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Will we see any other dragons in the last two books besides Daenerys'?

Archmaester Drew

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As much as I'd like to see either Sheepstealer or Cannibal swoop in, I don't think it will happen. They'd both be older than Balerion was when he died at this point, and he supposedly bit it due to old age.

I actually had a very obvious crackpot idea that I liked (it's almost certainly not true so please don't waste your time asking me to defend it; there's nothing to defend), that Cannibal actually ended up on Skagos, and that because of the language difference, "Cannibal" became "cannibals," and that's where the idea of the Skagosi being cannibals came from. And if people visiting the region found, say, charred flesh and bone from people the dragon had killed, it stands to reason that they would've thought it was the humans on the island "cooking" the meat, when it actually would've been the dragon.

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Just black ones...

But no, we won't see any other dragons for the same reason that Aegon isn't a real Targaryan -- we didn't spend time reading five books where Dany wanders pretty aimlessly around Essos for GRRM to just reveal in the third act that are other dragons out there / there's a guy with a better claim than her.

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We will see a sea dragon. If Euron did throw the egg into the sea, then it might have been another Nagga, requiring water and blood, like the dragons needed fire and blood

I think Euron paid the Faceless Men with his dragon egg so that they would kill Balon. Balon was pushed/thrown from the bridge into the sea, so in a way, Euron did throw the egg into the sea.

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I doubt Cannibal and Sheepstealer are still kicking. I think there's a chance, a small one, that Euron has a wee dragon stashed somewhere. The only other possibility I see is taming wild dragons beyond Asshai.

True, Cannibal would have died of old age, he was the oldest wild dragon. Sheepstealer, however is about 80 at the time of the dance of Dragons (ca. 131 AC), and Balerion lived to more than 200 years...so, maybe. ;)

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I think Euron paid the Faceless Men with his dragon egg so that they would kill Balon. Balon was pushed/thrown from the bridge into the sea, so in a way, Euron did throw the egg into the sea.

Isnt it canon that a FM killed Balon?

"I dreamt of a man without a face,waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung.On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from its wings"

Combined with what Euron said and the fact that we know a FM has infiltrated the citadel seemingly to get access to the rare books not found anywhere else about dragons.

Btw random question but can you give a non human name?Say for example I want Drogon to be killed I wonder if the FM would accept that.

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There are known dragon eggs unaccounted for. It's possible more could hatch. They wouldn't grow fast enough to make a difference to the plot, but they could hatch.


Btw random question but can you give a non human name?Say for example I want Drogon to be killed I wonder if the FM would accept that.

Well you can give a non-human name. The question is would they take the job. I'm thinking they would back away from killing a grown dragon. Too much risk in that one. You can fool humans, but magical creatures who can roast you and consider you a light snack? Nah.

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There are known dragon eggs unaccounted for. It's possible more could hatch. They wouldn't grow fast enough to make a difference to the plot, but they could hatch.

Well you can give a non-human name. The question is would they take the job. I'm thinking they would back away from killing a grown dragon. Too much risk in that one. You can fool humans, but magical creatures who can roast you and consider you a light snack? Nah.

Yea but one well placed bow shot to the eye can kill a dragon.I mean you can just kill it while it sleeps with your amazing stealth skills.

Or just give it a massive dose of the poison that makes animals go crazy

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Btw random question but can you give a non human name?Say for example I want Drogon to be killed I wonder if the FM would accept that.

I think they would, but only if they were very well-paid given the risks, and they are trained to kill people not dragons.

Yea but one well placed bow shot to the eye can kill a dragon.I mean you can just kill it while it sleeps with your amazing stealth skills.

FM aren't trained in archery, since assassination requires stealth, and the goal is to make the death look like an accident or natural causes.

That is taking a big risk trying to poison a sleeping dragon. Once you stab it, it wakes up and breathes flame.

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True, Cannibal would have died of old age, he was the oldest wild dragon. Sheepstealer, however is about 80 at the time of the dance of Dragons (ca. 131 AC), and Balerion lived to more than 200 years...so, maybe. ;)

I think Sheepstealer is possibly the parent of Dany's dragons. Not 100% convinced, and I hope we will get some clues about Nettles and Sheepstealer in the World book.

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Yea but one well placed bow shot to the eye can kill a dragon.I mean you can just kill it while it sleeps with your amazing stealth skills.

Hang on...you can kill a dragon that way because eyeballs are soft and pierceable. A sleeping dragon will presumably have it's impenetrable eyelids down.

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Though I want it very bad for Sheepstealer to appear (being around 250 years old) and sweep over Dany's three and make them breathe fire from the other side of their bodies to run away faster, I don't think it is likely.

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