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The Blue Knight

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I would like Aegon to sit the Iron Throne, with Arianne as Queen.

I see Jon as warrior King of the North (both sides of the wall) with Val as Queen.

I think Dany should stay in Slaver's Bay and clean that mess up...

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Well that's an obvious one.

Stannis, if he ever gets out of the snow.

He'd be hard, but he'd also be just. Justice is best for the smallfolk, all the "compromisers" are likely to accept various levels of wrongdoing for political or diplomatic reasons. Stannis, he'll geld the rapists and hang the murderers, highborn and low alike.

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No matter who will take the Throne (Stannis/his heir or Jon) I want a split Westeros. Perfectably in 3 Kingdoms. First the North, Vale, Riverlands, Iron Islands and Beyond the Wall. Second Westerlands, the Reach, Crownlands and Stormlands and third the Dorne.

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Stannis-if he was king, I could see LF get his just desserts. I would support him more if he spare Tommen and Myrcella from any harm, those two should not be punish for the actions of their mom.

my stange pick is Shitmouth. His motto would be "At least, I not Joffrey"

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Who I would like?


He is just, no one disputes that. He is also smart, and I think he has gotten more flexible as time has gone on. If he does win the throne, I think it will involve some diplomacy with the North and the Ironborn, which will give him allies and some much needed experience at being nicer to people doesn't like.Unfortunately I believe he will die before this happens, just because it seems highly unlikely he pulls it off. Although wouldn't that be the most unexpected ending of them all? The man who becomes king is... the one who was the rightful king from CoK onward, who nobody believed in. Har!

Who do I think it will be?

Dany or none.

I just can't see the Lannisters keeping the throne, Stannis will die, Aegon came way too late for him to be the end king, Euron has no chance, and the Others will force Westeros to unite. Dany seems too obvious to most people, but I think Martin is making the point that might makes right, and Dany is finally getting a leash on Drogon. Dragons unified Westeros once, and only dragons can do it again.

Would love to see Jon on the throne, though.

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