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What's one event in the books you wish you could un-do?

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I wish Drogo hadn't kept MMD alive. Would've saved us all that dragon blah and sent the dothraki into westeros. That would've been fun.

I also wish Pycelle hadn't picked the correct raven when sending one of Tywin's RW messages to Bolton, and accidentily sent it to highgarden as a result. That'd be a fun 'oopsy'.

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I wish Darkstar had never happened. I know there are some who are very protective of Darkstar, but the dude is a victim of bad dialogue. Maybe future books will increase his value and make his dialogue seem better, but at this point, Darkstar is very Dorkstar.

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I wish Drogo hadn't kept MMD alive. Would've saved us all that dragon blah and sent the dothraki into westeros. That would've been fun.

I also wish Pycelle hadn't picked the correct raven when sending one of Tywin's RW messages to Bolton, and accidentily sent it to highgarden as a result. That'd be a fun 'oopsy'.

Roaring with laughter at this.

I wish Darkstar had never happened. I know there are some who are very protective of Darkstar, but the dude is a victim of bad dialogue. Maybe future books will increase his value and make his dialogue seem better, but at this point, Darkstar is very Dorkstar.

Oh my god yes. ''I am of the Night'' never fails to make me cringe and laugh at the same time.

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Brienne versus Biter............not because of the horrible scar that she was left with (although that's part of it, like she needed another obstacle to beauty to overcome), but because reading about someone being helpless and being eaten by another person was gut wrenching.I can take a lot of gross descriptions but this one really made me cringe.

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Brienne versus Biter............not because of the horrible scar that she was left with (although that's part of it, like she needed another obstacle to beauty to overcome), but because reading about someone being helpless and being eaten by another person was gut wrenching.I can take a lot of gross descriptions but this one really made me cringe.

This is probably the best one I've seen that wouldn't have changed the events of the series in any drastic way.

It was so gross to read, ewww.

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As for Mellara: the prophecy then is required to cause the death of a character never heard of before and who's only goal seems to be to cartoonise Cersei's personality-she isn't a bitter woman,hardened by her society's rigid gender roles, her father's aloofness and her husband's abuse, nope, she was born evil,. Cripes.

Not even LF was born evil. Or even Ramsay Snow and mr. Mountain. I don't think Martin writes his characters that way. Cercei however, from the little what we've read from her childhood, always wanted to be Tywin II and thought being ruthless and condenscending to anyone of a lower status was totally awesome. Even if mr. Viper's story isn't true there's no reason to doubt Cercei disliked Tyrion, as Tywin did as well. From her own POVs we know how she thinks. She's cunning but I wouldn't say overly intelligent, and very stuck up and selfish, and quite incapable of feeling empathy. Plus her dubious in Mellara's (is that her name? I keep forgetting) already showed that Cercei had a tendency towards sociopath behaviour.

Her (or rather, her father's) rejection by Aerys, her marriage to Bob and the death of her son only unleashed her potential towards anti-social and downright criminal behaviour. To conclude, long before Bobby B ever touched her she was already displaying sociopath behaviour and had commited at least one criminal act.

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