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Lyanna+Robert=Jon Snow?

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But Jon is not immune to fire like all super duper Targaryens...


Not to mention that he hasn't got a pet dragon :ph34r:


Lyanna despised Roberts infidelities, so no way she would sleep with him.

She despised that Robert cheated and she eloped with a cheater. That is so wrong (not what you say WK, Lyanna's behaviour)
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edit: She despised that Robert cheated and she eloped with a cheater. That is so wrong (not what you say WK, Lyanna's behaviour)

The falseness of that argument has been pointed out to you far too many times already. :thumbsdown:

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The Baratheon genes are the strongest, especially in Robert, so all his chidren look like him but Jon doesn't, Jon has a stark look, the targaryens cannot say the same for genes, they have purple eyes and silver hair usually but most of the time that's when they marry each other, there have been other houses the trags have married into and they haven't got purple eyes and silver hair, example: Robert Baratheon's grandmother I think was a trag, so steffon should have had silver hair and purple eyes.

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Lyanna despised Roberts infidelities, so no way she would sleep with him.

Yeah she didn't love him and I think a girl such as Lyanna, being hot blooded, would have fought off Robert. Anyway if Robert had of slept with Lyanna he'd still be saying it years afterwards.

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Robert would have legitimised any child he had by Lyanna in two seconds flat.

If you're going by the theory that Robert didnt know, he never got a chance to be close to Lyanna or alone with her, they only met a couple of times at tourneys and such like

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  • 2 months later...

Points that have been made a thousand times but not in this particular thread.

1) Why would Ned spend the entirety of book one trying to disprove the legitimacy of Joff, etc. and conveniently forget he had one of Robert's bastards, in his custody, the last 16 or so years?

2) Why go out of your way to hide the son of Robert FROM Robert?

I've seen this "theory" many times, it is without merit. In order for it to add up, GRRM would basically have to rewrite the entire story. Those who think that the Rhaegar theory is too on the nose are unaware of the fact that many don't catch it. We who discuss it online are a minority.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

I have always been convinced of this theory as well! I am glad to finally hear others saying it! Jon Snow is definitely a Stark and Baratheon! Which ever theory ends up true...he is a true heir to the throne!

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1) if Robert was Jon's father Ned would not have to lie about it. Robert would have gladly raised the child, legitimized him, and named him heir. He would have called a Great Council to do that before he even took a wife, and might even have remained single to make certain his son with Lyanna would be king after him.

2) Lyanna was missing for at least a year. Jon was born at/near the end of that year. If Robert knew where she was and was making conjugal visits, then there was no reason for him to fight in the war, kill Rhaegar, and hate all Targs post-war. He'd also KNOW there was a chance Lyanna could have had his child and would have asked Ned about it. He already had a few bastards at that point, so he would think of that.

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You might make an argument(though I doubt it's credibility) for Robert and Lyanna sleeping together but not for Jon being Robert's son. Two years passed between her disappearance at Harrenhall and Jon's birth. I doubt the seed is that strong.

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