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Dexter: The Final Season


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You people are asking why?

Why ask why!?

Watch this show like a goldfish, constantly forgetting what happened 5 minutes earlier and you will be just fine!

Call it Doriviewing, if you will.

Sooner or later it will sink in that Dexter is going to Argentina with Hannah and Harrison.

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That's a damning bench-mark. I think it's a good thing this is the last season as it's my last.

There was so much stupidity I initially forgot the gem of wiping the entire apartment clear of any trace of Hannah but forgetting to wipe her browsing history!!!

The thing is though, you can forgive True Blood as it's meant to be silly, that's half the fun, the headbanging stupidity of this Season of Dexter which is meant to be a more 'serious' show is actually worse.

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I know I shouldn't be disappointed anymore, but:

so Saxon, the guy who just waited for Dexter to arrive at Vogel's house to slit her throat in front of her, who basically called all out total war on Dexter last episode, has had an epiphany and just walks in on Dex to call a truce? And all that was not a clever ruse to get to Dexter, but it was his actual honest intention?

and then he wakes up on his own killbench, remains totally calm to the point of me expecting him to finally release his trap and pull a "gotcha" on Dex, but it turns out he really just waits to die and even he himself doesn't give a shit about it anymore. Because obviously, living in the Dexterverse is so shitty that being cut up is a relief....


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Never mind all the things they're screwing up in each episode, but in the big picture I was expecting a season of seeing Dexter on the run from the cops. That's really the only effective way to end this type of show, because a killer like this can't magically lose his lifelong urges in less than a year. I would have liked to see a Dexter Unchained type of season where everything in his life unravels, he loses control of his urges, and is forced to kill someone like Batista or Quinn.

But the god damn writers just don't seem to want Dexter answer for his crimes. Potentially damning (and therefore intriguing) developments in the plot just disappear and leave Dexter in the clear.

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this is really a very unsatisfying plot for the very last season, especially when we get a totally satisfying last season of another show right at the same time. *ding ding ding*

Dexter is pretty much the anti-Mr.White. He goes from extremely troubled and emotionless psychopath in season one to family-friendly partner-loving sister-caring best-son-in-law-ever.

And nothing from his past comes to haunt him, as you pointed out. Ah, the missed opportunities...

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A few weeks ago I read a spoiler of the finale and thought it too bad to be true, but it now looks like it was exactly right. They are not going to remotely redeem themselves with the final episode.

If you remember the link could you PM it to me? I couldn't care less if I had the final episode spoiled, it might end up saving me 2 hours to do something else.

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The main problem (though certainly not the only one) with the writing is that the writers seem afraid to acknowledge, or even to understand, that the leading character is a terrible human being, to put it mildly.

Now, contrast this to Breaking Bad, Sopranos, The Shield or even to a lesser extent (in the sense they are not murderers, mobsters or meth dealers) Justified and Mad Men and you see the contrast- the best shows of the last 15 years or so were never afraid to show the terrible consequences of their actions to themselves, to the people close to them, to their enemies, or even to innocent bystanders.

Meanwhile, Dexter (which had a character with as much potential as the leading ones of any of these shows) is content with having Dexter be awesome, solve everything, and get away with murder, metaphorically and literally, with everyone around him not noticing or forgiving him for everything.

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^Ah yes that's the one thing that's always bugged me about this show.

The writers are so clearly in love with their main character that there is absolutely no moral ambiguity at all.

Never have I felt like they seriously made the audience feel bad about rooting for Dex.... Of course you're gonna root for Dexter against a Jordan Chase or a Trinity...!

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So I got my tabs mixed up and thought this was the Breaking Bad thread for a minute. In reading some of the things people said, I was thinking "Wow, it's like people are talking about Dexter, not Breaking Bad." Haha, it was great when I realized how dumb I was being.

I liked it better when we had Dexter's faults in his psyche, not just plain stupidity or busyness.

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The only thing satisfying for me to come out of this season is people realizing how terrible a character Hannah McKay is and always was.

Flat performance, no chemistry with the lead, inscrutable personality traits and senselessly written. That this season was plotted around her and Dexter as the endgame completely destroyed the legacy of this series.

People on Yvonne Strahovski's IMDB forum are actually fretting that this is going to damage to her career.

It's a silver lining to a very dark cloud, but I've been hate-watching this stupid show since the midpoint of this season anyway.

So yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

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I don't know why her character got so much praise last year. She gave the most boring, flat and uninspired performance I've seen in a long time and Hannah was one of the most terribly written antagonist/love interest this show had. And this is in a show that gave us Lumen ffs.

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I just caught up with season 8 yesterday, as I'd been at home with very poor internet for 5 weeks. I'm.. I'm not really sure why I bothered.

Dexter used to be my favourite show on TV, once upon a time. I totally agree with those who said that up to and including season 4, it was awesome. I'm glad it's ending, I just wish it could've ended on a high note. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I do know that I find it hard to care.

The books are still good though. They're supposed to be a little silly, and I always thoroughly enjoy them.

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The only thing satisfying for me to come out of this season is people realizing how terrible a character Hannah McKay is and always was.

Flat performance, no chemistry with the lead, inscrutable personality traits and senselessly written. That this season was plotted around her and Dexter as the endgame completely destroyed the legacy of this series.

It is hard to stomach how she is supposedly at least as lethal as Dexter, but ever since he is on that last quest to kill this one guy before they can finally ride into their sunset, she at no point suggests that she might help him, plan something, mix a poison or whatever. For as much help as the writers allowed her to be she could just as well have been Dexter's former wife...

But of course when the son has a cut she can risk everything and run around in public.


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The point of Hanna is not to assist Dexter in killing. The point is to be someone who doesn't judge him for it.

Yeah, like everyone else who finds out that Dexter is a serial killer like Deb, Miguel, Luna, Zach, his Father, Vogel, ect..ect...

The only person in the entire series that found out that Dex hunts people, straps them down, mutilates them, dismembers the bodies, and dumps them unceremoniously in the ocean and had the human reaction of "Oh my fucking God, I am putting this guy in jail" was Doakes...

We see how the writers handled that one.

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