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Dany as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms

Ser Lepus

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boojam, that is wishful thinking. But dany better learn, However besides winter, i dont think the HS will be the biggest issue. Westeros is exhausted. A war is gone but leads to another, the ironborn, aegon and still stannis are threatening everything. Plus, people will be hunting dany from across the narrow sea for the pleasure of the green grace, xaro and others. Dany will bring more issues, plus the pale mare

Lord! Dany should just take off for parts unknown.

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well, theoretically she would bring problems, but the pale mare is the only thing underestimated in Essos, with everyone concentrated in Meereen especially with the green grace catapulting the dead, things could turn ghostly. Maybe then Dany will ahve an easy path.

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Well there seems to be a running theme in the series of characters losing the things they value most, Jamie his sword hand, Bran his legs, Cersei her ego and pride, Theon his sex abilities, etc. I have a feeling that either before the end (or perhaps the very end) of the series that Dany will gain the Iron Throne but it will have no real value since the Kingdoms will either no longer exist or be effectively destroyed by the Others to have little to rule.

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The dragons worry me. If Dany uses them to torch the armies that will try to stop her in her quest for the throne, how will she prevent them from killing humans during times of peace? Chain them up...again? Those beasts aren't like shadow cats or bears that can kill a man, one on one. They can kill hundreds or thousands of men at a time:( I hate the idea of chaining them because it's cruel but to let them roam freely would be cruel to the livestock, horses and humans.

It seems to me that whoever can control a live dragon becomes the ultimate slave master. Those dragons give a conquerer a supernatural power that people can not defend against. Everyone will kneel to you out of fear for their lives.

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I admit that she lost me completly with the wineseller´s daughters. I cannot perceive someone as "good" when he/she uses Tywinesque methods, no matter how good the cause.

She is a good conqueror but I do not want to see her govering anything unless we get mayor character development. If she really develops and creates a good SC with people who balance her character such as Sansa or Davos then I might be more hopeful.

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We know Dany only by her own point of view, so that's not objective at all (I haven't read ADWD yet). I think that she will be considered as a destructive invader and will somehow be killed by Jon while protecting the realm. Maybe she is targ crazy in the other people's eyes and we will discover a completely different description of her when she will meet the other POV but since we get all her train of thoughts she does not look crazy to us (yet). That would be a very interesting way to exploit the first person narration.

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We know Dany only by her own point of view, so that's not objective at all (I haven't read ADWD yet). I think that she will be considered as a destructive invader and will somehow be killed by Jon while protecting the realm. Maybe she is targ crazy in the other people's eyes and we will discover a completely different description of her when she will meet the other POV but since we get all her train of thoughts she does not look crazy to us (yet). That would be a very interesting way to exploit the first person narration.

Uh, you might want to read ADWD, then. Also, aren't you afraid you're going to get spoiled? Yikes.

The stiff-with-honour, Ned-like Ser Barristan watches everything Dany does. He concludes from observing her actions that she's the best choice of ruler for Westeros, a queen who actually cares about her subjects.

I find it really bizarre that so many people dislike Dany. Granted, she makes a few mistake because she's young, and she has an overdeveloped sense of justice, but at least she tries to do the right thing for her subjects, unlike the rest of the candidates for the Iron Throne.

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Uh, you might want to read ADWD, then. Also, aren't you afraid you're going to get spoiled? Yikes.

The stiff-with-honour, Ned-like Ser Barristan watches everything Dany does. He concludes from observing her actions that she's the best choice of ruler for Westeros, a queen who actually cares about her subjects.

I find it really bizarre that so many people dislike Dany. Granted, she makes a few mistake because she's young, and she has an overdeveloped sense of justice, but at least she tries to do the right thing for her subjects, unlike the rest of the candidates for the Iron Throne.

Most of the things that Dany does are born out of inexperience rather than any malicious intent. She acts rashly because she is young and she's inexperienced. But, exactly as you've said, she does care and she struggles to do the right thing. That's what makes her character arc compelling is that while she's often morally right in what she does, the methods she uses it to bring it to fruition are not so easy to swallow (i.e., the 163 crucified nobles, the wineseller's daughter, etcetera). GRRM isn't portraying someone who does these things because she likes doing them, he's portraying someone who does them because she lacks the experience to hold her emotions in check and make better decisions. That comes with age and advising. We've seen what happened in Mereen, but we don't know the outcome of it in total yet. We'll have to wait to see what the result of her sojourn into the wild with Drogon truly is. It is imperative that she learns to listen to her advisors in lieu of her experience, I think.

Though, I'd argue the point that none of the other candidates for the Iron Throne do what's right - Stannis Baratheon does. True, he's a hard man and he also uses morally questionable methods, but he seeks to do what's lawful and right (punishing the Boltons and Freys for their part in the Red Wedding, restoring a Stark to Winterfell, supporting the Wall in its hour of need, etc.)

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The only evidence, hints, story elements, etc that we actually have that Dany will eventually reach westeros are:

1.) Her dream about fighting the white walkers at the trident

2.) The bullshit undying prophecies of her slaying the lies, etc

Other than that everything points towards her staying in Essos which I do not like. For the record, I hate the character of Dany, but the last thing I want is for westeros to heal, defeat the winter and unify only for Dany to come in post series and burn them all again. I rather have dany come to westeros and die by her own dragons...sigh...one can only hope.

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So when Dany kills it wrong but when Ned or Robb or Jon kills its honorable right?

Ned killed a dude who ran away from zombies and winter

Robb killed his cuz because Karstark wanted revenge for the death of his kids

Jon killed because some dude didn't want to follow his instructions.

How was Dany's so much worse?

Other people have posted, but I just have to throw in my two cents.

1: Ned killed a deserter of the Night's Watch. The penalty for deserting is death, which both parties were well aware of. They both accepted this fact.

2: Robb killed Rickard Karstark due to him (Rickard) disobeying his King, liege lord, and military commander all at the same time concerning a very sensitive political matter. Robb had to kill him, both to appease the Lannisters and to reinforce his power as King.

3: Insubordination is a crime in the military, even today. In modern times, you do it and you get thrown in military prison, which makes a civilian prison look like rainbows and sunshine. In that time, you were insubordinate and you were killed. Jon was even nice about it and gave him multiple chances.

You have to realize all 3 of the above persons were exhibiting military/pseudo-military powers. They COULDN'T brush off the actions, it would make them (and their respective organizations) look weak.

Dany on the other hand, executed over a hundred people, putting trust in their honesty (who just crucified children, by the way) that who was getting executed were who they said they were. Quite a bit different than a military leader punishing an insubordinate soldier under his command

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The stiff-with-honour, Ned-like Ser Barristan watches everything Dany does. He concludes from observing her actions that she's the best choice of ruler for Westeros, a queen who actually cares about her subjects.

Barristan is hardly impartial. He's looking for an excuse for his erratic behavior, betraying the Targs to serve the Baratheons and then for an excuse to support why he went back (and "they fired him and he needed a new boss" wasn't honorable enough). Not to mention he made the same conclusion when he decided to serve King Bob.

And "cares about her subjects"? If you mean the People of Westeros, did you read the most recent Dany chapter? She's decided they need Fire and Blood (directed towards them, not protecting them), not food, shelter, protection, and justice. Dragons do not plant.

Dany cares about whoever is suffering right in front of her at the time (as long as they're on her side), she's not totally heartless of course. That's how she's been consistently characterized. It's also very human. But it doesn't make her a good potential ruler. Has she ever thought that she needs to take Westeros because she would be a better ruler than whoever currently sits the throne? Her thoughts have always merely been about taking her rightful place, getting vengeance on the usurper and his dogs, etc., needs of the people be damned. When she was worrying about stopping Lamb Women from being raped because that's how Dothraki do battle, did she think "hey, maybe I shouldn't invade Westeros, as I'll be leading rape and pillaging such as Westeros hasn't seen?". No, she was just fixated on the Lamb village, ignoring the bigger picture because Blood of the Dragon.

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I believe Dany will reach Westeros when it will be at its weakest in a harsh Winter, when everybody will want to have some rest to heal and rest.

And she will bring chaos and bloodshed with her and will be hated for that and killed by a man who shall be considered as a hero afterwards (if I had to bet on one of the main characters so far, I'd go for Jaime or Stannis).

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I agree with you completely. I personally really think/hope the dragons are going to end up being the real enemy, or at least not what they've been built up to be. if we get Dany ex Machina riding Drogon to save the world from the Others i'm going to slay someone. I would be fine if she went to Westeros and learned the hard way that it wasn't at all what she xpected. But I have a feeling that after all of this buildup it's not going to be that realistic.

She's far too idealistic, but unlike Ned and Robb who were doomed from the start because of those notions, it seems that GRRM's still trying to set Dany up to learn or grow or whatever through the whole Meereen thing. Which honestly, I cannot see happening before the end considering she was at her lowest in ADWD. If I had a choice between her saving the world and gaining back what's rightfully hers, and staying in Slaver's Bay, I'd choose infinite Slaver's Bay chapters.

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I believe Dany will reach Westeros when it will be at its weakest in a harsh Winter, when everybody will want to have some rest to heal and rest.

And she will bring chaos and bloodshed with her and will be hated for that and killed by a man who shall be considered as a hero afterwards (if I had to bet on one of the main characters so far, I'd go for Jaime or Stannis).

Agreed. With the massive buildup to Winter, I absolutely cannot see her saving the world with her ~fire and blood~

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