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Season 3 - Characters to cast?

Tormund Giant*****

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So with Season 3 now greenlit, what Characters can we expect to be cast?

North of the Wall:


Mance Rayder

Tormund Giantsbane

Val/Dalla (maybe combine the two)




Varamyr Sixskins

The fist of the first men/Samwell's story





Small Paul - who I think is really important for this whole arc and a brilliant character

Another 1 or 2 conspirators

The Wall:


Donal Noye

Bowen Marsh (maybe be pushed back another season...)


Satin - though that would be awesome

Winterfell and the North: This is perhaps the storyline im most worried about not being given the characters to give it justice....


Ramsay Bolton - You cant leave such a great badguy out

The Reeds - maybe combined into one character

At Riverrun:


Hoster Tully

Edmure Tully


Brynden Tully (the Blackfish) - I pray to the old gods and the new every night for this.

Robbs Camp:


Black Walder Frey - need at least some kind of frey


Kind of want some more of his banner men and sworn swords like - Wendel Manderlay, SmallJohn, Dacey Mormont - only all in minor roles, but still there.


The Riverlands -


Beric Dondarrian

Thoros of Myr


Lem Lemoncloak or some other member of BWB

Vargo Hoat - feel he may get cut in the end

Qyburn - surely has to pop up sometime...


That old lady they go and see when with Beric



Mace Tyrell

Oberyn Martell


Queen of Thornes - may be replaced by a more politically aware Margery, just to save on actors and money....

at least one Kettleblack

Dragonstone: kinda curious what there going to do for most the season really...


Edric Storm

Alester Florent


Queen Selyse


Across the Narrow Sea:


Strong Belwas

A slaver



The guy Strong Belwas fights - maybe just a glorified extra though

Ironborn: feel this may just get pushed back to season 4 probably... yeah pretty sure they will get pushed back

but maybe..... Euron, Victarion and Damphair

Looking at all that now, thats a ridiculous amount of character to add. Who do you think will make it? Who could get pushed back? And who could play some of these characters?

Is there anyone i missed? Or anyone who you feel might not get cast who I thought would?

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Ramsay and The Reeds need to be in Season 2! Seriously if they haven't added Ramsay, or "Reek", then Theon's story is going to be messed up.


Or just slowed down, to give Theon something to do during season 3. I think that's a smart choice, but I'm nervous about how it will all shake out.

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Reading SoS again. I know the show has an over abundance of characters (well that GRRM's fault)...

but the Blackfish has more 'page time' and narrative importance than I remembered ... seems a character they should not let drift away.

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Beric Dondarrion was already in S1, it would be sad if they had to recast him. Though I suppose they could get away with it since he'd look a lot different.

I'm just hoping that entire storyline isn't cut since it's my overall favorite in the series.

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there splitting it into 2 seasons ending round about the RW or slightly later so you wont need half of those characters until season 4, and season 5 in the case of the iron islanders and ramsay, assuming that they merge AFfC and ADWD together, since many people would find season 5 boring and confusing otherwise, plus they cant just leave out half the cast for one season. You dont really need black walder given that we will see robbs campaign in the west this season, and if anytime the freys would voice their annoyance then they'd probably do it this season, i agree they may need to add dacey mormont, possibly merging her with maege if the robbs will thing gets important, you dont neccesarily need alester florent, and possibly you wont even need edric storm if they just have davos crime being trying to kill melisandre like he did earlier in the book, but if they want more plot line in Dragonstone for season 3,becuase their isnt much in the first half of ASoS they'd probably get these characters in. They've already cast Beric for season one and they'll probably stick with it, Hoster Tully doesn't require much, perhaps not even the whole tansy thing is needed, they just need a guy lying on a bed, to estabilish that he's dying, i dont think they should just say he's dead cos he's already been mentioned so far in the series so it'd be odd if Cat didnt place any importance on his death. Strong Belwas could easily combined with Barristans role

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