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Florida Agrees That Satanists Must Have Equal Representation In Capitol

The Satanic Temple scored a free-speech victory in its quest for equal representation among the Florida state capitol building's religious-themed holiday displays.

The Satanic Temple — not to be confused with the Church of Satan, with which TST is not affiliated — describes its mission as "facilitating the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty," as well as "to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people. In addition, we embrace practical common sense and justice. As an organized religion, we feel it is our function to actively provide outreach, to lead by example, and to participate in public affairs wheresoever the issues might benefit from rational, Satanic insights."


According to Slate, in 2013 the state "allowed Christians, Jews, secular humanists, atheists, and Pastafarians [i.e., Flying Spaghetti Monster devotees] to construct testaments to their faith. [They also allowed a Festivus pole made of beer cans.] But Florida forbade the Satanic Temple from placing its own display in the capitol, labeling it 'grossly offensive.' So this year, the temple reapplied, with some additional legal backing: Americans United for the Separation of Church and State threatened to sue Florida for violating the temple's free speech rights if the state refused to permit its display."

Needless to say, Florida blinked, and the Satanic Temple's display (described as "an angel falling into a pit of fire") will take its place under the rotunda December 22-29. Horns up for the First Amendment.

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I've been wondering whether the mercurial and willful gods of the Greek or Norse pantheon are actually a better metaphor for life than the All Knowing All Powerful monotheistic deity. When something horrible happens and you've got these crazy gods who are always following their own whims, it makes sense. Whereas, gritting your teeth and smiling up at your ever-loving One God and saying "It's all part of God's Plan" seems like unhealthy sublimation.

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I've been wondering whether the mercurial and willful gods of the Greek or Norse pantheon are actually a better metaphor for life than the All Knowing All Powerful monotheistic deity. When something horrible happens and you've got these crazy gods who are always following their own whims, it makes sense. Whereas, gritting your teeth and smiling up at your ever-loving One God and saying "It's all part of God's Plan" seems like unhealthy sublimation.

Some scholars suggest when Job thanks God for his new family he's actually just being sarcastic.

I think the way ancient Greeks thought of the varied gods - demanding entities that are capricious and tyrannical - makes more sense than the modern conception of a good deity whose plan will unfold so that all evil is revealed to be good.

I think the story of Job shows that plainly - Satan uses God's power to torment Job. Like it's all a game to Yaweh, with humans as little toys to toss about.

"There are no mortal sins, just souls lost in a maze Someone Else has made."

-Mike Carey, Lucifer #50

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While everyone talks about Charlie Hebdo let us not forget that it is not only at the hands of a few crazies with assault weapons that people are suffering for daring to "insult Islam". Raif Badawi is a Saudi who was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1000 lashes for creating an internet forum that "violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought". Last Friday he was flogged 50 times, this Friday he will be flogged 50 times and every Friday following until he has received his 1000 lashes.

But of course it could be worse because he was also accused of being an apostate which (shhh no-one tell Ben Affleck!) carries a death sentence.

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While everyone talks about Charlie Hebdo let us not forget that it is not only at the hands of a few crazies with assault weapons that people are suffering for daring to "insult Islam". Raif Badawi is a Saudi who was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1000 lashes for creating an internet forum that "violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought". Last Friday he was flogged 50 times, this Friday he will be flogged 50 times and every Friday following until he has received his 1000 lashes.

But of course it could be worse because he was also accused of being an apostate which (shhh no-one tell Ben Affleck!) carries a death sentence.

But none of these things reflect on Islam! It's all just an act by psychos! /sarc

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Pope, in Philippines, says same-sex marriage threatens family

Maybe all of this pathetic fawning over the pope will start to die down a bit once everyone realises he's just as anachronistic and vile as any other pope.

"The family is also threatened by growing efforts on the part of some to redefine the very institution of marriage," the pope said Jan. 16, hours after warning that Philippine society was "tempted by confusing presentations of sexuality, marriage and the family."

"As you know, these realities are increasingly under attack from powerful forces which threaten to disfigure God's plan for creation and betray the very values which have inspired and shaped all that is best in your culture,"

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Your link goes to the first page of the thread.

As for the Pope...the really strange thing is the way even largely liberal or secular/atheist groups and sites like reddit latched on to him because he of his tactical decision to retreat on a bunch of issues. Yugh.

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He's an Argentinian Roman Catholic priest who worked his way up the ecclesiastical ladder. He's progressive in that context, but I don't know why you would expect that he would share your sense of progressiveness.

Sure. Which is why I left Catholics out of my post. He may be progressive for them, but the people I'm talking about see him in a positive light that goes far beyond him being progressive for Catholics, and thus good in a practical sense. Which is how you end up with the sort of flipping in the reddit threads I'm talking about, as if this is a surprise.

Although him speaking out on this now where he did seems even more self-serving than the things he usually says.

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Pope, in Philippines, says same-sex marriage threatens family

Maybe all of this pathetic fawning over the pope will start to die down a bit once everyone realises he's just as anachronistic and vile as any other pope.

The only person I see being both anachronistic and vile is you.

Your anger against religion is fucking juvenile, and gives us atheists a bad name. We're the ones that are supposed to be free thinkers, and open minded, remember?

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The only person I see being both anachronistic and vile is you.

Your anger against religion is fucking juvenile, and gives us atheists a bad name. We're the ones that are supposed to be free thinkers, and open minded, remember?

No actually atheists aren't supposed to be anything other than disbelievers in gods. But I fail to see how hating religion is contrary to any of those values.

He's an Argentinian Roman Catholic priest who worked his way up the ecclesiastical ladder. He's progressive in that context, but I don't know why you would expect that he would share your sense of progressiveness.

I don't expect him to share my sense of progressiveness, what annoys me is the fawning - the uncritical way everyone takes his platitudes and acts like he's some reforming figure.

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No actually atheists aren't supposed to be anything other than disbelievers in gods. But I fail to see how hating religion is contrary to any of those values.

I don't expect him to share my sense of progressiveness, what annoys me is the fawning - the uncritical way everyone takes his platitudes and acts like he's some reforming figure.

Your hatred is silly and misguided

Sure. We get it. You hate religion. You obsess over that hatred.

It makes you look like a fucking dick. So the pope doesn't agree with your wold view? Who gives a fuck? The best you can do is not believe what he does. That's the ultimate argument against his faith.

Also, all this misdirected hate, and no reasonable fix. Seems to me like you are shouting at the gods, and expecting them to change. Not gonna happen.

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Recitation: Once upon a time, organic meatbags bred out of control and filled the galaxy. There are different meatbags across different planets, all bumping into each other. They talk a great deal and threaten each other for various reasons, mostly involving mating, survival, and resources. It is really quite tiresome.

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It makes you look like a fucking dick. So the pope doesn't agree with your wold view? Who gives a fuck? The best you can do is not believe what he does. That's the ultimate argument against his faith.

I give a fuck because whether we like or not the pope is a very influential person so when he goes to these countries full of people who actually think he's the vicar of christ and starts preaching horrible things whether it be against the rights of homosexuals to marry, or that condoms cause AIDS or that women shouldn't be able to do what they want with their body then real people are impacted because people take this sinister old windbag seriously. And no, I don't think sitting back and acting like nothing is wrong is an argument against anything, what nonsense.

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