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The Rise of a New House?

Pinkie Baelish

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I don't like how the War of Roses ended. I' m on York side. Hopefully ASOIAF will have another ending.

I am glad to see that. i always hated the Tudors and the lines that follow them got worse and worse. The Plantagenet dynasty was the true dynasty. However, back to our story. If there is someone on the Iron throne in the end, they must have lineage from Aegon the Conqueror in order to have some legitimacy. Robert had that plus some from Dorne because of the merger earlier before the Targ blood entered Baratheon, therefore he had enought to appease all. However, if you look at the family trees in the books, there is especially around Aegon V and his father, "others" especially princesses that are not detailed in their marriages or even if they lived or died i suspect that a princess may have married a Lord Stark and entered the Stark line.
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I am glad to see that. i always hated the Tudors and the lines that follow them got worse and worse. The Plantagenet dynasty was the true dynasty. However, back to our story. If there is someone on the Iron throne in the end, they must have lineage from Aegon the Conqueror in order to have some legitimacy. Robert had that plus some from Dorne because of the merger earlier before the Targ blood entered Baratheon, therefore he had enought to appease all. However, if you look at the family trees in the books, there is especially around Aegon V and his father, "others" especially princesses that are not detailed in their marriages or even if they lived or died i suspect that a princess may have married a Lord Stark and entered the Stark line.

besides my persenol theory that the staks married targ TWICE (maegos sister; dareon the drunks daughter might be rickards mother

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You assumed incorrectly, then. House Baratheon is not on the throne for long, and they seized it from the Targaryens, whose history has several elements likening them to the Normans/Plantagenets.

Robert resembles Edward IV a lot, and the whole Stannis arc is a lot like Richard III's seizing the throne from his allegedly illegitimate nephews. Also, the Baratheons are fearsome warriors, just like the Yorks.

Edward IV was handsome and dashing and unlike Robert he had a stronger claim than Henry VI, through Lionel Plantagenet Duke of Clarence's line

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  • 1 year later...

Why the limit? The competitors in the War of the Roses are not limited to one character each. I think GRRM put a mix in there. For example, there's a bit of Richard III in Ned Stark, but also a bit in Tyrion Lannister and Stannis Baratheon. I don't think the author intended to have strict analogies.

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Just because GRRM is influenced by the War of the Roses doesnt mean he is going to just retell the story and just change the names of people. Like the RW was influenced by The Black Dinner, GRRM is influenced from lots of things in history, plus someone has already mentioned that there are no WW or Dragons in that story. Remember this GRRM story so he is going to write it the way he wants to and mix it up with whatever other histories he wants, so its kinda pointless of comparing the characters to certain people in War of Roses like this guy is Henry Tudor meaning he will win in the end. We will probably be surprised to a certain degree in the end.

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  • 8 months later...

I've often thought this, especially because even though Jon has claims to both Winterfell and the IT, they are likely bastard claims that would (big IF here, because he has to leave the Wall) be largely enforced by being the last man standing. (Even though he is at the front lines of the War for the Dawn in the North, if Jon survives, because they are the only ones who prepared for it, as the only or largest surviving force afterwards.) Jon is already been symbolized by the Blue Winter Rose in Dany's HOTU dream, and if he sides with the Tyrells, I could see a new dynasty incorporating the rose to include both houses. That said, even though Margaery was introduced early (Renly discusses her to Ned), we haven't heard enough of her that I can seriously see her ending up with a major character. In addition, the Tyrells-the flowers-will symbolically and likely literally die in the winter, especially after siding with the Lannisters. That they killed Joffrey, a possible violation of guest right, reinforces this (though, the guest right thing here is shady. No one accuses them, obviously, but it was Joffrey's house. You could also argue he would break guest right because he's a psychopath, like how you would never trust Ramsay)

Total crackpot, but when Ice got melted down to forge Oathkeeper and Widows Wail, it signified the end of House Stark. (By that point, the RW had happened too, so the North was royally screwed up. Even before the RW tho, the Starks were on a downward spiral after Aegon I and after Robert's Rebellion. Look at Moat Cailin, now in ruins. Winterfell's "Broken Tower". They were in decline, along with the North and the Nights Watch) it could also symbolize two new dynasties being formed. 'Oathkeeper' reminds me of Jon, who is struggling to keep his Nights Watch vows while also dealing with the Boltons, Others, and Wildlings and every other problem he faces. As for Widows Wail, It reminds me of Sansa, Margaery, and Dany. Dany and Margaery are both widows, Margaery two-three- times over soon, and Dany's second love and husband, Daario and Whats-his-name, are already dead. It could also mean Sansa, who escaped a betrothal and a marriage, now likely to be betrothed to Harry the Heir. Her story is long from over, so I honestly have no clue what will happen.

The thing is, I wonder if it happened before. The first two swords to be mentioned were Ice and Dawn (Dawn is currently MIA, at Starfall) during Ned's fight with Arthur Dayne. Both houses stem from the Long Night and the First men. Both houses have very good reason to be descended from the Last Hero/Azor Ahai. But the Starks are pure ice, while the Daynes lean more towards fire (Dorne-desert, Dayne-day, sun-fire). A stretch I know, but I wonder if this is a subtle hint that the two were on opposite sides of the conflict. Old Nan seems to believe the Nights King was a Stark, which would fit in this version of events, and I've lately grown fond of the idea that dragons and Others are unnatural man-made things that disrupt the balance. In this system, the Starks used Ice (Ice-Magic) to literally battle their enemies and possibly the Daynes fought back using Dawn, and though they didn't win all the way, the ended the Long Night. Possibly purifying the Stark line, or getting rid of the Other-ized members.

This in turn may wrap up both the Game and the Song. Jon takes the Iron Throne (or King in the North with no Iron Throne), founding a new dynasty, and also restarts the whole cycle after restoring balance. Dany, Widows Wail, might restart Valyria in the West with her dragons or maybe Sansa, not-yet-a-widow, might set in motion events leading to the recreation of the Others.

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I think if there will be new House then it will be founded by a wildling leader, like House Rayder or House Giantsbane, or with a common name for the wildlings, with words like "We Do Not Kneel" :D

Or someone from the Golden Company, or Rolly Duckfield takes over an existing House's seat and lands and thus a new one will born.

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If there is a 'Henry Tudor' figure - my feeling is that they come from House Plumm. WOIAF talked about Viserys Plumm - and the fact that he is thought to be descended from Aegon IV and Elaena Targaryen. This supposed ancestry is known in Westeros - Tyrion suspects Ben Plumm has 'two drops' of dragon blood ADWD Tyrion XI. Assuming the main figures die (including whoever the inevitable Blackfyre is - for me not (f)Aegon) the only real options dynastically Shireen or a Plumm - there are no other branches of Targaryen or Baratheon living that I can think of.

There are a few things that make the Plumms really interesting. First if they can prove Viserys Plumm is descended from Aegon IV and not Ossifer Plumm as many suspect, then they are legitmate Targaryens as p. 97 WOIAF says Aegon IV 'legitimized all his natural children'. The point here is someone can retroactively become legitimate if it can be proved they are Aegon IV's son - he did not simply legitimize the Great Bastards. If there is going to be proof of any other of Aegon's bastards it will be one with a Targaryen princess. Proof might not even be needed if enough people believe Viserys Plumm was Aegon's rather than Ossifers.

Who the Plumm heir would be is difficult. One would assume Lord Philip Plumm, head of the house but WOIAF says Aegon IV 'deprived men of their rightful inheritances when he desired their wealth, as rumors claim he did following the death of Lord [Ossifer] Plumm'. The assumption is here that he deprived Ossifer's elder children in favour of giving a seat to his suspected bastard - but the fact Tyrion says about Ben Plumm's 'two drops' of dragon blood suggests something happened later that caused at least some of Viserys' line to be exiled (hence Ben).

If this becomes in any way important - I would expect Viserys Plumm to be exiled in a Dunk and Egg after being a Blackfyre rebel - it seems likely he would rebel for a Blackfyre if he is in fact a Great Bastard. In return a just king like Aegon V may have reinstated the Plumm branch disinherited by Aegon IV and so Brown Ben Plumm is the direct descendant of Viserys Plumm (he is obviously descended from some Plumm in the male line) and becomes a Henry Tudor figure! If my Plumm theory is correct - it seems more likely Ben Plumm would be the Henry Tudor figure than the yet as met Philip Plumm.

Moreover he already has a small force to land with (leader of the Second Sons) as Tudor did at Milford Haven, which grew as he put forth his claim. The fact they are called the Second Sons might be massive foreshadowing. Moreover we know his affinity for the dragons - what if when Dany inevitably dies he manages to ride one of them? Jesus, the more I think about it the more I believe something like this could happen!!

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Well we have some new houses in Westeros like the Spicers, the Baelishs (now just LF), the Slynts, the Magnars, the Redbeards, the formers are even newer than the first ones.

But I don't believe all the great houses will die out or not be sat on the Iron Throne. But I can see, for example, House Arryn dying out and maybe House Baratheon.

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Well we have some new houses in Westeros like the Spicers, the Baelishs (now just LF), the Slynts, the Magnars, the Redbeards, the formers are even newer than the first ones.

But I don't believe all the great houses will die out or not be sat on the Iron Throne. But I can see, for example, House Arryn dying out and maybe House Baratheon.

I don't. I think GRRM will have the houses in their rightful places. Kind of like end it the way he started it. As for who's sitting on the iron throne. Martin will most likely give the story as bitter-sweet ending. People like coming up with their own horribly thought out ending, like Jon on the throne. Makes me giggle every time. Obviously, most of it is just what they want to happen. Martin will definitely try to satisfy everyone. Killing every Lannister and having a Stark become king of the universe won't accomplish that.

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Bittersweet is a mix of good and bad, so I believe some of the houses will die out, The Arryns of the Eyrie are ending (they still have the merchant branch of Gulltown, but they are dispised by the other Arryns for being less nobles), House Baratheon depends on Stannis and Shereen. Or maybe on Edric if he is legitimized, I still think he has a role to play, maybe marrying Shireen.

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