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The black sheep of Stark siblings


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Ned, the Starks are usually a wild bunch. Ned really was the one not fitting in.

I think this is actually it. Ned seems the least like the historical Starks we've seen, or at least, differs from how they're portrayed historically. And Robb was also a fair bit like him in terms of being honorable to a fault, marrying Jeyne and executing Karstark.

But the other Stark kids all seem to be, if not wild, then at least ruthless in their own ways. Even Sansa, to an extent, which I think will only grow in the next book.

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I think this is actually it. Ned seems the least like the historical Starks we've seen, or at least, differs from how they're portrayed historically. And Robb was also a fair bit like him in terms of being honorable to a fault, marrying Jeyne and executing Karstark.

But the other Stark kids all seem to be, if not wild, then at least ruthless in their own ways. Even Sansa, to an extent, which I think will only grow in the next book.

They all have the "wolf-blood", like Lyanna and Brandon.

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I can see Rickon growing up to be a complete Blackwolf, stealing girls here and there like a true wildling and ridiculing the kneelers. Upbringing by Osha in Skagos has to mean something.

I can see that. Shaggydog has been described as having wild green eyes (like wildfire, uncontrollable). And several times Rickon's wildness is compared to Shaggydogs. THEN he went to Skagos. I doubt that trip calmed him any. "Come to Skago's for unicorns, cannibalism and to freeze your balls off - the perfect destination for rest and relaxation".

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What does it even mean to be a "black sheep"? Brynden Tully got that name because he went against the word of the family patriarch (Hoster) and didn't do what was most advantageous for the house. It stuck around because he himself endorsed it and even used it as his own personal sigil. He then spends 17 years working for his niece Lysa, and promptly returns to the Riverlands when it is under attack by the Lannisters. I would hardly label him as a "black sheep". Rather as an honorable and caring man, who had a few principles he put before a, for his house non crucial, marriage deal. Would he have acted the same if it was war, and the deal would have meant armed forces for House Tully, we don't know.

Might any of the Stark children become an unruly adult who disputed the word of whoever becomes House hierarch? Sure, Rickon and Arya seems given. Possibly Sansa as if she comes through her current traumatic situation as a strong willed woman. Rickon is the easiest to speculate about since he's too young to really know what kind of person he will be as a young adult.

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Arya probably. Doubt she'll ever go back to being a lady or allow herself to be married off to whoever.

This is a popular idea but I think Sansa might end up being just like this. She will be done with marriage arrangements for her surname of which she has no control over. She spent most of the series in shackles and in the end, she might think of getting the control of her own life and do whatever she wants to do.

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Jon is the one most set up as blacksheep when he volunteers for the NW.

The other siblings are in diaspora and ripped away from each other,

due to consequences out of their control.

I view each of Jon's siblings as on thier own journey, but it was never by choice.

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