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ASOIAF Guessing Game XIII - Favorite Sigil


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Well it's official. I am a hint giving failure!

The answer is:


Depicted by a black 3 - headed dragon breathing black fire on red. It appeared on 7 lists totaling 90 points.

Castellan & Bori are tied for the lead with Pancake coming in at a close second!

Castellan - 20

Bori - 20

Pancake - 18

Evermind - 17

Lil Ghost - 15

Night's Queen - 15

King Tyrion - 15

Ramsay - 15

Dreamsongs - 15

Dany - 15

TWLD - 15

TC - 15

Kyoshi - 15

Lady Meera - 12

Q the Cat - 11

HC - 10

Bustard - 10

Lord Lyman - 10

Reek - 10

Etc - 10

Bridgeburners - 7

Kungsmurfen - 5

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tricky hint...My initial gut feeling was House Kettleblack, but I think I'm the only one who find their complete lack of imagination hilarious (choosing a black kettle as sigil... very original indeed :D).

So, Clegane

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