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Cyberpunk 2078


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An oddity I noticed the other day, and I'm curious if others have seen this too - when in my car, there's a very, very slight reflection of the back of the car, no matter what the vehicle might be, when driving, and it doesn't seem to matter if the roads are dry or wet, either. Looking through my screenshots of pre-2.0 CP77, none of them seemed to include this graphical feature/artefact, either. 

Has anyone else noticed this? 

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12 hours ago, Ran said:

Oof. Haven't heard of that one, but I saw one reviewer mentioned he once (just once) got a weird glitch that for some reason teleported him into a place he couldn't get out of. There may be some very rare clipping issues or something.

Reddit helped me out. Had to lower all settings to boost fps to max, and was able to not fall thru the elevator floor. A bit annoying, but so far really enjoying this game. Waaaaay better than my last-gen Xbox experience with it at launch which was just hot trash.

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8 hours ago, IlyaP said:

An oddity I noticed the other day, and I'm curious if others have seen this too - when in my car, there's a very, very slight reflection of the back of the car, no matter what the vehicle might be, when driving

Do you mean from the third person or first person POV? I checked last night and didn't notice anything like that, and I find the first person POV too constricting in most cars and never really use it. Still, it'd make sense if in some lighting they decided to have your window faintly reflect the interior of the car.

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2 hours ago, Ran said:

Do you mean from the third person or first person POV? I checked last night and didn't notice anything like that, and I find the first person POV too constricting in most cars and never really use it. Still, it'd make sense if in some lighting they decided to have your window faintly reflect the interior of the car.

From the third person, aye. 

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Another awesome mini-detail I love - there are now, at night, roaming bands of gangs shooting it out with cars. 

And Maelstrom is now putting up roadblocks in various places with burning cars too.

Like, if you thought you'd miss out by doing fast travel before, holy crap are you missing out now. 

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Finished the prologue section with the corporate background but man is this a graphically demanding game! With maxed out settings and path tracing enabled along with dlss balanced I’m averaging 40 fps at 1440p with a 3080, the only game I couldn’t max out at 60+ fps in the last year or two.

Edited by Ser Rodrigo Belmonte II
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3 minutes ago, Ser Rodrigo Belmonte II said:

Finished the prologue section with the corporate background but man is this a graphically demanding game! With maxed out settings and path tracing enabled along with dlss balanced I’m averaging 40 fps at 1440p with a 3080, the only game I couldn’t max out at 60+ fps in the last year or two.

You may find this guide from Hardware Unboxed for graphics tweaks that only reduce the visuals a little bit, but which will provide an FPS boost:


@Kalnak the Magnificent Came across my first of those street car fights recently, pretty much right after I got my first armed car (a freebie you'll run into when doing another quest). And a bunch of the blockades, which are actually kind of annoying the tenth time the fastest path to my next mission goes through them.

I'm now level 24 or so, and the build is basically complete in essence, and everything that follows is just going to maximize it. It's pretty sick, being able to Sandevistan in, throw a knife to headshot someone, pick the knife up and headshot the next person, etc. and have the last body hit the ground only after the slowdown wears out. Plus, you know, katana for any stragglers. Now have Air Dash + double jump and the mobility is absolutely nuts, like it was back in the early days before they patched the ability to use Kelenzikov to mash forward and leap huge distances in a single bound.

Spoilers for story and new, non-PL content:


For those wanting the free car, you'll encounter it when doing the Delamain quest -- I believe it was the car in Northside, it basically passes right through a warehouse where this car is just sitting there, and Johnny calls you over. I'd suggest waiting for the Delamain mission to finish before actually going to colelct it, though. The car is a homage to the late rally driver Ken Block.

Rushed through to try and save Evelyn again in Disasterpiece, and by that point I was already able to skip parts of what made it difficult in my previous runs because I could super-dash around to get in without being noticed for much of it.


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I did a bunch more last night, nearly finished act 2 in the main story and started PL. The Sasquatch fight was quite difficult with my netrunner build, think it took about 10 or so tries which is certainly a step up from before. No comment on the fight itself but also found the first big one in PL quite challenging.

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7 hours ago, Ran said:

You may find this guide from Hardware Unboxed for graphics tweaks that only reduce the visuals a little bit, but which will provide an FPS boost:

@Kalnak the Magnificent


Oh I can get 60+ if I turn down RT even in the slightest and put off path tracing,but I’m a sucker for beautiful ray tracing in games and damn does that look great in cyberpunk!

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Continued with PL tonight and definitely feeling the difficulty increase. Maybe netrunner wasn't the best choice, either I'm missing some cyberware that will make the whole thing come together or I'm just paying it wrong but any fight I can't take down from the shadows is a real struggle.

PL very slight non story spoiler


The first boss fight absolutely wrecked my shit. Think it took 3 hours of attempts with a save point literally at the start of the boss fight. Think it was more attempts than a lot of the bosses on my first elden ring run before I knew what I was doing.

Not as many the hard ones though lol.

I think I need to put some points into body as I'm dying far too easy now, guess it's the old "level vigor" lesson.

One of the gigs I've done in Dogtown even had a boss fight harder than anything in the base game pre 2.0

ETA: extra details in spoiler box

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I'm level 37 and ... uh, still fairly early in Act 2:


Panam just contacted me to help her with saving Saul, Takemura just contacted me with his plan to save Hanako at the parade by sneaking onto the float in the Arasaka warehouse, Judy just checked in on me to see if I've tracked down Evelyn's employers [I said no, but teeeechnically, Mr. Hands has told me where to find them, I just haven't gotten to Pacifica yet). 

I'm terribly over-leveled, 20 Body, 20 reflex, three level 20 perks in those trees, and even fighting with Skippy (a weapon I don't even have any perks related to) makes NCPD fights trivial, when I pop Sandevistan and Bloodpump as needed. It's pretty crazy, even with the scaling.

I find I'm jut really bad staying focused on the task of getting through the main missions.


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You're at a very similar point to me when I decided to start PL. I headed to Pacifica at 35 and went in as soon as I got the call because I was worried I was getting over level or something as well, I was also melting the gigs and scanner hustles elsewhere. It changed quickly lol.

Gigs wise I've done all of Reggie's and Wakako's but nothing else and haven't even finished all the scanner ones in Watson.

I suspect your build is going to have an easier time than mine though.

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17 minutes ago, IlyaP said:

So don't do the PL storyline until around level 40 or so? And have a more guns and swords-focused build, rather than net running? 

If they're scaling with the level it might not matter, but I think I'd do the GIM earlier in future as I'm pretty sure scaling made that harder lol. 

Net runner is probably fine but not so much all in on stealth as well with 3 body. I did watch a video of someone else beating the thing I struggled on very hard as well that had a much easier time than me, they were 52 so maybe more levels would be helping there. Or maybe it's my cyberware. I literally wasn't able to do the hack sequence they used.

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The time variance between doing gigs with the fastest approach vs any other approach can be huge haha. The Regina gig in SW Watson rescuing the guy from the TC dojo normally takes me about 2 minutes, but I didn't have the body or tech levels to get the right door open this time so had to stealth through the whole thing (which is laid out so you literally have to go through the entire building to get there) and once you factor in reloads after screwing up and getting spotted etc I think it took over 30 minutes. Which is fine, just explains how you can really zoom when you know them well lol.

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24 minutes ago, IlyaP said:

I wonder if someone's figured out, like, the fastest way to power level...

XP progression is significantly faster than pre 2.0 imo. Gigs used to give a lot less than main quests but I think they give similar xp now so it really can go quickly.

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