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They might not be working on the leveling curve yet Kal.

I know in previous Betas they've accelerated the XP gain so people could test shit faster/easier/better/etc.

It's only at the end of Beta that they start tuning the XP per zone.

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That might be, but it was still really fast. Especially on the killing mobs vs. experience from quests, which is bass-ackwards right now.

I really kinda think they should reverse it so Kelp Forest is second instead of first; the wow factor is huge in the second zone but you have to go through a fair amount of meh to get there.

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After comparing the troll bear forms and the tauren bear forms I'm pretty sure the troll models are temporary, since they are so much less detailed.

I don't have huge problems with the model, although I agree they look unfinished. (smaller tusks please). It's the coloring I don't like, so I hope that gets some attention too. Taurens have the best looking models hand down, even considering that Worgen and Trolls might not be quite done.

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Urh. I just found out something that makes me on a personal level insanely mad.

A guildie. A DK it bears mentioning, who never played before wrath to make matters worse. Just told me that he got the eye of sulfuras on his second MC run. I have run MC to the point where I'm grand supreme exalted +99999999999999999 with the Hydraxian Waterlords, they probably think I'm their god by the amount of ragnarosses I've killed for them. I still haven't gotten that fucking eye. And he doesn't even know how to get the goddamn sulfuron hammer crafted. How can I live with this person without killing myself or him?

Though as I've already mentioned I'll probably leave my guild soon and server transfer since raiding has died for the summer and pugging on my server is like being repeatedly punched in the crotch.

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Got done with the second zone for Vashj'ir, and I do have to say it's vastly improved compared to the Kelp Forest. Between getting the mount, the architecture, the quests and the awesome battlemaiden experience, it's hugely improved.

The lore is also awesome. Again, the battlemaiden quests are totally win for this, and the ending blew me away. Really utilized the vast scale of it.

Can i please say i told you so? (Technically i didn't, but still. I knew Vashj'ir was hiding some awesomeness somewhere!)

And what are the battlemaiden quests? :blink:

Thank god they scrapped the real ID, btw.

Also, totalbiscuits stuff is good, but sometimes he just doesnt really show everything. Better then most though, and i, as a thoroughbred englishman (technically im half swedish, half american, but i was born in london) i adore his accent.

There are some videos of the actual questing in low level zones. I saw a flow of 5 videos that showed part of the questing flow in stonetalon mountains for the horde. The narration was god awful and the videos didnt do what they promised (which was to explain the Garrosh sparta thing. Can someone explain?) but tey gave a good view of the questing flow. Very, very good in windshear crag for the horde. Very focused, fun, and even some vehicle gnome-slaughtering fun (The highlight of any quest zone) and all very focused.

I know some people are glad that the changes are actually not overboard, but i WANTED them to be overboard! I wanted STV to turn into Mehtani Keys! (If thats whats its called..., and didnt Blizz promise major changes to stv? or have they just not done that zone yet?) I wanted Desolace to be almost fully green! Etc Etc.

And one thing i really dont like the look of (or lack of the look of... i think) is 85 parts in the old world. Remember in Outland? HFP, Nagrand, Terokkar, SMV, BEM, and even Netherstorm all had larger or smaller areas that were 70 only, (flying mount) Would be really awesome to have more of thaty in Azeroth, plateus, mountains, islands, and other places that were only accesible by flying mount once your 85. Oh well.

I cant complain. Blizzard acutally seems to be making an effort to put all the lessons learnt in Wotlk to use, and make an expansion that makes up for forcing us to go through helping them learn them. (Im confusing myself)

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Urh. I just found out something that makes me on a personal level insanely mad.

A guildie. A DK it bears mentioning, who never played before wrath to make matters worse. Just told me that he got the eye of sulfuras on his second MC run. I have run MC to the point where I'm grand supreme exalted +99999999999999999 with the Hydraxian Waterlords, they probably think I'm their god by the amount of ragnarosses I've killed for them. I still haven't gotten that fucking eye. And he doesn't even know how to get the goddamn sulfuron hammer crafted. How can I live with this person without killing myself or him?

I'm working on that legendary too. Making the hammer isnt too bad at all, except that it takes 8 weeks assuming you dont buy any Sulfron ignots. I need the eye to drop some time in the next 7 weeks though! I'll have the hammer done long before that. The thing I've having the most trouble finding is arcane crystals. I'd be extremely frustrated in your case too Poobs :(

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And what are the battlemaiden quests?
There are a sequence of quests that have you find a place important to the Naga history and use an enchanted blade to go back into the past and relive it...as a naga battlemaiden. Much of it is fighting the Kvaldir. She has this great swim buff that accelerates as you swim more and are out of combat, so you're zipping around. You're dealing with the great models of the various naga bosses of old (like lady Vashj, FLK, Najentus, etc) and can sit there and just talk. The model itself is great. And her abilities are really fun; she works on an energy system like rogues, has this great charge stunclap, a whirlwind that looks like she's using a helicopter blade, and a soul sucking ability.

And you go around and just fuck shit up with her - hundreds of enemies.

I won't spoil the ending of the quests because it is that good, but the general premise is that you have to hold off waves of Kvaldir until your allies arrive to save the day. That arrival is something else.

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There are a sequence of quests that have you find a place important to the Naga history and use an enchanted blade to go back into the past and relive it...as a naga battlemaiden. Much of it is fighting the Kvaldir. She has this great swim buff that accelerates as you swim more and are out of combat, so you're zipping around. You're dealing with the great models of the various naga bosses of old (like lady Vashj, FLK, Najentus, etc) and can sit there and just talk. The model itself is great. And her abilities are really fun; she works on an energy system like rogues, has this great charge stunclap, a whirlwind that looks like she's using a helicopter blade, and a soul sucking ability.

And you go around and just fuck shit up with her - hundreds of enemies.

I won't spoil the ending of the quests because it is that good, but the general premise is that you have to hold off waves of Kvaldir until your allies arrive to save the day. That arrival is something else.

Sweet :stunned:

Btw, does anyone hereagree with me that Blizzard may be going just a little overboard with the big numberz thing? Apparently the food at 85 restores 90k health... I mean wtf? Some guy on beta also managed to crit 36k with kill command... I mean come on. Blizzard is going just a little far. After the next expansion, are we going to be hitting for 70k normal hits, and clothies will have 250k health?

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I kinda like the 80s dayglo colors, honestly - they stand out.

I love the colours. I will be leveling a troll druid as my cata alt.

Yeah, the teal with red hair is something I could run in all day, and I love the tusks. The cat forms looks sleek and cool too.

hehe - I'm obviously a minority here. It's all good, it just means I'll have full focus on my goblin :)

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Sweet :stunned:

Btw, does anyone hereagree with me that Blizzard may be going just a little overboard with the big numberz thing? Apparently the food at 85 restores 90k health... I mean wtf? Some guy on beta also managed to crit 36k with kill command... I mean come on. Blizzard is going just a little far. After the next expansion, are we going to be hitting for 70k normal hits, and clothies will have 250k health?

There was actually a post about this a month or so back.

GC came in and pointed out that there's only so much they can do and they have pretty much already done it. Because at some point you can't reduce the numbers anymore or lvl 1 Mage's will be hitting for 5/8 - 7/8 HP with their fireballs or something.

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There was actually a post about this a month or so back.

GC came in and pointed out that there's only so much they can do and they have pretty much already done it. Because at some point you can't reduce the numbers anymore or lvl 1 Mage's will be hitting for 5/8 - 7/8 HP with their fireballs or something.

Is that a bad thing? 5 damage for a level 1 wouldn't be too bad.

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Please allow me to continue on the "an upgrade is an upgrade "discussion, since it's something I have to deal with, being the person who often ends up making decisions about loot.

If you have a cloth wearer and a leather wearer, and cloth drops - and leather gets it, the chances of wasted loot become that much higher. If instead you let the cloth wearer get the cloth first, the leather wearer can still get the leather gear and then later get the cloth. While that's not BiS, it's an upgrade - and that's better for the raid.

This is exactly what I think as well. Take one look at the items you dis in your raid group. It's very unlikely it's the cloth with sp and haste on it, for instance.

Also, to White Fawn who claims "A lot of cloth loot drops", firstly considering the amount of cloth users you are likely to have in a 25 man raid, that is not true. The percentage of cloth loot vs the percentage of clothies in your raid, is going to be smaller than for other classes. This has been the case since Vanilla.

Secondly, take a look at the cloth itemisation. As I said before, unless you are in love with spirit, crit and hit, you will find very little. I'm reluctantly wearing my T10.5 set, but it's nowhere near ideal since it almost completely lacks haste. But what alternatives are there? I am even rocking the 264 PvP neck, purely due to the haste. Ofc I could pick up int/sta items with haste, but that means I will do so over my other casters, who desperately need items. Instead I get shunted into the spirit/crit category, half-gimped.

So, three good reasons to not give cloth loot to other classes who have their own items. Sure, some of it will be poorly itemised, but guess what? Cloth loot is also often poorly itemised, but we have no choice but to wear the shitty stuff. Cos we don't have the luxury to wear plate, mail or leather.

Sure, there are items like Race mentioned, where a certain item is top BIS for several classes and several armour classes. In those extreme cases, perhaps a guild will make a special decision about this item. Or perhaps not. From a raid perspective, I often find sticking to armour class prio creates the least bit of drama. (Not saying it doesn't happen, just that it creates the least.)

And yes, sign me up amongst those who think Blizzard are pretty bad at creating items for everyone to be happy.

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I totally get why non cloth wearers would be pissed about cloth wearers getting preference on cloth but I think that's how it should be -- just as I would expect, say, caster DPS to be given priority on Frost Needle over a holy paladin wielding Seethe even though it would be an upgrade for him. (Yes, I know Seethe has hit on it too. It's still BIS pre-raid for them.) I similarly expect priority on rings with hit on them to be given to caster DPS even if they're an upgrade for a healer.

It's hard enough competing with people in your raid for the gear that's meant for your armor type without adding in all the types above it. It also fucks lower armor types more -- plate wearers only compete with plate wearers, but cloth has to compete with everything, leather has to compete with leather and up, etc.

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Hopefully the Cata changes to "bonus for correct armour type" will change this tho. So that cloth and leather will not be a prio target for palas, for instance.

And I agree with you on Frost needle.

Similarly, I had a hunter wanting a dagger over a rogue. And the rogue got it. As it should be.

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