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The Zombie Apocalypse

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That and I'm sure that PETA will be complaining about your zombie experiments and how it's "cruel to zombies" and "zombies are people too." Damn PETA.

We are not animals, we are human be... er... undead beings!

Look, we may be zombies, but we don't want to have anything to do with PETA. Those folks are just wacky.

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New Mexico is a fairly secure place to store the package. We would just need to take him to the Southeast region of the state. There are massive caves there for shelter, the water is some of the purest to be found anywhere, it's a great place for agriculture, the populace is heavily armed, there's plenty of game, there are many vantage points that allow a great view of the surrounding terrain, and there are very few people to be found anywhere in the vicinity. If you need to hole up and wait out a Zombie Apocalypse, it's a good place. Hell, the 1980's has been fairly well preserved there, so it has to be a good spot. Plus, I am from there, so I know the terrain and the local dialect, food, and customs.

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The flamethrower might not be as useful as hoped, unless the zombies in question have a fear of fire. Which some may, all depends upon the type of zombie. And the bludgeoning object will probably perform better in the hands of someone who is inexperienced than a sword, especially a katana which takes a fair amount of training to properly wield. But I'm not giving up my sword. I've had training, so I'll be aiight.

Speaking of, where's Balefont? We need to get her in on this to help train our anti-zombie forces in the ways of the ninjas.

It shall be the duty of BWB Northeast members to capture any and all PETA supporters. We can use them as bait.

Seconded. For once in their lives, PETA supporters will be useful. They should be proud.

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The flamethrower might not be as useful as hoped, unless the zombies in question have a fear of fire.

Keep the flamethrower. It will be useful for sterilizing the remains. Can't have the pathogen using rats or fleas to jump from the bodies.

Look, we may be zombies, but we don't want to have anything to do with PETA. Those folks are just wacky.

Hey man, free brains. All you have to do is hold still while I reload.

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Keep the flamethrower. It will be useful for sterilizing the remains. Can't have the pathogen using rats or fleas to jump from the bodies.

This is true, the last thing we want is for rats and dogs and other scavengers to eat the remains of zombies and become zombified scavengers, potentially further spreading the zombie disease.

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I've said it before and my opinion hasn't changed - sign me up for the Zombie bandwagon.

Think about it for a second. When the Apocalypse hits, the amount of effort it takes just to survive will be phenomenal. Fleeing the hordes during the initial outbreak. Finding an empty mall and/or spooky house to hole up in. All that running.

Then there's the disparate band of survivors you'll no doubt find yourself with. The Pregnant Lady. How the fuck she survived nobody knows, but now her feet are sore and her water just broke. The Criminal. Sure he looks like a nice, helpful guy at first, but he's probably a rapist/murderer, or an escaped con. The Argumentative Asshole, the one that has to dispute every single sensible decision you make. The Pet Owner. Just try and suggest eating his/her cute little dog, and watch them get all upset.

All that effort and work. Ugh. No thanks. Take me to Brains City, please.

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I've said it before and my opinion hasn't changed - sign me up for the Zombie bandwagon.

*shoots Brady in the face with .00 buckshot*

Anyone else wanna sign up for the zombie bandwagon?

The Pregnant Lady.

She can keep George company in the cave.

The Criminal.


The Argumentative Asshole.

Suicide mission.

The Pet Owner.

Will inevitably be eaten by their zombified pet. Comic relief.

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I've said it before and my opinion hasn't changed - sign me up for the Zombie bandwagon.

Think about it for a second. When the Apocalypse hits, the amount of effort it takes just to survive will be phenomenal. Fleeing the hordes during the initial outbreak. Finding an empty mall and/or spooky house to hole up in. All that running.

You forgot the pub. That is where I'll be headed when Apocalypse Z break.

"Can I get any of you c*nts a drink?"

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I suppose the upside of the Zombie Apocalypse is that the Exercise and Fitness thread will really take off.

"Got a great workout today. I ran for ten miles, fleeing a horde of zombies. Got a good upper body workout as well when I had to fight some of them off with a chainsaw."

"No no no. The chainsaw is a horrible way to tone your upper body. You should be using a wood-axe, it will really tone your arms and give your abs a good workout."

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So the real question then is, in the Zombapocalypse, will the Zombies be slow Zombies or fast and agile Zombies? Both are terrifying, of course, but I need to figure out how I should be splitting between strength and speed training.

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I suppose the upside of the Zombie Apocalypse is that the Exercise and Fitness thread will really take off.

"Got a great workout today. I ran for ten miles, fleeing a horde of zombies. Got a good upper body workout as well when I had to fight some of them off with a chainsaw."

"No no no. The chainsaw is a horrible way to tone your upper body. You should be using a wood-axe, it will really tone your arms and give your abs a good workout."

I am going to need the Zombie Apocalypse then. I will be one ripped bitch!

And here in Utah, many people have food storage rooms in their homes. I will just shoot them and take the food. Later I will meet up with you guys and George and the pregnant lady.

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@K26dp you can't fool us with you sly talk of a peaceful coexistence when "its a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains."

I believe that the primary responsibility of the Arizona and Texas chapters of the BWB will be to rescue one George R.R. Martin in New Mexico, along with his word processor and take them to a secure location. The Arizonans are all armed, and can make good time on our motorcycles. I shall be packing a 12 gauge shotgun in a molle case, a large calibre handgun in a hip holster, a broadsword on the opposite hip, and I'll have to fashion a way to mount my pole-axe on the bike.

California? Canada? Northeast? UK?- join the resistance.

I have a 9 mil for to handle the living roving human gangs. I can also bring my 9 foot boar spear which will make a deadly combination with your poleaxe. I can spear them and hold them in place while your use your poleaxe to bash their heads in. I suggest we use k26dp as a practice dummy to get our timing right before the actual attack starts

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What's up with this? It used to be I was the one who started the zombie invasion threads around Halloween time every year. I've been doing it since 2005! Now all of a sudden we're getting these things every couple of weeks. It'll ruin the thrill and breathless anticipation everyone holds as they wait for my next zombie thread!

But I'll go ahead and say: Machete, matches, water purifier, a cool Vietnam era field jacket, hunting knife, and some boots that look good while you're stomping ghouls heads in. A few guns--12 gauge shotguns, long range rifles, and some handguns so you can take out the angry Canadians who didn't have any weapons when the invasion hit, and the long range for hunting. I'm also taking archery classes and learning how to create my own arrows.

In addition to this I am working on creating a solar powered IPOD charger so I don't lose all the great music on my IPOD.

I've also assembled a small group of friends who have a number of skills that will come in handy to our survival as we make to Montana. My friends don't realize they've been assembled according to skill yet, but it will all become clear soon.

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My place is fine in some ways, lousy in others.

We have plenty of water, but most of my weapons involve hand to hand, not enough guns or ammo.

There is only one staircase to get up to us, so defense is good. However, our escape routes, while they exist, all suck.

So there is still work to be done.

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According to my in depth research. America will be hit first. All documentaries on the topic agree that America will be ground zero. Also according to said scientific scenarios and world maps provided. Australia will be one of the last hit.(sorry facts are facts) It may not give us much of a head start. But we will be forewarned and we may also discover the type of zombie plague that has been unleashed.

All this will go along way.

Better keep setting off small viral hits and testing the time it takes to get here. uh did I say that out loud? :blush: Disregard!

Need to start buying up land. Only setting up energy resources on it. like solar panels, wind turbines..mmm..perhaps a water catchment and storage system. (though perhaps that should go under ground. as a measure to avoid contamination.)

Build an underground homes that can be extended as people are rescued and for population growth.

we could tap into the current sewerage system. for the use of working bathrooms and hygiene.

make our own tunnels to medical facilities, selected places where we can garner supplies.

Perhaps setting up a secret system on pre selected areas to be barricaded and booby trapped the second zombie plague hits.

The tunnels to these places will have to each be separate, no connecting tunnels. so if one is compromised it can be collapsed/shut down.

Will need to also establish underground med centre, also labs and holding/containment areas.

these area's will need to be apart from the general underground populace.

Hopefully we can gain some not yet infected scientist, doctors, medics and medical staff. there may be a lot to deal with. and we will need to discover a treatment and perhaps even a vaccine if that's achievable. Also if there is a way to detect the infection. that could have good security implications. also if anything can repel them. scent, sound..Something that will help with keeping the underground secure.

Since food supplies will run out quickly. I will need to look in to things like hydroponic vegetables fruits. and the health effects. set up some kind of farming system to supplement the food supplies we get from prezombie supermarkets etc.

Make contacts with military. we will need a heavy well trained organized force to set up perimeters, be the frontline. And also a united labour force to get any last minute tunnels, underground work done.

Of course anyone that wants in will have to be put to work.

all babies and young children will be in for training from a very early on. Who knows how long this will last and they will need to harden up and be the future of the operation. none of this nambie pambie feelings and pampering BS. that kind of child psychology gets people bit.

There are a few kinks but that will do for starters.

Better get cracking then. especially if it's going to be anytime now.

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You guys do realize that Kay Fury is reading your plans, taking notes, and laughing, right?

I'm not worried. When she becomes a zombie, her notes will lie forgotten where she dropped them, as Kay shambles about the Minnesota woods, seeking brains.

We may eventually dispatch an expendable team member on a mercy mission to kill her.

I'd almost forgotten. We will need the Pacific Northwest BWB to secure and hold the Oregon breweries, wineries, hops, vineyards, and barley fields. These must be held at all costs.

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