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Dragon Age: Whatever we were before, we are now... The Inquisition!

Jace, Extat

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Spent a few hours in the Hinterlands this evening. If this is really just one of 8 or 9 (can't remember the number) of areas, then yeah, this game is just absolutely massive. Maybe even too large. I got a message early on letting me know I have enough power to head over to the next story mission, but I've been even scratched the surface of the Hinterlands. To people further along then me, how long did you stay in the area before launching the next story mission?

I do have a few small UI complaints at this point. The biggest are that minimap is pretty much useless, and having to constantly toggle back to the full map gets old quickly; moving around the inventory is not a smooth experience; the constant clicking to eagle-eye the terrain for loot is very repetitive; its not easy to follow all the different quests in the general. These are all minor complaints though, its a great game so far.

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Spent a few hours in the Hinterlands this evening. If this is really just one of 8 or 9 (can't remember the number) of areas, then yeah, this game is just absolutely massive. Maybe even too large. I got a message early on letting me know I have enough power to head over to the next story mission, but I've been even scratched the surface of the Hinterlands. To people further along then me, how long did you stay in the area before launching the next story mission?

I do have a few small UI complaints at this point. The biggest are that minimap is pretty much useless, and having to constantly toggle back to the full map gets old quickly; moving around the inventory is not a smooth experience; the constant clicking to eagle-eye the terrain for loot is very repetitive; its not easy to follow all the different quests in the general. These are all minor complaints though, its a great game so far.

lol I've been in the Hinterlands for hours too....

I like the game a lot so far. It's HUGE, omg. So much to do. I'm a little confused at the moment of what the hell I'm supposed to be doing, but if I wander around enough eventually I should figure it out...I need to get to Val Royeaux....anyone know how to get your power level up? Mine is at 2.

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lol I've been in the Hinterlands for hours too....

I like the game a lot so far. It's HUGE, omg. So much to do. I'm a little confused at the moment of what the hell I'm supposed to be doing, but if I wander around enough eventually I should figure it out...I need to get to Val Royeaux....anyone know how to get your power level up? Mine is at 2.

That part at least I figured out. Completing the various side quests/tasks/whatever marked on your map gives you power, so stuff like establishing camps, closing rifts, finding materials, finding collectables, and some standard MMO-style quests of kill X or fetch X. After couple hours of doing last night that I have 11 power and my influence went up a level so I got my first perk. But, I feel incredibly weak still; which is why even though I only need 4 power to go to Val Royeaux, I'm not sure I should do that yet.

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So what classes are people finding fun? In my, "Hey I only got about thirty or so minutes of playing yesterday" I tried the archer. It was fun, but I wasn't sure it was my cup of tea.

I started as a rogue, just for lock picking and such. Pretty sure there are no locked chests or anything in this game though, so keep that in mind.

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I started as a rogue, just for lock picking and such. Pretty sure there are no locked chests or anything in this game though, so keep that in mind.

That was my thought too, because I HATE leaving an unopened chest behind. That shit keeps me up at night.

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I started as a rogue, just for lock picking and such. Pretty sure there are no locked chests or anything in this game though, so keep that in mind.

Really? That's very strange. There is nothing worse than leaving a locked chest behind though. That's why I dragged Leliana everywhere with me in DA:O, because otherwise she's pretty useless.

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I started as a rogue, just for lock picking and such. Pretty sure there are no locked chests or anything in this game though, so keep that in mind.

I did come across a locked door in the Hinterlands that I needed Varric to open. There was a note that launched a short side quest inside, nothing to special. But the mechanic is definitely in the game, so it may be more useful later on.

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I did come across a locked door in the Hinterlands that I needed Varric to open. There was a note that launched a short side quest inside, nothing to special. But the mechanic is definitely in the game, so it may be more useful later on.

The only class specific stuff I've come across is needing a Mage to light the veil fire torch things.

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The characters have exceeded BioWare's gold standard, and I've only met half of them.

I came into this game expecting to hate Cullen with a passion, but I'm finding myself falling for the stoic, scarred, battle commander with a just heart... I must be cautious of speaking with him when the BF is around, he wouldn't understand our forbidden love.

Cassandra is surprisingly sympathetic, herself. She just wants peace, and has become disenchanted with religion... I likes.

Leliana is kind of tedious still, but in a well-developed way I guess. She does do some cool stuff at one point though.

Josephine the Political Science Major is pretty awesome, and I find myself vaguely drawn to her in ways the Westborough Baptist Chantry says is wrong...

Iron Bull is my surprise delight, I'd consider taking a tumble with him, but if he's even slightly in proportion, I won't survive...

Black Wall is an enigma to me. I started out thinking he was hot shit when we met, but then he mentioned my ear condition and our relationship has soured greatly. I'm hoping for the chance to murder him.

Varric is his usual self, but I'm actually not crazy about him this time around. I like him and all, but I've given to leaving him behind on missions. He's good, but not good enough to make a play in my crowded team.

Which brings me to Sera, who's hilarious. She's incomparable, like a...

I just picked up Dorian, who's now my new BFF. I was afraid of a disaster of a stereotypical gay man, but Dorian's very mellow and well-written. He's a Theoretical Astro-Magicist, like a Dragon Age equivalent of Neil Degrasse Tyson. No one is as cool as the host of 'Cosmos', but the mustache puts Dorian in the ballpark at least.

The Elven guy you meet initially is ok, but he's by far the weakest of the group. I cannot even remember his name.

Teeny tiny spoiler:

Met Alistair briefly, and he made a hell of an entrance when I least expected. I didn't get to talk to him, 'cause he was too busy putting the King of Fereldan verbal beatdown on every fool in the room, but I'm glad he seems to have adapted well to the throne.

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Just bought the game. I have played DA: Origins and Awakenings but never played DA: 2. I was in the process of starting over a game for Origins and then moving into Dragon Age 2, but never got around to it. So should I just start DA 2 and then move to the new game or skip DA 2 altogether? I am not really in a rush to start Inquisition if it would be better to go through 2 first.

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Just bought the game. I have played DA: Origins and Awakenings but never played DA: 2. I was in the process of starting over a game for Origins and then moving into Dragon Age 2, but never got around to it. So should I just start DA 2 and then move to the new game or skip DA 2 altogether? I am not really in a rush to start Inquisition if it would be better to go through 2 first.

I have skipped DA: 2, so I am curious about it as well, the tapestry felt like it covered the important bits.

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I liked DA:2, it gets a lot of well-deserved criticism, but they swung for the fences with a unique story which I find commendable. It didn't work out, but that could be attributed to the criminally truncated production cycle.

That said, I'm not sure it's necessary to play now that DA:I is out and is pitching a no-hitter so far. No need to spend the $20 on a decent but flawed game when there's a superior product out that you want.

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