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Confused by Call Of Duty


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So, I'm about to buy a PS4, maybe tonight if Best Buy has the bundle I want. I've never been a gamer, but I feel like the advancements in video games and gaming systems have completely passed me by and that I've really been missing out. And I really want the hours and hours of escapist fantasy.

The problem is that I don't know shit about this stuff and I'm especially confused about all of the different editions of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which will be one of the first games that I buy. Just looking at it on Amazon, I see a Standard, Atlas Limited, Atlas Pro, Digital Pro Edition, Digital Standard, and Season Pass. What the hell is all of this? If I buy just the Standard, will I immediately regret that I didn't buy one of the other editions? Can someone translate?

And yes, I have been living under a rock for some time now.

Thank you.

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The standard version is all you really need. Season pass is for the downloadable map packs. Instead of buying them separate, if you buy the season pass you save $10. You don't need to buy any of them if you don't want. Digital just means you download the game onto your PS4 and don't have a disc. Completely up to you which you prefer.

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Definitely buy the standard edition. You don't need all the extra stuff, it's all aesthetics anyway. I wouldn't recommend buying the season pass either unless you really, really love the multiplayer aspect of it.

I thought the new Call of Duty was terrible. I spent a lot of time playing the original Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2, but it just kept getting dumbed down so I lost interest in the series. This new one actually looked different so I bought it... and sold it on craigslist within 4 hours. It's just so repetitive. There are just so many better games out there that are worth my time.

Really, if you don't like multiplayer then I wouldn't recommend it, as the story holds no replay value.

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Perhaps I can piggy-back a couple of questions here:

After nearly 10 years out of console gaming (the PS2 is still on a shelf somewhere), my wife suggested we get a PS4 or Xbox One. She enjoyed a first-person shooter game at an arcade recently and they have these awesome new Delta 6 gun controllers available.

So the question are:

- How accessible are the current generation of games for people who have not played in years and will probably only play a few hours a week?

- Which first person shooters have shallow learning curves? (Halo? Call of Duty?)

- Is the PS4 or Xbox One better suited to our situation?

Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

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So, I'm about to buy a PS4, maybe tonight if Best Buy has the bundle I want. I've never been a gamer, but I feel like the advancements in video games and gaming systems have completely passed me by and that I've really been missing out. And I really want the hours and hours of escapist fantasy.

The problem is that I don't know shit about this stuff and I'm especially confused about all of the different editions of Call of Duty:

And yes, I have been living under a rock for some time now.

I was right there with until Sept, when I bought the Destiny bundle pack. Long story short, I can't stop playing. With the 1st expansions coming out in 2 weeks, It is a good thing I have to burn off a lot of Vacations days before the end of the year. I suggest just playing it for a couple levels, and then search on line for what to do, and not to do on your game.

Back in the day, I use to play good amount of video games, with some real OG's (Original Gamers by which I mean guys that finished Impossible Mission on Commodore 64. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impossible_Mission ) but got married, and just say she wasn't a big fan.

Be warned, games are like crack.

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I've been a Halo fan since Halo 3, and while I have enjoyed them all, the multiplayer has declined in quality since 2007. There's been too much of the developers trying to appeal to the masses, with their custom loadouts and random power weapon spawning. Fortunately, I hear this has all been dropped for Halo 5, but I've also seen something closely resembling ADS, which Halo has never needed.

Edit: Got a little off-topic there. I also play Battlefield sometimes.

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I've been a hardcore Halo fan since 2002 and just recently bought the xbone for the Master Chief collection. The thing dropped in price again down to 350 so i finally upgraded. I have both advanced warfare and the master chief collection. The story and depth of Halo will blow anything COD will put out and the multiplayer experience has finally turned the corner thanks to the utter debacle 343 industries had at the start when the game would spend literally hours trying to find players for a match. Halo is a slower multiplayer experience so it'll be easier to adjust to for new gamers. In COD be prepared to die a lot at first. It's very fast pace and you can easily die in the games. Honestly I've never experienced anything wrong with my Xbox. Once that dropped that insane kinect from the system and put the price at 350 for this holiday season I think it's a good buy. Plus next year the Xbox exclusive quantum break looks great and unique.

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What other first person shooters do people like?

I mainly use my PC these days, so I might not be a lot of help.

Anyway, I'd recommend Bioshock 1, Bioshock Infinite, and Far Cry 3 for their single player experiences. I found Infinite's combat to be disappointing, but it made up for it (to some extent) with a great story. You should get The Orange Box so you can play Portal and Half Life 2.

I personally wouldn't get COD AW, but don't let me hold you back. The positives is that you'll find plenty of multiplayer matches to play, but the COD games have poor single player. It's a lot of money for a game that you'll essentially just play for the multiplayer.

Dark Souls and Telltale's Walking Dead are two of my favourite games, so check them out if you want to.

Also, Skyrim has a lame story, but is very fun.

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What other first person shooters do people like?

I'm a fan of Halo, though I think the multiplayer quality took a nosedive in 4.

I'd recommend Team Fortress 2. It's free on Steam (which is also free), easy to get into, match queues are short, lots and lots of game modes, and it offers a broader range of ways to approach the game than other shooters.

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