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Dating 25, It's Not You, It's Me

Kelli Fury

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I feel so sorry for any habitual over-apologizers. I'm afraid to tell you that I've also had some problems with this behaviour in the past, but after working on my self esteem lately I only occasionally do it nowadays. I hope that you won't judge me too harshly for wasting your time by telling you my experiences, and apologize profusely for any inconvenience I might have caused.

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I apologize a lot when walking to people as well; it's a really terrible habit more than anything for me.

But when you're standing still, you're less likely to apologize? Well, that's positive, unless your social interactions mostly happen when walking.

I'm sorry for making fun of your typo.

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The only thing worse than apologizing is accidentally saying "I love you" to strangers.

When I had to call the waste management office in my city to order a new recycling bin I had a long unnecessarily confusing conversation and then at the end, I don't know what I was thinking,I hung up with "Ok thanks I love you"

And I told my brother's fiance I loved her when we were doing laundry once. I just blurted it out as I left the room. Awkward, I turned around and laughed and said ..."ahhhh, you know. heheh see ya!"

But the worst was in the drive through at White Castle at 2AM, I was getting some fish bites - don't judge okay - and when the person gave me the total and told me to drive around I said "ok, thanks, I love you" and he said "uhh, I love you too" I was like, well, I have to drive around, I do want those fish bites. Shiiiit.

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HAHAHAH I ALMOST SAID THAT TO SOMEONE TODAY some guy in one of my classes i get along really well with, was waiting for our exam and he went "ok good luck!" as he walked to his seat and I WAS SO CLOSE to just saying "ok love you" WTF so funny you brought that up - i couldn't believe i almost said it lmao i heart was beating like crazy afterwards due to embarrassment

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I've told many a fast food cashier to enjoy their meals as well (also box office cashiers with regard to enjoying the movie), and in second grade I called my teacher 'mom' by accident (still haunts my dreams) but telling some randomer you love them sounds so much worse :lol:

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Ordos- I don't know where you live but it is extremely unlikely she can say no house no divorce. Also, it would be really really shitty of you to give her a house your parents are gifting to you without them being okay with it (in their case, I would not be. You do need to see a lawyer, like now. But a possible solution is to see if your parents could make your daughter the owner of the house with you guys holding it in trust for her as a minor. That way it is available to your daughter without her mother being able to sell it and run off with the cash.

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Advice noted.

On another issue (I hope I can make a few people laugh here), when my wife comes home late long past the hour she told me she would arrive, here is what I say:

I remove my wrist watch and hold it over my shoulder and say 'A little bird here is telling me you are a liar'

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First of all you don't know all the circumstances which I won't get into.

I don't mind the odd hours. Just be honest with me as to when instead of keeping me waiting and worrying. Cellphone? She doesn't answer it or keeps changing her time.

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If it's an issue of her having agreed to be home to look after your child while you go somewhere, that's fair enough. Otherwise, though, it just seems kind of petty and passive aggressive. You're getting a divorce (and from the sounds of that she's probably got a boyfriend) and so long as she's doing her share with looking after the kid(s), she doesn't have to answer to you about where she's going or when she'll be back.

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If it's an issue of her having agreed to be home to look after your child while you go somewhere, that's fair enough. Otherwise, though, it just seems kind of petty and passive aggressive. You're getting a divorce (and from the sounds of that she's probably got a boyfriend) and so long as she's doing her share with looking after the kid(s), she doesn't have to answer to you about where she's going or when she'll be back.

That's mostly fair what you say. But only because I have already resigned myself that I'm not in love with my wife anymore. So yes, at this point she does not have me to answer to. The other way around also. However she also did this earlier in our marriage when I actually still cared about her. I'm not making the watch comment anymore. That was earlier in our marriage when I still expected better of her.

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I don't think it's going to be useful to try to take sides here, in a divorce between two total strangers, when we only hear one very biased perspective from the person in the thick of it. I've no doubt Ordos is probably dealing with enough accountability for his part in this relationship not working out, as he is also no doubt dealing with the inevitability of the divorce at this point. I think, if he wants to vent about her, it's going to be harmless here. We don't know his soon-to-be ex-wife. We don't know what that marriage was like.

For my part, Ordos that story wasn't very funny only because it was just sad. And I mean hurting-sad, not pathetic-sad. I feel for you. Divorce is painful.

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I'm also a person who overapologizes for everything. I'm also guilty of telling the cashier to "enjoy your meal as well" or "you enjoy the movie too", etc. I don't tell people in person that I love them, but since I really only talk to my wife or mother/father on the phone, I sometimes find myself ending calls with "I love you" even when I'm not talking to those 3 people. I did it with a client once....:(


I agree with the others. Don't just give the house away. It sounds like you're being a pushover. I understand you can be eager to get out of an unhappy marriage, but that shouldn't mean settling for less than you deserve. I also think that it would be rude to give the house to her when it is your parent's house...they deserve their say in it. Your wife can't keep you in a marriage, it would be much cheaper for you to simply initiate divorce proceedings and continue with our without her consent. I like Kay Fury's idea of giving the house to your daughter. So long as you don't think your wife would bully her into signing it over to her.

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I don't think Ordos should give his house to anyone. He also should not let his parents change title on the house until after he is divorced.

If he lives in a community property state, his wife will get 1/2 the house by default upon divorce if his parents change title before they are divorced.

Once he starts paying child support and/or alimony, he may not be able to afford a decent place to live anymore, and may need that house to live in.

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I don't think Ordos should give his house to anyone. He also should not let his parents change title on the house until after he is divorced.

If he lives in a community property state, his wife will get 1/2 the house by default upon divorce if his parents change title before they are divorced.

Once he starts paying child support and/or alimony, he may not be able to afford a decent place to live anymore, and may need that house to live in.

In my country, divorce proceedings are both simple and complicated. Technically both parties can go to a lawyer, sign a document and the divorce is done. However all of the properties and child custody and support are decided on a case by case basis in or out of court. It's not all in one package. So today there will be a negotiation with the ex for the refrigerator and tomorrow for the TV. You may even agree to keep things in joint ownership. The exception to this rule is if there was a prenuptial agreement.

My parents have been divorced for three years and there are still things they own jointly that they are disputing over. The only reason there is no tug of war for my house is because they agree it should be given to me, their son.

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