have to be Tyene. Even though Cersei (and by extention) the Lannisters will use any excuse to stir up more strife w/ the Tyrells. We know she wants the Tyrells out and she doesn't have the best track record at discerning the guilty party so either Sand Snake could probably great away w/ it, as long as Nymeria has a good alibi. They would of course have to be willing to forego the promise they made to Doran and somehow get Tommen to the Great Sept?

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I do not think Nym would be so daring. We have seen no evidence that she kills wantonly. She knows the situation, she knows her orders. As noted, Doran would have to give the word.

And she probably understands that if and when Tommen dies, the Tyrells would likely feel they have no legal alternative to Stannis. Thus Stannis' claim would be strengthened. Not exactly a helpful move.

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I think if she does she loses Doran's support, he doesn't seem like the "kill a child to avenge a child" type. And let's face it, book Tommen is still just a kid. Plus

WoW Spoiler:

We already know that Arianne is heading for an Aegon meeting so to me that seems where Doran's bets are placed at the moment.

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I think it would be extremely repetitive. Arianne already tried to crown Myrcella once and it went terrible. If Martin had wanted Myrcella to be queen he would have probably do it then.

However, you do bring a very good point. In the event Tommen dies (by Nym's hand or not) Myrcella would be queen, and I don't think Martin will go down that road again, especially when the Martells seem to be focusing on Aegon. So I think this adds fuel to the theory that Myrcella could be dead or dying already because of Darkstar's poisoned blade

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I believe she will kill Tommen (and perhaps even wrap his dead body in Martell cloaks) but it will be in an effort to crown Aegon (to who she will present Tommen's body), not Myrcella.

My thoughts on Myrcella are that she will be taken by Cersei to Casterly Rock after her mother has won her trial and fled King's Landing. At that point, she will be crowned by Cersei (as has been foreshadowed multiple times in the story).

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