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Exercise and Fitness (M.O.R.)


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Nice, but they'd kick me off the course, there's a three hour maximum. Maybe 2.5 hrs, not really sure about anything at this point.

Well as a man who always works to a deadline, (the only way you'll ever get me to do anything haha) I sympathise with you wholeheartedily :P

I do think if it's something I should be working at everyday, then a treat I usually have every day I get only if I do that training. I think that really does work :)

To add: And I leave it right to the last minute, I'll try the treat thing meself haha

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Well as a man who always works to a deadline, (the only way you'll ever get me to do anything haha) I sympathise with you wholeheartedily :P

I do think if it's something I should be working at everyday, then a treat I usually have every day I get only if I do that training. I think that really does work :)

That's a really good idea! I've not been running nearly enough (I thought I had time), so I should start doing that.

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Killer pain in my left shoulder when I raise my arm above a certain height. Here's hoping it's better by tomorrow so I don't have to slow down my training. I'm more drive than I've been in awhile, it's the worst possible time for an injury.

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Celebration time! Today I managed my first ever strict one-arm push up. Admittedly it only passed by the narrowest of margins and I could only do it with my left arm, but still, a win's a win. Check me out :smoking:

On a completely unrelated note, I've been slowly getting into barefoot/minimalist running recently. The difference from wearing normal running shoes is incredible. On the one hand I'm not doing anywhere near my normal mileage yet since I'm taking my time about building up my legs (especially my arches and calves). On the other hand, this is the first time in forever I've been able to run without my knees swelling up and aching afterwards. It just feels better as well, with a much more relaxed, smooth gait rather than the juddering pounding I'd normally be doing.

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Celebration time! Today I managed my first ever strict one-arm push up. Admittedly it only passed by the narrowest of margins and I could only do it with my left arm, but still, a win's a win. Check me out :smoking:

On a completely unrelated note, I've been slowly getting into barefoot/minimalist running recently. The difference from wearing normal running shoes is incredible. On the one hand I'm not doing anywhere near my normal mileage yet since I'm taking my time about building up my legs (especially my arches and calves). On the other hand, this is the first time in forever I've been able to run without my knees swelling up and aching afterwards. It just feels better as well, with a much more relaxed, smooth gait rather than the juddering pounding I'd normally be doing.

Congrats on the push up!

I was just talking with a woman last night about this kind of running, she has the toe-slipper kind of shoes. She says they're working out really well. And her husband runs barefoot. I would hesitate at this simply because I live in a city, but it's becoming quite a trend.

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I'm not doing may comp now due to a range of injuries. Time to diet instead. Yay!

that sucks, Luke. I'm aiming for September for my first competition. I need to add 80 lbs to my deadlift, 25 to my bench, and 60 to my squat by then. Ain't no thing but a chicken wing.

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Celebration time! Today I managed my first ever strict one-arm push up. Admittedly it only passed by the narrowest of margins and I could only do it with my left arm, but still, a win's a win. Check me out :smoking:

On a completely unrelated note, I've been slowly getting into barefoot/minimalist running recently. The difference from wearing normal running shoes is incredible. On the one hand I'm not doing anywhere near my normal mileage yet since I'm taking my time about building up my legs (especially my arches and calves). On the other hand, this is the first time in forever I've been able to run without my knees swelling up and aching afterwards. It just feels better as well, with a much more relaxed, smooth gait rather than the juddering pounding I'd normally be doing.

Huge congrats, man!

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Celebration time! Today I managed my first ever strict one-arm push up. Admittedly it only passed by the narrowest of margins and I could only do it with my left arm, but still, a win's a win. Check me out :smoking:

On a completely unrelated note, I've been slowly getting into barefoot/minimalist running recently. The difference from wearing normal running shoes is incredible. On the one hand I'm not doing anywhere near my normal mileage yet since I'm taking my time about building up my legs (especially my arches and calves). On the other hand, this is the first time in forever I've been able to run without my knees swelling up and aching afterwards. It just feels better as well, with a much more relaxed, smooth gait rather than the juddering pounding I'd normally be doing.

that's awesome, congrats!!

I'd much rather run barefoot, but there is no where around where I live that I'd trust to do that on; even the sports fields aren't maintained to the level I'd like.

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Thanks everyone.

I'd much rather run barefoot, but there is no where around where I live that I'd trust to do that on; even the sports fields aren't maintained to the level I'd like.

I think you'd be surprised at how tough your feet can get if you slowly build them up. However, if you really don't want to risk going properly barefoot there are some good minimalist shoes that give the minimum required protection without compromising the foot's function. Vibram Five Fingers and Terra Plana Evos are both very good. However, for almost exactly the same principle at less than a tenth of the cost you can't beat a pair of basic aqua shoes.

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Actually, I think I'd like to expand a little bit on my recent running experiences. I've been having a bit of a hard time over the last six months or so. During the runs themselves I was usually okay. Tired and sore and generally grouchy, but okay. Afterwards as a I cooled down the pain would usually start. Mostly it was in my knees which would start to ache and swell like red balloons. Since I'd been reading a fair bit about the barefoot running movement and how it was supposed to reduce running injuries I thought I'd give it a go.

So, for the last month or so I've mostly been running in the aqua shoes I posted above whilst also doing much shorter totally barefoot runs. Wearing the aqua shoes was better than normal running shoes by a long shot. I was using a shorter stride and landing on a bent leg. My knee pain went away. On the other hand, my calves were burning up. After my first minimal shoe running attempt I could barely walk for a week afterwards, my calves were so stiff. "No worries," I thought, "I just overdid it. I need to cut back on the mileage and ease myself into it. After all, I haven't been properly using these muscles in years." I was also doing very short barefoot runs, about half a mile or so and slowly increasing the distance.

Yesterday I was doing one of my short barefoot runs when I just decided "fuck it" and kept on going. I had an epiphany. Whilst wearing minimal shoes was better than normal running shoes I still wasn't running like I was supposed to. I was still stretching out into a fairly long stride - though shorter than with normal shoes - and landing with all my weight impacting onto the leg. The only difference was that I was absorbing the impact through the calf rather than the knee, which was why my calves were hurting. Without shoes at all however I naturally fell into the proper rhythm. My stride shortened until my feet were landing directly under my centre of gravity. Rather than reaching forward and landing hard on my foot, my leg instead reached out to meet the ground and absorb the impact through the whole limb, like a suspension system. Normally when running I pound the ground, my body bouncing up and down. Yesterday you could have balanced a glass of water on my head. Everything felt light and smooth. I ran a good 2.5 miles without even starting to breathe hard and the only reason I didn't run further is because my dog decided it was too hot and stopped.

It's difficult to truly describe the sensation of sheer physical joy that run awoke in me. Everything was just pure flow. All I know is I now consider myself a barefoot running convert.

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You should post that on bodyweightculture, they have a current contest going on. The first person to do it gets $300 I think.

Unfortunately I don't meet the BWC definition of "strict" since I did it with feet shoulder width apart. I'll keep working and see if I can get it with feet together before the deadline.

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Unfortunately I don't meet the BWC definition of "strict" since I did it with feet shoulder width apart. I'll keep working and see if I can get it with feet together before the deadline.

It's still impressive, you might just want to post it on there to get some props and feel good, lol.

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"cut" starts today. One week of mind-numbing corporate training with a candy bowl in the middle of the table and I've been packing on pounds. I don't usually do chocolate at all, but with milky ways and snickerses right in front of me, I haven't been able to resist.

Fortunately I do have healthy options at the new workplace.

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