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Biggest badass in the series?

The Drunkard

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He is indeed a badass. I would also like to mention Yoren, old but tough as nails. Seems to have been a good fighter aswell. Cortnay Penrose, who defied Stannis outside of Storms End, trying to protect Edric Storm, is also a worthy candidate. He deserved a better end.

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Jaime Lannister.

Because of this:

Qyburn: There will be pain.

Jaime: I'll scream.

Qyburn: A great deal of pain.

Jaime: I'll scream very loudly.

And this:

I seldom fling children from towers to improve their health.

And this:

Jaime: Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. If I were to threaten to hit you unless you shut your mouth, and you presumed to speak, what do you think I would do?

Ser Ryman: Ser, you do not unders-

Jaime: [hits him]

This too:

Jaime: What to do with Cersei?

Ser Ilyn: [draws finger across throat]

Jaime: You talk too much.

I can't leave this without mentioning:

There are no men like me. There's only me.

Honorable mentions: OBERYN MARTELL, Asha Greyjoy, Barristan Selmy, Brynden Tully, Syrio Forel, Arya Stark, Euron Greyjoy, Maege Mormont, Stannis Baratheon, Bronn.

~edited because there were a bunch of extra spaces in between everything I wrote.

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Rickon. At age 4 he was already angry, reckless, and defiant by pulling a sword from the statue of an old Stark king and slashing at those who came looking for him in the crypts. He'll be a fierce character now that he's had time to channel that anger towards whoever he sees as his enemy. And Shaggydog. That direwolf is the perfect bodyguard.

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My definition of bad-ass is playing the game, and to be honest the two most bad-ass are:

Petyr Baelish "Little Finger"

Cersei Lannister

Who has potential of becoming bad-ass:

Sansa: She has natural talent for politics and the game, and since she is learning from a true master she really can be a force to be reckoned with.

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Ser Barristan Selmy...if you can insult the King and all the Kingsguards at the same time and walk away...pretty badass....

Areo Hotah....i think simplicity is badass in this case..."Serve, Obey, Protect"...can't doubt his loyalty...will fight anyone, anytime

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  • 2 months later...

I'll add Jaqen H'gar to the list :) And the best, Wyman Manderly, he had guts when he said "Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he lived he would have grown up to be a Frey", despite the fact that he was outnumbered by the Freys, and they were already angry with the death of Little Walder. All the members of Brotherhood Without Banners, and let's not forget about Victarion Greyjoy, the Sand Snakes and Samwell Tarly, he killed a White Walker and had the guts to take Gilly with him, despite Craster's warnings.

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Arya's pretty bad ass.

She's like nine but kills people twice her size

And escapes places (KL, Harranhal, Sandor) that knights could not.

And then becomes an assasin who can change her face.

Bad ass? I think so.

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For each generation--

Older -- Tywin (completely turned around the reputation of his family and was Hand starting at age 20) or Ser Barristan the Bold (fighting in a tournament at age 10 and still a badass Queensguard in his 60's)

Middle -- Jaime (wins melee at 13, knighted at 15, Kingslayer at 17, and even after he's captured, the young men are proud if they even came close to fighting him. Even with his right hand missing, he's feared.)

Young -- Arya (has killed boys and men with skill and wits before reaching puberty)

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Jaime, the scene where he jumps into the bear pit is really bad ass. and the scenes people before me has mentioned

Arya: her ability to survive and change, she has scenes as weasel soup and the killing of the ticker

I also think Rickon has a big chance of becoming a badass. And Shaggy is really cool, i hope to see more of them

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My babes Oberyn Martell and the Blackfish. They have super skills and super integrity.

I don't get the Gregor thing. Or the Victarion thing. There's a difference between being a horrible human being with zero redeemable qualities as far as anyone can tell (raping women, burning villages to the ground, killing hostages- these are war crimes) and being a badass- which in my mind is the rough but admirable hero of an action film. Oberyn Martell or the Blackfish, if pulled out of their context and given a Bruce Willas role would shine. Gregor or Victarion would be the villain, not the badass.

Also, Dany might qualify before she settled in Meereen (which for the record I think is a good idea), but it's stupid to say she's just lucky cause she's a magic Targaryen. Being a magic Targaryen 1) might mean she's destined to lose her mind, which is obviously a drawback and 2) everyone on this list, whether I agree with their badassery or not, is on here because of their magic genetic lottery winning.

Gregor the Mountain got lucky- he's 8 feet tall and born without empathy. He won the violent monster psychopath lottery. Magic murder machine.

Brienne of Tarth got lucky- she was born a lord's daughter, grew tall and strong and managed to luck out of a marriage bond. She won the highborn lady who people have to take seriously and allow into her follow her dream of being awesome lottery.

Even Podrick Payne got lucky. He's highborn and lucked into a series of well connected positions by being in the right place at the right time.

Rickon gets a direwolf and magic warg abilities.

Wyman Manderly gets to be born a rich, prosperous lord.

Everyone here is where they are because of luck. Including Dany.

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