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So I read a Stanek book


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Yeah, he does. Here are some ideas:

The Soul-Despoiler

The Beshitter of Childhoods

The Legless (if you're familiar with the photoshopped Brian Jacques photo)

The Mind-Defecator

The Amazon Vandal

Stanek the Soul-Despoiler sounds like a Greater Daemon name from Warhammer 40k, or some high up Chaos Marine.

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Haha. I was just looking up Stanek's books on Audible. Check this part of the synopsis for "Mark of the Dragon":

Against a backdrop of treachery and intrigue, murder and mayhem, the price of free will is high. Many will pay with their lives. Many will succumb to imprisonment and enslavement. For when alliances shatter, old hatreds rise anew and the plotting and scheming begin.

Sounds familiar, no? :P

Against a backdrop of incest and fratricide, alchemy and murder, victory may go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel...and the coldest hearts. For when kings clash, the whole land trembles.

The guy cannot even seem to make up his own synopsises himself..

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Billy-Bob is great!

Frankly, that's demeaning to guys named Billy Bob, the character of Billy Bob from Varsity Blues and my fraternity brother who looks like Billy Bob from Varsity Blues so that's what we call him...

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Billie-Bob Stanek? Sheesh, I feel kinda guilty now posting that review here if you're making connections to Varsity Blue and even to Billy Bob Thornton.

I just want to know who's going to buy a used copy and see what gems I left out of my review ;)

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If you don't think this guy earned it, check out the forum. This guy has an interesting forum.

Thread Title: Making your way through Stanek(this is a 31 PAGE THREAD)

note: Alot of these people have the EXACT SAME signature set-up, and if they have a signature at all, it's always in praise of the books, not quotes that people like, or what have you. Anyway, it's a really pathetic charade he pulls. It's funny how so few people will ever read this thing, and yet how many blatantly Stanek posts there are. 31 pages. And this is just one random thread from a quite large forum.

first post:

Is there anyone out there unaware of Robert Stanek? If so do yourself a HUGE favor and buy Keeper Martin's Tale, the first book in his series Ruin Mist Chronicles.

Why? Do you like realistic characters, believable agendas, with very realistic history, politics and magic? How about dense plot lines with twists and turns? Do you sometimes wish that the odd "Good Guy" would get the axe?

Ruin Mist Chronicles has all these elements and more. Trust me, once you start reading RS, it becomes addictive.

Interesting. Is there anyone on this Stanek forum who does not know of Stanek?

second post:

Thank you very much for starting this thread gMan. I know there's tons of interest in Stanek's fantasies but a lot of people don't know where to start. I've read all the RMC and agree Keeper Martin's Tale is the place to start. I also read Sovereign Rule, Stanek's thriller, a very good read.

Interesting how one board administrator thanks another for starting a general "Robert Stanek is great" thread on a Stanek message board.

third post:

I love these books, can't wait for the next one. I believe it is called "Fields of Honor" that's what people on the boards here say too. In some respects it reminds me of George Martin, but Stanek isn't as gritty when it comes to sex or explicit language. I like that. RS is like the Clay Aiken of books you get tired of all the unnecessary sexual inuendos and the like after awhile especially because in most books it serves no purpose. I think RS has such powerful stories because of his unique approach, I've never come across the like before.

Name dropping Martin AND Clay Aiken? I'm sold!

another post:

I'm happy that he is not GRRM, 'cause I was shocked of aSoIF. Tell me, will a die-hard epic fantasy fan of Eddings and Brooks (like me) enjoy Stanek'works?

Well I say, old chap, if I happen to be a fantasy fan who does not enjoy Martin, a famous fantasy author of a distinct style, perchance what OTHER famous fantasy authors of different styles is Stanek akin to?


Having read most of Eddings and many of Brooks I would say yes only on account of I liked RS works too. KMT is rather simple (sorry if this upsets anyone on the boards but let me get to the but) but its wonderfully refreshing in many ways. It takes some getting used to, at times you might want to chuck the book but only because some of the characters are frustrating. Then you discover why like with Adrina's broken heart its hard for her to see anything but gray and it is through her eyes most of the first part of the story is written. Kingdom Alliance is the book that redeems (yes redeems) the RMC. It is a spectacular book. Read it then go back to read KMT you'll appreciate all the subtleties then. That's what I think what has most people hooked on RS. KMT is subtle you enjoy it more the second time

These 3 posts in a row tickle me:

Thank you for the info. The problem is when I'll have enough money to buy the book. It's quite expensive, I think.
Expensive? Ha! I got mine new for less than $14 in a nice trade paperback. Expensive is Elder Gods which you mentioned in Other Authors. That's $28.95 in hard cover.

Ha! You sir are mistaken! Anyone purchasing a fine novel by Mr. Stanek is in for a rather thrilling bargain!

Didn't think it was expensive either. I got mine on Amazon.com for under $14 too.. The new KE books are $8.

another obvious one:

I love the new covers! ;D Stanek is the first author I know of who does the art for his covers. Granted he's done a few lame covers but most of it is mind-blowing.
I think there's a lot to be said for the covers too! I think some people don't get them, I've always thought they were interesting. I have several of the art posters hanging on my wall.


Ruin Mist Chronicles is my second favorite series next to Tolkien's masterpiece Lord of the Rings.

I'm going to reread everything from Keeper Martin's Tale to Kingom Alliance before Fields of Honor comes out.

If I had to compare Tolkien and Stanek, I'd take Stanek because the prose is good and the books not so thick. I have a personal goal to read everything all J.R.R. Tolkien and Robert Stanek ever wrote...a lot easier with Stanek.

Stanek? Basically a cooler Tolkien! HIS PROSE GOOD. BOOK NOT THICK.

Starting to make my way through Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches. Second book is where it gets really going and I was like whoa! yeah! more! the whole time.

whoa! yeah! more! That's what I yell when I'm masturbating/reading Stanek/both!

Starting Kingdoms and Elves was one of the best things I ever did. You gotta love the characters, world, history, mystery, action. RS is one groovy dude too! He puts up with all my insane emails too ;D


so glad he told me about this board so now i have a place 2 hang out.

I would agree with that, starting the books opened up a door to a whole new world for me figuratively and literally. Running the board is a lot of fun too!

Stanek: less a writer, more of a prophet.

What's the difference between the two versions? Are the Adult books with explicit scenes of violence, like "A Song of Ice and Fire"? Or what?
I don't really know but the approach has been popular enought that other authors have tried it. Robert Jordan has YA editions of WoT books. Eye of the World was broke down into two books for YA. Terry Brooks has recently done the same with his. Sword of Shanara I believe is broken into 3 YA books. I don't know if there're copying RS success with YA editions but seems that way to me.

Brooks and Jordan, following in Stanek's footsteps!

I don't think anyones saying there's anything wrong with Wheel of Time per se just that it's over descriptive and repetitive. I agree Robert Stanek uses an economy of description to good effect. Ruin Mist Chronicles is my favorite series, don't think it takes a back seat to any fantasy out there. My opinon of course.

Edward the troant yeah! The whole thing about swamp trolls and wood trolls had me rolling on the floor. How does he think this stuff up? Too great!

Exactly. How DOES he think this stuff up? Too great!

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Stanek already has a good nickname - he is "America's Tolkien".

most of which Stanek has said publicly will never see print and some of which has already been lost (a computer virus destroyed nearly half of Stanek's writings).

Why do I have a feeling that that wasn't accidental? In fact this is encouraging me to take up computer programing.

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If you don't think this guy earned it, check out the forum. This guy has an interesting forum.

I'm well aware of all of his..."fans"...shall we say and all of the other stuff. The only reason I don't believe he's earned the right to a nickname a la "Tairy" is that he isn't worth the effore or time. Tairy is, at least to a degree, legitimate. Stan-blech (see what I did there, that's how something comes about organically...except when it's pointed out so directly... :P ) is not in an sense of the word legit and really not worth the time. He doesn't have a legitimate publishing house making money off of him or an actual fanbase that, while fun to mock, can actually have a true debate over the legitimacy of the work. That we've spent this much time on it is amazing to say the least, but it hasn't earned him a proper nickname that can, and does, resonate across the intrenet like "Tairy" does. (Okay, maybe "Tairy" is more our thing here, but aren't we popular on the internet? :P )

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Wasn't "Tairy" an intentional misspelling designed to irritate Goodkind and his fans?

I prefer to call him "the Yeard" (I found out the term when I was casually scrolling through Urban Dictionary, and there was a definition for "yeard". There was even a photo of Goodkind trying to strike a tough-guy pose).

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