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Dexter: The Final Season


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Are people really complaining about an incest subplot on this forum?

I know, it's pretty ridiculous. I agree that it was a weak story point though. Every time it is brought up on the show, I just sigh.

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It's just like...why is the show so hesitant to put any of the main characters in any real danger? Any ordeal that comes up is just tossed aside and completely forgotten, and the character is totally safe. It never used to pull punches (Rita, Doakes, Trinity) and every major action had very tangible consequences. That's what made it great. Honestly the Dexter vs Doakes story was worthy of a finale.

After s4 it just seems like more of an anthology instead of a linear story about Dexter. A new threat has Dexter seriously questioning himself, only to have the threat casually tossed aside. Then enters the new threat.

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The most stupid part of the whole thing, however, was the psychiatrist both deliberately leading Debra into that conclusion, and then actually supporting the "romance", rather than trying to have her deal with the feelings so she might look for someone less incestuous eventually, and even though a sexual relationship between the two of them could destroy their lives.

Yeah, that was my problem with it. It also seemed like a really desperate shock tactic as well. I can handle incest storylines but they have to make some kind of sense. It's also rare to see incest storylines where both characters are "good".

This and the imaginary serial killer of a serial killer are still the worst aspects of a show that has done a lot of things wrong over the year. At the moment it's downright stupid and sloppy but not slapping me in the face with ridiculousness.

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I did myself a favor and swore off Newsroom and Dexter for the time being. Both shows are such trash compared to the brilliance of Breaking Bad. It's actually a downer to watch such an amazing show and then tune in for crap that hurts my high.

I'll get back to these lesser shows later or just read the wikipedia entries.

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Yes, the ideal thing to do in your penultimate episode is to spend time with your leading character selling his house and his boat. WOW, why no show has ever done this before?

Now I'm off to watch Boardwalk Empire to wipe the bad taste off my mouth.

Sylvia Prado is the best thing about season 8 so far...

I'm shocked that they remembered she existed.

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Yes, the ideal thing to do in your penultimate episode is to spend time with your leading character selling his house and his boat. WOW, why no show has ever done this before?

Now I'm off to watch Boardwalk Empire to wipe the bad taste off my mouth.

I'm shocked that they remembered she existed.

Luckily, Boardwalk had a REALLY awesome episode. I really think they are going for the "cured" route on Dexter. He has magically been losing the urge that was the premise of the entire series. :bang:

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An idea that would ruin the plot of Dexter this season if it ever occurred to any of these idiots...

If a plane can fly to Brazil, I bet one can fly back as well.

Even if I am expected to believe there is no possible way that Hannah can die her hair and leave the country alone with a perfectly good new passport, why does she have to sit on Deb's couch and various hotels in Miami for a week or so? Why wouldn't Dexter just fly with her to Brazil and then come back.

Why is it even plausible for him to leave the "Brain Surgeon", alive? Is there any possible way that in the dozen years on death row he has in front of him, he doesn't mention Dexter and his crimes?

Speaking of "Brain Surgeon" I now know why he cuts people's brains out.. He obviously doesn't have any brains of his own. I guess he just never figured that the person that just released all his murder tapes would never figure out that he would be coming for him that night. He just strolled in to an open apartment and walked to the bed. If he really is that stupid, can someone please tell me how he got away with all of those murders?

Oh... nevermind... I have just watched all of those seasons about Miami Homicide...

This is just a complete travesty. How this show is going out should be a warning to any other show ever produced. Dexter was my favorite show at one point. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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I'll echo everyone else's sentiments WTF?

Dexter you fucking idiot - oh I'll leave the psycho in the basement because I'm in wuv. This isn't some random victim you've picked up - it's the guy who knows everything about you and has threatened your entire family. Turns out it was Saxon's lucky day as the world's dumbest Marshall (who gets paid to track down fugitives) lets Miami's most wanted free. I guess he went into radio silence while sitting outside the apartment. I hope he didn't have kids as that would be evolution in action.

Hannah still hasn't bothered to cut/dye her hair (give her a fucking wig if the actress doesn't want to change her look) despite so many people being onto her. Now she also needs to walk around the fucking apartment with expensive high heels - although I'm sure those shoes were essential for her new life in argentina.

Debs got shot. I couldn't give a shit anymore - that's how little I care about anyone in this show. Thanks to the Dexter/Hannad combined idiocy I feel like the world owes them some payback.

I also loved the scene where Dexter's trying to sell the boat and the customer is "oh, btw a plotstorm is brewing".

If I could be bothered I'd check who's writing this show now and see whether it's the same people or a bunch of temps. If it's the same crew they've clearly become increasingly lazy up to the point they don't give a fuck.

This is just a complete travesty. How this show is going out should be a warning to any other show ever produced. Dexter was my favorite show at one point. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
to take a line from a poem Breaking BAd has used to good effect

"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

I'm on holiday next week and it saddens me to say that I'm not bothered that I'll have to wait an additional week to see the Dexter finale. What a fucking shame considering how much I used to enjoy it.

If we ever get to another thread for this show (I can imagine we'll need a cathartic one) I vote for calling it "Dexter: Don't cry for me Argentina"

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This is starting to make True Blood look coherently written and sensible.

That's a damning bench-mark. I think it's a good thing this is the last season as it's my last.

There was so much stupidity I initially forgot the gem of wiping the entire apartment clear of any trace of Hannah but forgetting to wipe her browsing history!!!

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This is by far the worst season...

I think that there was not one scene in this episode that didn't contain stupid writing. Why didn't Hanna just fly off to Brazil, and then wait for Harrison and Dexter there? Didn't Dexter realize that if he left Saxon for the police, he could spill the beans about him? Sure, Saxon may not have the proof, but Matthews, Angel and Quinn, who have heard rumors about Dexter -and then forgot about them- would have to realize something is wrong with Dex.

Why would Saxon turn himself over to the police to clear his name? That scene was put in so that Miami Pd could know that Saxon was Vogel's son, but it made NO sense whatsoever.

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