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How important is it to read the Dunk and Egg/Rouges material?

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Forgive me for forming a new post for such a noob topic. But, I am a long time reader of this forum. I have read all the books several times and am wondering the importance of reading the D & E material, as well as the rouges story (not sure what its called). I read the first D & E but its on my kindle and not to pleasant to read on there. So, let me know your thoughts.

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Forgive me for forming a new post for such a noob topic. But, I am a long time reader of this forum. I have read all the books several times and am wondering the importance of reading the D & E material, as well as the rouges story (not sure what its called). I read the first D & E but its on my kindle and not to pleasant to read on there. So, let me know your thoughts.

Considering We don't know how the story is going to end, it could be very important or not important at all...

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I'm not sure how helpful I'll be but I read the first two dunk and egg stories in the graphic novel format and really enjoyed them. They provided some more details on the targeryans and the first blackfyre rebellion as well as just being great stories in their own right. But they're disconnected enough with the main novels that they aren't a necessity.

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I'm not sure how helpful I'll be but I read the first two dunk and egg stories in the graphic novel format and really enjoyed them. They provided some more details on the targeryans and the first blackfyre rebellion as well as just being great stories in their own right. But they're disconnected enough with the main novels that they aren't a necessity.

And they're so easy to read. I finished each one in a night.

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Depends on how much you nerd-out over Westerosi history. I don't care about that stuff besides broad strokes like "Robert loves Ned's dead sister" or "Dany wants revenge on the people who killed her dad" so I was oblivious to a lot of the implications, if there even are any. They are a lot simpler and more upbeat than the books. Worth a read, but not crucial.

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They definetely make you look at Bloodraven and the "Aegon is a Blackfyre" theory with new eyes, or they did for me.

I read aDwD before reading D&E so when Bloodraven showed up I was like, "Ok, and you are...?" but now I'm geeking out every time he gets mentioned. Same for the Blackfyres.

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Another question about D&E. Will you recommend buying the graphic novels or simply buying the anthologies to get the original stories? What is the exact differences between the two?

I haven't read the actual versions but if you like graphic novels you'd like the adaptation, it's good quality. I heard that all the dialogue and dunks thoughts were written into it too, so you'd probably be missing out on descriptions and getting pictures instead. I suppose you could avoid buying an anthology for one story you want. Really depends on if you prefer the written word or graphic novels I guess.

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You don't have to read them in order to appreciate the main series and get what's going on. But the novellas go a very long way toward explaining the Blackfyre Rebellion and the Dance of the Dragons, they have a lot of background information about history and the various houses and, I'd argue (this obviously won't be known for sure until the series is over), are packed with foreshadowing.

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First three answers:

very important if you want backstory/added history.

not remotely important. they stand alone, as do the main books other than some people sharing family names.

Considering We don't know how the story is going to end, it could be very important or not important at all...

Well, I'm glad we've settled that!

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You don't have to read them in order to appreciate the main series and get what's going on. But the novellas go a very long way toward explaining the Blackfyre Rebellion and the Dance of the Dragons, they have a lot of background information about history and the various houses and, I'd argue (this obviously won't be known for sure until the series is over), are packed with foreshadowing.


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