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Really minor characters you care about more than some of the main

Death By Fire

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The one really minor character that i like turns out to be dead is : OLD NAN

If Ramsay killed her then Martin should write such a gruesome death for him .

I suspect that Ramsay will end up as a sacrifice to the Winterfell weirdwood, with his entrails strung through its branches. Just like that nice headsman from White Harbor talked about

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Tommen and Myrcella are just innocent kids, and they're both very sweet. I know the Lannisters are going to be overthrown eventually, but I don't want the kids to die. Let them live the rest of their lives in exile somewhere. Anything as long as they're not dead.

Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds. They're dead

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Jeyne Poole broke my heart and I want the best for her, as well as a lot of the other small Winterfell characters like Old Nan... but it's pretty easy to imagine what happened to them after a prolonged stay in the Dreadfort.

The Mormont ladies were awesome and stuck with me even though they were so minor, especially Dacey and her fate.

Tommen and Myrcella. They seem like sweet kids, and Tommen's doofiness never fails to crack me up.

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Really really minor, gosh there have actually been so many. The ragged tom/Balerion, Cotter Pyke, Dacey Mormont, all of Aerys' Kingsguard (with the exception of Jaime for this list because he's not minor), Anguy, the courtesans (The Poetess sounds so amazing), Satin, Waymar Royce, and Jory. Jory's was the first death of many that left me whimpering like a baby.

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Roslin is great! I didn't even really care about Edmure, until he expressed concern for Roslin to Jaime. If a guy can like you after your family murders his closest loved ones, you must be secretly awesome.

What's not to love when it comes to Ser Hyle? The only strike against him is the stupid bet he made about Brienne's maidenhead, and he seems genuinely apologetic about it. I get the feeling that at the time it was just supposed to be a stupid joke and they got carried away with it, like young men flocking together sometimes do, and he kind of wants redemption for it. And he likes/vouches for/respects Brienne. In a way, he is one of Brienne's truest friends, and aside from Pod, her only friend so far who has not tried to kill her yet. I've heard a few people who swear that he is secretly in love with her, but I don't buy that at all. Even in his proposal, he admits he would be marrying her for her claim, but its still probably a kinder proposal than she is used to. How many men have said they would have sex with Brienne, and not in a rapey fashion? Even the most dickish things he says are really not that dickish, and he doesn't really mean them to be; it's just his humor. You can dislike him all you want, but Ser Hyle has won me over completely.

The moment I started liking Ser Hyle was the moment Brienne told him to help her dig the grave and he was like "Okey doke" and he did. No protesting, no arguing, no "Brienne worst idea ever not worth it crows eat dead people its the title of the book a dur dur dur you're a stupid wench." Just "cool."

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I'm not sure if they're really minor, but I love the Reeds. I know we'll probably see Jojen die. He can't have a catchphrase "today is not the day I die" without dying some day that we see. And then there's Hodor. How can you not love Hodor?

Then there's Tommen and Myrcella. And Ser Pounce. And the one-eared tom.

And the Manderly girl whose name I can't remember and the Mormont girl.

And then finally, I really want to see something good happen for Gendry.

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Cotter Pyke, Hound, Mance, Pia, Weasel, Edric Dayne, Needle - you know it counts, Old Nan, Alys Karstark, Lady Smallwood, Pod, Hyle Hunt, Monster, Sarella, any weirwoods, Balerion the Bad Cat, Dolorous Edd, Stranger, Beth Cassel, Elmar Frey, Daven Lannister, Thoros

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I think I forgot to mention this one:

The Tattered Prince - He seems like a fairly rough and nasty fellow, but I'd like to see whatever plan he has in mind for Pentos actually get a chance to happen.

EDIT: And now that someone reminded me - Jalabar Xho. Poor guy just wants to go home again. After all that waiting, he gets accused of a crime he didn't commit too.

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