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Changed your user name?


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I posted at the old board under ellaria sand, but I had ~170 posts after 3ish years of lurking, so I doubt anyone would remember.

I made a new name becuase I didnt'w ant to have a asoiaf character name anymore, and perspicacious is one of my favorite words.

I like the board a lot, and this change has motivated me to be more active. :) (Not that I didn't like the old board, this is just a chance to have a 'fresh start')

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As you may be able to decipher from my screen name, I used to be someone else. For those of you with a penchant for perfect music, the change should be quite obvious, for the rest of you <insert lame, regurgitated confusion of the entire www joke here>.

I'm still working on getting my post count from the old board, though. And that tiled tarmac in the background could bear replacing.

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Yeah SN I'm realizing that now...hm, 29 days left to deal with it

I just realized that SN referred to me! I'm so used to Sorc or SoN that I just glossed right over your post, Ser Amarok or KI.

Now I'm thinking of reverting to my name in full too once the 30 days are up!

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I changed my name from "Jerka" on the old board. That's what I'm called at home but I decided it didn't sound very good in English and wanted a name that went well with the general atmosphere on the board.

Erik is my real name. Hazelfield is a translation of the place where I live, in the western part of Stockholm, Sweden.

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