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Make 10 Predictions for Season 6


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High sparrow is shown helping people and being generally a nice guy, this is true. But when we see members of this cult they are shown disturbing public peace and destroying property. Also arrest royalty for being gay. This shows the HS doesn't really have control over his fanatics or is just putting on a show. If common thiefs would throw people out of brothels and destroy property wouldn't they get punished by the gold cloaks? Here nobody does anything. What gives fanatics in robes special protection?


The book version is a lot milder then this. And still Mace Tyrell  leaves the Siege of Storm's End after hearing Margaery got imprisoned. In the show the militant is a lot more evil and aggressive. And nobody does anything to stop them. Poor Tyrells with their multiple thousands of armored and trained soldiers. Can't even protect Loras from a bunch of religious fanatics armed with clubs and clad in robes. Pathetic.

I think I need to keep repeating myself here. The Sparrows have the support of the people, and nobody wants to be seen to be taking up arms against those who seem to speak for the gods. Its that simple. Its in the show. 

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High sparrow is shown helping people and being generally a nice guy, this is true. But when we see members of this cult they are shown disturbing public peace and destroying property. Also arrest royalty for being gay. This shows the HS doesn't really have control over his fanatics or is just putting on a show. If common thiefs would throw people out of brothels and destroy property wouldn't they get punished by the gold cloaks? Here nobody does anything. What gives fanatics in robes special protection?


The book version is a lot milder then this. And still Mace Tyrell  leaves the Siege of Storm's End after hearing Margaery got imprisoned. In the show the militant is a lot more evil and aggressive. And nobody does anything to stop them. Poor Tyrells with their multiple thousands of armored and trained soldiers. Can't even protect Loras from a bunch of religious fanatics armed with clubs and clad in robes. Pathetic.

You simply don't know what yo are talking about. The scenes with HS and HS and Olenna clearly demonstrate this. You are even defeating your own argument here. The fact that the Gold Cloaks and the Tyrell army can't do anything also clearly shows the HS have the support of the common people. You ask "What gives fanatics in robes special protection?" The supprt of the masses gives them protection. You are not even making sense at this point. 

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Ned prays at the Godswood.

and Cat in the sept before Renly's murder. The man the Hound robbed was clearly religious, talking of the Frey's affront to the Gods, as is Brienne, just from the way she talks.

So the people are giving protection to criminals? Nice.

Yes, yes they are. And so is King Tommen indirectly. It was "his" (Cersei's) decree that legitimized the fanatics, making them protected by the crown. As long as Tommen does not command the Gold Cloaks to stop them they will not. And we saw what Tommen was willing to do...
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1. Sansa & Theon head for the wall but run into either Vale forces or forces lead by a combination of Manderly/Umber/Tully in support of Rickon.

2. Jon Snow is revived.

3. R+L = J revealed

4. We are introduced to Sam's family, most importantly his father.

5. The Ironborne come back and we are introduced to Euron.

6. The Wall comes down

7. The Sparrows are murdered by Frankengregor (You can't say that a man who once killed children and raped their mother while still covered in the children's brains has enough morals to not kill people who support the gods. He didn't have morals when he was alive, he damn sure ain't going to have them while possibly undead.) The sparrows will learn the difference in weapon of sword and weapon of word.

8. Brienne kills Ramsay as he hunts Sansa and Theon

9. Blackfish, The Freys, and Edmund return

10. It is revealed that Brandon the builder was a greenseer 


Bonus: We learn that there is something of importance deep within the Winterfell Crypts

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1. Jon gets resurrected by Melisandre

2. There will be no trials, at least not for Cersei

3. The high sparrow will get killed

4. Cersei will demand Trystane's head

5. Dorne will rise against the crown

6. The northerners will rise against Boltons

7. Roose and Ramsay will die

8. Daenerys will return to Meereen with the dothraki

9. Daenerys will sail to Westeros

10. The white walkers will reach the wall.

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1. Jon gets resurrected by Melisandre

2. There will be no trials, at least not for Cersei

3. The high sparrow will get killed

4. Cersei will demand Trystane's head

5. Dorne will rise against the crown

6. The northerners will rise against Boltons

7. Roose and Ramsay will die

8. Daenerys will return to Meereen with the dothraki

9. Daenerys will sail to Westeros

10. The white walkers will reach the wall.

2. I really think there will be a trial for Cersei. Sh will call for a trial by combat and be represented by Gregorstein

10. I think the WW figure out a way to either get past the wall or break it.

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Or maybe it will be a total surprise:

1. Having killed all human life north of the wall the White Walkers go home and aren't seen again for another 8,000 years.
2. The Dothraki bring Daenerys to Vaes Dothrak where she lives the rest of her days as a crone.
3. Jon Snow is and stays dead.
4. Tyrion takes over Quentyn's role, releases the dragons and gets burned.
5. Drogon picks up his siblings and the leave for Ass'hai
6. Having learned that Myranda died Ramsay kills himself.
7. Fat Walda gives birth to a healthy boy. Roose names him Robb and they live happily ever after in Winterfell
8. Theon, Sansa, Brienne and Pod die from the mushrooms Pod picked.
9. Melisandre decides to take a live-long walk of shame
10. Doran Martell contacts Worf who kills Littlefinger, Varys, Loras, Cersei and the High Septon.
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Ned prays at the Godswood.


So does Sansa. She is also shown praying in the Blackwater episode with the other noble ladies right before leading them in singing a hymn ( and I am thinking most intelligent people recognize that a hymn usually refers to a religious song) . Catelyn is shown praying for Bran's recovery in season one an hanging what is clearly a religious symbol above his bed.

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I'm certainly not suggesting that, I'm just saying I think it would be weird to eliminate all of the immediate antagonists from her story when there's still a season left to cover. Obviously I have no idea what Sansa's season 6/7 storyline will involve, but if The Boltons & Littlefinger are taken out and she winds up with Winterfell, support from The North & The Vale I don't know what's left for her to do other than sit in Winterfell and rebuild.

Sansa's moves in the North related to the Boltons and LF are set-up for the endgame, not the endgame itself. The final fights - for the throne and against the WW and possibly the dragons remains. Sansa is being set up in the story to be at the very least a major power broker in the final stages. Her antagonists will not be Boltons or LF, but the Lannisters, Euron maybe, WW killing all her people, etc.
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Sansa's moves in the North related to the Boltons and LF are set-up for the endgame, not the endgame itself. The final fights - for the throne and against the WW and possibly the dragons remains. Sansa is being set up in the story to be at the very least a major power broker in the final stages. Her antagonists will not be Boltons or LF, but the Lannisters, Euron maybe, WW killing all her people, etc.


Do you really think that Sansa's endgame is her taking on The Lannisters (like, how would she do that beyond sending assassins to kill them or just starting another war that she doesn't have the means to fight), Euron Greyjoy (possible that the Iron Born prove to be a threat to the mainland, but not so much so that they could be introduced in the penultimate book/season as her "endgame", there's just not enough buildup or significance) or with the WW arriving as the primary threat (there's nothing in there for her to do other than just hold out and hope the WW don't kill them all).


From where I'm sitting, George has put her at direct odds (eventually) with Littlefinger and his 'empire'. He will build her up and either be blind to an external threat that will cost him his hold on the game- which will be deadly for both of them, or she will cast him down for his previous crimes, taking back what is hers (Winterfell/The North/her identity) with it. I really can't imagine him resolving all of these issues and THEN introduce another threat for her to resolve as her "endgame". Sansa has nothing to her name at the moment. Littlefinger can provide an army and support, and for the moment (season 5's fuckups aside) their goals are the same- take back The North.


Again, I think both Littlefinger and The Boltons are going down in season 6, but I doubt I'm going to be happy with it.


I'm not trying to be argumentative for the sake of it, I'm really am curious about how people (well- you, since we're the only ones having this discussion :)) think her story is going to play out in the final 2 seasons/books.

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Do you really think that Sansa's endgame is her taking on The Lannisters (like, how would she do that beyond sending assassins to kill them or just starting another war that she doesn't have the means to fight), Euron Greyjoy (possible that the Iron Born prove to be a threat to the mainland, but not so much so that they could be introduced in the penultimate book/season as her "endgame", there's just not enough buildup or significance) or with the WW arriving as the primary threat (there's nothing in there for her to do other than just hold out and hope the WW don't kill them all).
From where I'm sitting, George has put her at direct odds (eventually) with Littlefinger and his 'empire'. He will build her up and either be blind to an external threat that will cost him his hold on the game- which will be deadly for both of them, or she will cast him down for his previous crimes, taking back what is hers (Winterfell/The North/her identity) with it. I really can't imagine him resolving all of these issues and THEN introduce another threat for her to resolve as her "endgame". Sansa has nothing to her name at the moment. Littlefinger can provide an army and support, and for the moment (season 5's fuckups aside) their goals are the same- take back The North.
Again, I think both Littlefinger and The Boltons are going down in season 6, but I doubt I'm going to be happy with it.
I'm not trying to be argumentative for the sake of it, I'm really am curious about how people (well- you, since we're the only ones having this discussion :)) think her story is going to play out in the final 2 seasons/books.

We can only predict the final stages when the pieces are in place. Which they are not.

WW attack, plague and Dany's arrival are major game changers. My point is simply that LF and the Boltons are part of the CURRENT game, not the next phase. as such these threads will be wrapped up in the next book/season, not the final one.
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No, I do. The sparrow cult are portrayed as criminals. They should have no protection, especially not from the smallfolk.

did you watch the show? It really sounds like you don't know what you are talking about. I will spell it out for you again more clearly:

It is a monarchy. Tommen is the King. The King decides what is legal and what is not. The Faith Militant was created by ROYAL DECREE. Therefore they are not criminals until Tommen outlaws them again. Which he has not done. To be a criminal is to go against the law and Tommen is the law and he (Cersei) signed them into legitimacy. When the Faith raided brothels etc. they did so with Cersei's complicity.

Now that the Lannisters know what a fuck up that was it is too late because the city is swarming with them and they have shown the King, who noone loves anyway, to be toothless.
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did you watch the show? It really sounds like you don't know what you are talking about. I will spell it out for you again more clearly:

It is a monarchy. Tommen is the King. The King decides what is legal and what is not. The Faith Militant was created by ROYAL DECREE. Therefore they are not criminals until Tommen outlaws them again. Which he has not done. To be a criminal is to go against the law and Tommen is the law and he (Cersei) signed them into legitimacy. When the Faith raided brothels etc. they did so with Cersei's complicity.

Now that the Lannisters know what a fuck up that was it is too late because the city is swarming with them and they have shown the King, who noone loves anyway, to be toothless.


Oh god. You talk like having a decree makes you immune to physical harm. This is the show were people get killed on a wedding. And you are telling me this cult can do whatever they want in the capital city? There is no divine force shielding them from the Tyrells, Lannisters and the goldcloaks. They are armed with clubs and clad in robes. It would be so easy for this to make sense. Just cut out the scenes where they rampage through KL. And only leave the scenes where they help the smallfolk instead. Also make them release Loras and Margaery when confronted by Olenna. Easy. Now you don't have your audience wondering how a cult gets away with this. But I forgot. Religion = evil. D&D are so progressive.

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Oh god. You talk like having a decree makes you immune to physical harm. This is the show were people get killed on a wedding. And you are telling me this cult can do whatever they want in the capital city? There is no divine force shielding them from the Tyrells, Lannisters and the goldcloaks. They are armed with clubs and clad in robes. It would be so easy for this to make sense. Just cut out the scenes where they rampage through KL. And only leave the scenes where they help the smallfolk instead. Also make them release Loras and Margaery when confronted by Olenna. Easy. Now you don't have your audience wondering how a cult gets away with this. But I forgot. Religion = evil. D&D are so progressive.

You are either arguing for the sake of it now or you simply do not understand the programme you are pretending to watch.

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