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Newcomb Part I

Daedalus V2.0

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Ah, yes. A good example of the Comb's one adverb per verb, one adjective per noun rule.

A couple notes in general:

1. While I like the nickname of "The Comb" for our new hero punching bag, I don't think the name packs the same amount of power when you guys simply say "the Comb" as opposed to saying "The Comb". Kinda like how people in Columbus insist on calling it "THE Ohio State University" as opposed to simply saying, "Ohio State" like the rest of the world. The capitalized "The" lends an air of assumed arrogance that may or may not be justified, thus it's much more fun to say. :P

2. While the general rule about trolling is a good one and should be adhered to at all times, has anyone tried to question any of these, these, abominations over at the "official" site? You know, engage in a dialogue? Without a proper M*-like figure, there thread as a whole, while fun, lacks teeth. You know what I mean? :P

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I was reading one of Duke Newcomb's sample chapters online, and it took place in some Romanesque council meeting. And guess what was on the roof of the turqouise-walled chamber? Lead skylights. I'm really interested in the Duke's house now; there must be skylights in every room.

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Goodkind is a LOT better than this guy.

I dont know... much of the fun with the Yeard stems from the fact that the man himself is a nutcase. I havent seen anything yet from nuke'um that's up to par with taries views on democracy and spaghetti.

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Thank you.

You're welcome.

I dont know... much of the fun with the Yeard stems from the fact that the man himself is a nutcase. I havent seen anything yet from nuke'um that's up to par with taries views on democracy and spaghetti.

I have to agree. It seems that Tairy's writing skillz may trump The Comb's (bearly), but Tairy's disgusting philosophy coupled with his undeserved uber-arrogance catapult him well past The Comb in the horrible race.

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The publisher is as arrogant as Goodkind in the case of Newcomb's works. On Amazon, it's description says that this trashbook is in GRRM's camp of realistic fantasy. That's not only very wrong, but quite, quite arrogant. I think I've seen another description saying that Newcomb is at the level of Goodkind, Jordan, and Martin. Goodkind, it's debatable. Jordan, hell no. Martin? Fucking hell no.

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So, we're gonna get Tristan/Narissa porn soon? :stunned:

No. Newcomb only graphically describes sex with the evil people. Tristan's sex scenes amount to "They had sex. They both enjoyed it a lot." unless a sorceress is raping him.

ETA: XRay: I agree. The new nickname is Duke Newcomb, or The Duke for short.

Atreides: This book has "Epic Fantasy of the Year!" Splased across the cover and states that he's the best thing to come to fantasy since Goodkind, while likening him to Martin. Del Ray outdid their usual overhype for this book; in my opinion, they outright lied.

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Well, here comes more of The Duke's work. Our heroes, still pretending to be drugged, are walking trough the Recluse. They arrive at the Stables, which seems to me to be rediculously opulent. There's tons of food and wine, plush furnature, and dozens of lithe and virtually naked young slaves cavorting around having sex and such. In the middle is the world's largens Bong, filled to bursting with an equivalent to crack cocaine. The slaves are all very happy, presumably due to the combination of sex, food, alcohol and cocaine. Then, a blue fireball comes out of nowhere and the chapter ends.

5 pages long, a cliffhanger ending and virtually no significance to the story. The Duke just hit an all-time low.

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Screw you naysayers: Duke Newcomb is the greatest nickname since we first coined "Yeard."

I agree. :thumbsup:

No. Newcomb only graphically describes sex with the evil people. Tristan's sex scenes amount to "They had sex. They both enjoyed it a lot." unless a sorceress is raping him.

That's so unfair. :tantrum:

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Turn back while you can. Please. I stumbled upon The Fifth Sorceress in an airport, looking for something to read on a six hour plane ride, and in a strange fit of utter insanity decided after the train wreck/orgy/Goodkind-fest that was the first few chapters that I'd started it and had nothing else to do for the next few hours, so I might as well finish it. It was not one of the best decisions I've ever made, to say the least.

Wow. That's almost word for word I how became afflicted with the knowledge of what lies within that book. And once I started it I had to keep reading to see just how bad it really was.

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