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Who does best as a smallfolk?

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Arya because she not only has honed those survival skills so well.

But also due to her ability to befriend characters high or low born.

She doesn't seem to discriminate in that respect.

Gendry, Hot Pie and Arya


This ability to not be intimidated by the powerful (Tywin,Joffrey, etc),

while also not looking down on the commoner (Mycah, Hot Pie, etc),

is a favorite theme of her character for me.

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Stannis would jump off a cliff

The serious answer is that Stannis would probably be a bailiff in some backwater Stormland village.

The fun answer is that he would become a smuggler and go on wacky smuggler adventures with Davos.

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Varys would say Aegon, but I call bullshit on that because the smallfolk usually don't have a master at arms, a maester and a septa

I think Arya takes the cake, since almost everything that Varys said about Aegon applies to her

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Are most smallfolk in Westeros even free enough for their personalities to matter? I thought in the middle age Europe, although there were independent farmers and townspeople depending on the region, most of the commoners were serfs tied to their lord's lands. Therefore, I kind of assumed that the rights that Aegon V tried to give the smallfolk were the rights to move around and take up trades and professions, and that those rights were cancelled after Summerhall. Is there anything else Egg could have been doing?

Obviously, in the disruption caused by the war of the five kings people can move around and do stuff.

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Now for the others ...

Cersei would be a prostitute. She seems like the type of person who would use sex as a bartering tool.

All of the Targaryens be would be shepherds in the Valyrian hills.

Gregor and Ramsay would start their own Bandit Brotherhood.

Oberyn would be the commander of an Essosi sellsword company.

Tyrion would be a Maester or a Septon.

Sansa would marry a HedgeKnight, a swornsword, or (if she's lucky) a holdfast knight. If she's really lucky than her husband will be given a landed estate of his own after the fact.

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Dany has shown strong evidence that she would be ok without highborn status

Very true. Not only is her main desire just a house with a red door, when she was younger she told Viserys she wanted to be a fisherman, and she was happy living with the Dothraki.
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Very true. Not only is her main desire just a house with a red door, when she was younger she told Viserys she wanted to be a fisherman, and she was happy living with the Dothraki.

I never even thought of those things,thats even more evidence. I was just thinking about how she has so much charisma and charm that a lot of people would like her regardless of her birth status. The Dothraki seemed to respect her unlike Viserys.

I think Robert would be okay in a similar way, people just seem to genuinely like him.

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Remember that episode of Sabrina when Libby was making fun of her for joining the Science Club and called her a nerd? Then Sabrina turned Libby into a nerd so she would experience the bullying but it backfired because Libby was a dictator in any kind of universe and she made the nerds cool and they made fun of Sabrina for being not nerdy enough?

Tywin would be the same.

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The nobles who during any interaction with a peasant immediately retreat into "I'm your superior, so blah blah blah" would be the first to go.

The nobles who really know who to talk to people without immediately falling back into their superior status should be alright.

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Remember that episode of Sabrina when Libby was making fun of her for joining the Science Club and called her a nerd? Then Sabrina turned Libby into a nerd so she would experience the bullying but it backfired because Libby was a dictator in any kind of universe and she made the nerds cool and they made fun of Sabrina for being not nerdy enough?

Tywin would be the same.

Not sure I follow (I haven't seen Sabrina) but I agree Tywin would dominate anything.

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Arya could do well as a thief, spy or cutthroat

Except no, because despite what a lot of people seem to think, Arya is not defined by how many people she's killed or how good she is at it. If we disregard all that she's been through as an exiled noble girl, why would she need to kill anyone in the first place? Why would she end up killing professionally? She'd probably work on a ship, as she enjoyed being on Titan's Daughter and briefly wondered if they'd have her. Arya is the most adaptable character in the series, she'd probably be good at most things.

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