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When did Stannis Baratheon become your favourite character?


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It never occurred to me to like Stannis until I started frequenting this forum. At first I was surprised that he has such a loyal and vocal following here. I have mentioned it to friends who have read the books and they always say "Really?!" I went through a phase where the Stanstans here made me like Stannis less because it felt like they were turning so many non-Stannis discussions into Stannis discussions. But in recent months I have been buying into some of the arguments in his favour and he is growing on me. Still, there is a pretty big list of characters that I like more than him.

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I have to confess I wasn't a fan of his at all when reading ACOK/ and much of ASOS. But by the mid-point of ADWD I was whole-heartedly rooting for him. His whole appeal as an anti-hero figure is his doggedness.

He gets much better when you re-read the series. E.g. You pick up when you re-read the Davos chapters in ACOK that he genuinely did care (in 'Stannis terms' at least) about Cressen and had been looking to shield him.

I think the quote from Stannis that really made me metaphorically punch the air was this:

"We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell, or die in the attempt."

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and as a summer child who came to the ASOIAF books about only 3 episodes into GOT TV series, I galloped through the series to book 5. Reading the sample chapters from Winds of Winter connected to Theon really makes me worry re the outcome of the Battle for Winterfell. My fear is it could be a pyrrhic victory for Stannis. Routs the Boltons, but is grievously wounded, or they are quickly over-whelmed after this by the Others.

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"'Then rise again, Davos Seaworth, and rise as Lord of the Rainwood, Admiral of the Narrow Sea, and Hand of the King.'

For a moment Davos was too stunned to move. I woke this morning in his dungeon. 'Your Grace, you cannot… I am not fit man to be a King's Hand.'

'There is no man fitter.' Stannis sheathed Lightbringer, gave Davos his hand, and pulled him to his feet.

'I am lowborn,' Davos reminded him. 'An up jumped smuggler. your lords will never obey me.'

'Then we will make new lords.'"

This. Stannis doesn't give a shit if someone is lowborn or highborn. He appoints Davos because he is honest and gives him great counsel. He's the best man for the job and that's all that matters.

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  • 1 year later...
He became my second favorite character because of his dark humor and sense of duty. Even though he doesn't want the IT he's going to die trying to get it, and I can respect that. Stannis doesn't play games, he's uncapabble of lying to anyone, and isn't afraid to say the wrong word at the wrong time, those are the qualities I would like on a friend.

Stannis is a guy that is made out to seem evil or hard to root for because of his personality. He just doesn't seem like a hero, but after really putting some thought on his situation it's hard for me not to root for him or disagree with what he's doing.
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"Take a knee and swear that bastard sword to me, and rise as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North"


"Do I need to make you swear an oath before a tree?"
"No. Was that a jape? With Stannis, it was hard to tell."
Stannis/Dear Jon

"No man may withstand him!"
"Be quiet, woman, You are not at a nightfire now."

"You'll be pleased to know she came to me a maid."
"In your bed she's like to die that way."

"Your Grace's royal brother was renowned for turning fallen foes into friend. Make me your man."
"The gods did not make you a man. How can I?"
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Believe it or not, my Stannis loved occurred when the show had him burn Shireen.   Disgusted and distraught, I assured all the unsullied I know that Stannis was not that creature in the show.    The REAL Stannis would not have caved like that.   That single episode upset me as much as the Red Wedding did in the books.   I had no idea I even liked Stannis, but I went to bat for him after that.  I thought Stephen Dillane was great, don't get that wrong, but that wasn't STANNIS F'N BARATHEON at the end at all and the show is poorer for it.   Yeah, for about a week afterward the fury was mine.  

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How can you not like him?




We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slayRoose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt.




Theon: Lord Ramsay is the one Your Grace should fear.
Stannis: I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?
Theon: You do not know him.
Stannis: No more than he knows me




Theon: Never call him that! Ramsay Bolton, not Ramsay Snow, never Snow, never, you have to remember his name, or he will hurt you.
Stannis: He is welcome to try. Whatever name he goes by.
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Believe it or not, my Stannis loved occurred when the show had him burn Shireen.   Disgusted and distraught, I assured all the unsullied I know that Stannis was not that creature in the show.    The REAL Stannis would not have caved like that.   That single episode upset me as much as the Red Wedding did in the books.   I had no idea I even liked Stannis, but I went to bat for him after that.  I thought Stephen Dillane was great, don't get that wrong, but that wasn't STANNIS F'N BARATHEON at the end at all and the show is poorer for it.   Yeah, for about a week afterward the fury was mine.  

Exactly! It's Satannis that made me realize how much I love book!Stannis.

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  • 3 months later...
It's done, Jon thought, they're breaking. The wildlings were running, throwing down their weapons, Hornfoot men and cave dwellers and Thenns in bronze scales, they were running. Mance was gone, someone was waving Harma's head on a pole, Tormund's lines had broken. Only the giants on their mammoths were holding, hairy islands in a red steel sea. The fires were leaping from tent to tent and some of the tall pines were going up as well. And through the smoke another wedge of armored riders came, on barded horses. Floating above them were the largest banners yet, royal standards as big as sheets; a yellow one with long pointed tongues that showed a flaming heart, and another like a sheet of beaten gold, with a black stag prancing and rippling in the wind.
Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was "Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!"
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