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Dragon Age: Whatever we were before, we are now... The Inquisition!

Jace, Extat

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Lastly, when clearing inventory, there's a category called "Treasures" (I think) that is marked by a diamond icon. Are those just vendor trash and safe to sell? Or are they gifts for your companions and I just haven't noticed that yet?

Valuables contains vendor trash and research items (I don't know why they did it that way). Just make sure you go to the research table and turn in all of those first, then you can sell everything else in there.

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Valuables contains vendor trash and research items (I don't know why they did it that way). Just make sure you go to the research table and turn in all of those first, then you can sell everything else in there.

Hmph. That's at least mildly annoying. So I can just turn all that stuff in? It won't require a certain number of them before taking them?

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Moving slowly along. I'd say I have about half of the Hinterlands cleared out. What are most people doing? Doing some and then moving on? Or clearing entirely?

I marked a place for some watchtowers and in order to build them, I need the war table. So I thought about leaving to do that and then coming back. :dunno:

Also, I came upon a rift that I couldn't close. It was spawning Despair Demons and I am currently ill equipped to deal with that much cold damage and immunity to cold. Solas has entirely frost and mind stuff and even his staff is throwing cold damage. :bang: And those cold beams they send out decimate the other three. I have tried pausing and using Solas to dispel the green stuff before they can form, but there seems to be too many to catch them all that way.

I'm level 13 and I still haven't cleared all the Hinterlands. I haven't spent much time there in a while though, and I've finished all the Inner Circle quest objectives currently there. I'm also now too highly leveled to get EXP from most of the enemies, so I don't have much reason to be there except getting Power; and I have more than enough of that.

Feel free to leave and go back to the Hinterlands; even without advancing the main story at all in between. In fact, I recommend it. There are a ton of war table agent missions, like that tower building one, and its tough to stay on top of them all even if you check the table regularly.

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I can't count the number of times I was right next to a quest marker, but had to cross a cliff to get there. I wish DA:I had something like the clairvoyance spell from Skyrim, or at least made it possible to fast travel to landmarks and other locations of note.

It certainly wasn't explained to me... but you can fast travel to the camps once they're set up. I think I accidently clicked on one and found that out.

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It certainly wasn't explained to me... but you can fast travel to the camps once they're set up. I think I accidently clicked on one and found that out.

I know you can fast travel to camps and the compass things, but often to get from camps to other areas of note requires going around a mountain whose shape isn't well described by the map.

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For the Deluxe edition, how do you get the unicorn mount?

When I go to the stables all the exotics are still locked

I got the bog unicorn by sending some units on a mission from the War Table...

Which reminds me, I haven't used the mount a single time outside the Hinterlands, but an Elven Mage who looks like a Targaryen riding around on a moose is pretty badass.

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The moose are the best mounts, but I never use mounts at all.

Skyhold has just been attacked... with goats. I love this game


I just did that judgement thing myself.

Time to go get tempest specialization and use it to fuck some dragons up.

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If anyone's having trouble with the Astrarium puzzles, I'd suggest looking into Eulerian Paths.

Basically, there can only be 0 or 2 vertices(stars) with an odd number of edges. If there are 0, it should be relatively easy. If there are two, then the path needs to start one of the odd vertices and end at the other.

ETA: TAKE THAT whoever abstract math is useless!

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Dragons are impossible, I'm convinced.

I just killed the Hinterlands dragon so I'd have to disagree. It is a hell of a fight though, even just playing on normal. Ran out of HP pots and had to use three focus abilities. Would have used four but I don't have Iron Bull's yet. Actually had to make extensive use of tactical mode and micromanage everyone, which I rarely bother with otherwise.

Archery rogue main with tempest spec, Cassandra tank, Vivi for KE + Spirit barriers and Iron Bull worked pretty well, also stacked fire resistance gear. Tempest's focus ability is ludicrously strong. Tier 2 shredded about a third of the dragon's HP in a couple of seconds.

Bioware weren't kidding when they said the dragon fights were going to be epic. Loved it.

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Ah, I was doing it with too much melee, at too low of a level I suppose. Not enough focus abilities. Only had the Reaver one on Krom (my 2h warrior Inquisitor.)

Also, anyone else at Adamant? SWEET BABY JAYSUS, that level was awesome. Watching my troops march forward underneath the banners, chanting and whatnot. Brings a tear to me eye it does. Makes me want some sort of Dragon Age/Total War mash-up, it does.

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Spoiler for after the Orlesian Ball

The God-kid is fucking cool. I only got to speak to him for a moment before Morrigan shooed him away, but I need more of this character in my life. He mentioned that he knew I was the Inquisitor because 'your blood is old'. I hope I find him around Skyhold to talk to hims some more.

I'm also pleasantly surprised at how cool Morrigan is now. I always liked her in DA:O, but she was a total bitch. She seems like a wicked-cool mom too.

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Spoiler for after the Orlesian Ball

The God-kid is fucking cool. I only got to speak to him for a moment before Morrigan shooed him away, but I need more of this character in my life. He mentioned that he knew I was the Inquisitor because 'your blood is old'. I hope I find him around Skyhold to talk to hims some more.

I'm also pleasantly surprised at how cool Morrigan is now. I always liked her in DA:O, but she was a total bitch. She seems like a wicked-cool mom too.

I think he knows who he is. Or understands what he has with him. I was never clear if he is one of them or if it's a human+super spirit. His role in DA should be important. I think they are planning to retire the old heroes. Also, the fade quest while interesting- I doubt that either of the characters die. I am betting on it. I have to type on vague terms because spoilers don't work well on my tablet.

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After installing my massive new video card (these things are getting huge...) I played some more and was pleasantly surprised that higher graphics settings has made people's hair look slightly less like shiny molded plastic than it did before. That was really distracting in conversations.

After changing up my mage by going for frost instead of fire (my innner pyromaniac wept) I felt I was doing a lot better. The freeze effects from Winter's Grasp and Fade Step made for some much needed crowd control (and set enemies up for shatter effects in conjunction with Varric's archery abilities).

Of course after I'd breezed through a couple of fights like that I ran into a random bear that turned out to be immune to ice magic and proceeded to slaughter my party. Good times.

Picked up Vivienne (whom I turned into a walking lightning storm, lots of damage in that tree it seems) and Sera, who I guess is the Merril of this game. So far her archery is kind of redundant with Varric's, but I guess once both get specialisations that'll change.

Cleared out most of the Hinterlands. Obviously the dragon is still left, plus two or three tougher fade rifts but for the most part I'm doing pretty well. I have absolutely no use for a mount, though, and looking at the list there's a shitton of them available. I thought, given the pre-order bonuses, that normal players would essentially get a horse and those who spent extra money would get some special looking (though mechanically essentially identical) ones, but the stable has like 10 unused slots for just horses alone, nevermind categories like "dracolisk" or whatever. Weird to invest so many resources into what, so far, looks like a minor feature.

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