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Your opinion of Edmure Tully?


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He's the only one of Robb and his commanders to ever face Tywin in battle and come out victorious.

No matter what, this is to be remembered !

I personally really like him. Imo, the Blackfish was a real prick about his nephew.

And man, he must have lived the worst awakening a human being could ever live on the morning of his wedding night ! ^^

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He's certainly not the brightest crayon in the box. He seems like a nice enough guy and I don't disagree that he cares for his small folk, but absolutely the wrong guy to be the Lord of a great house. He would have made a good third son, dutiful to his older brothers (provided they gave bim explicit instructions!) and well liked in the riverlands, which would have allowed him to play the 'good cop' to the small folk while his brother played 'bad cop' (as may be required of a great lord). Though for his faults I blame Hoster, Edmure could of benefitted from more time with Brynden.

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I think that Edmure gets a tougher time than he deserves by the characters that surround him in the novels, and thus by a great amount of readers, which is the main problem with the POV chapter layout. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from his biggest fan, but after a few re-reads I've come to hold the idea that he more or less just became a scapegoat for failures because of his naivety.

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He has a good heart and he's a lot smarter and capable than Cat's POV continuously degrading him sets him up to be for the reader. Would have made a fine lord in peace time I would imagine.

I don't know if her POV really degraded him. She did seem fond of Edmure, maybe referred to him as soft headed and such like a typical older sister? I don't know, maybe an older sister could tell xD

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While Robb is on the West, making a name for himself and fucking Jeyne, Edmure is left with the thankless task of defending his own lands. And he does a great job. He's the only character in asoiaf that engages in direct battle with Tywin and wins. Let me repeat that: Edmure Tully is the only character in asoiaf that beats Tywin. And he does so while protecting his people, all the peasants and children, despite them being "useless mouths", as Cat says.

And then Robb has the nerve to tell him he screwed up when he was the one who failed to give a clear order. And unlike Robb, Edmure is actually defending his lands and his people. What happened to the North while Robb was gone? Oh, yeah, it got all kinds of fucked by the Ironborn, wildlings and Ramsey, and Robb's own home was burned.

And even then, Edmure has the decency to take the bullet for his nephew and take up the oath that isn't even his in the first place. And after the RW, Edmure not only accepts his fate like a badass and is wiling to die, but he also risks his life helping the Blackfish escape.

I mean, how more awesome can you get. Edmure is the best, hands down.

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While Robb is on the West, making a name for himself and fucking Jeyne, Edmure is left with the thankless task of defending his own lands. And he does a great job. He's the only character in asoiaf that engages in direct battle with Tywin and wins. Let me repeat that: Edmure Tully is the only character in asoiaf that beats Tywin. And he does so while protecting his people, all the peasants and children, despite them being "useless mouths", as Cat says.

And then Robb has the nerve to tell him he screwed up when he was the one who failed to give a clear order. And unlike Robb, Edmure is actually defending his lands and his people. What happened to the North while Robb was gone? Oh, yeah, it got all kinds of fucked by the Ironborn, wildlings and Ramsey, and Robb's own home was burned.

And even then, Edmure has the decency to take the bullet for his nephew and take up the oath that isn't even his in the first place. And after the RW, Edmure not only accepts his fate like a badass and is wiling to die, but he also risks his life helping the Blackfish escape.

I mean, how more awesome can you get. Edmure is the best, hands down.

I agree entirely, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter!

(Although, I think Brynden Tully has the potential to be more badass than Edmure.)

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While Robb is on the West, making a name for himself and fucking Jeyne, Edmure is left with the thankless task of defending his own lands. And he does a great job. He's the only character in asoiaf that engages in direct battle with Tywin and wins. Let me repeat that: Edmure Tully is the only character in asoiaf that beats Tywin. And he does so while protecting his people, all the peasants and children, despite them being "useless mouths", as Cat says.

And then Robb has the nerve to tell him he screwed up when he was the one who failed to give a clear order. And unlike Robb, Edmure is actually defending his lands and his people. What happened to the North while Robb was gone? Oh, yeah, it got all kinds of fucked by the Ironborn, wildlings and Ramsey, and Robb's own home was burned.

And even then, Edmure has the decency to take the bullet for his nephew and take up the oath that isn't even his in the first place. And after the RW, Edmure not only accepts his fate like a badass and is wiling to die, but he also risks his life helping the Blackfish escape.

I mean, how more awesome can you get. Edmure is the best, hands down.

:agree: :agree: :agree:

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I agree entirely, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter!

(Although, I think Brynden Tully has the potential to be more badass than Edmure.)

I think they're badasses in their own way, kind of like Arya and Sansa. But I love how both share an infinite hate of all things Jaime :P

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All in all a good guy

Taking responsibility for the Battle of the Fords

Agreeing to marry a Frey

Keeping his people inside the walls of Riverrun

These things show he is a generally benevolent leader.

He's possibly harmed by living in the shadow of his father for so long. What I mean is that spending all his adult life to date being the heir, without a marrage and children to occupy his time, has probably ment that he's been in a constant state of "waiting for his time". Now that he's Lord he feels like he needs to prove his worth which could explain his desire to prove himself.

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A very good guy-but not a good lord. (Still much better than Emmon Frey, though.)

I don't think his long term survival odds are very good.

I think he would be good peace time Lord but I agree that he is not really as well suited for being the Lord in a time of war, ecspecialy in this war.

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