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[Book Spoilers, probably]The Ending


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I had no problems with the ending and credits, but Locke's motivations seemed a bit strange to me. The ending of the previous episode could've given me the sense that Locke's an honest northman (he wasn't even tempted by Jaime's bribe and he payed the farmer instead of killing him) if I hadn't known what was to come, but the fact that Locke's motivation to chop of the hand of the kingdom's most powerful and wealthiest man's son was... *drumroll* ... his hatred of lords. That was pretty random.

I wonder how he's going to explain this to Bolton next week. "Yeah, so this guy who both sides have been looking for or hunting since late season 1. I chopped his hand off. Why? Well, he got on my nerves. F**k you! That's why."

As I mentioned in more explanation in the discussion thread, he won't have to explain anything to Bolton at all. Or at least, the way he see's it (and the way all of the North would see it) Jamie is a murderer and a fugitive and will have his head chopped off once and for all. At the very least he is not going back to the Lannisters any time soon.

Bolton might have ulterior motives, but someone loyal to the North who happens to serve Bolton would never know that. Jamie is not a ransoming chip at this point. Brienne is because she is a newfound prisoner who Locke discovers might have some wealth, Jamie can be beheaded just as well with 1 hand as 2

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The end credits really left a shitty taste in my mouth. Why did we have to have that lame, poppy version? It doesn't fit with anything in the last 22 episodes of the show. Will the closing credits next week be from Lady Gaga? That was like putting a turd on top of an ice cream sundae.

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My husband and I both did the same thing when the music for the end credits started. We laughed. Indeed it was a big contrast to what we just saw, and I'm not sure whether I liked it or not. I didn't mind the idea of playing a song, but I didn't like the fact it was modernized. Yes I know, much of the original soundtrack is synthesized anyway, but at least it is trying to sound real. This was flat out celtic rock, and it did indeed make me laugh out of surprise, but I don't know if that was the best response given what had just happen to Jaime.

I just hope they don't do something so stupid again.

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I personally didn't like it much, but I assume that something important in the conversation was deliberately covered by the song.

Locke is going to be utterly left in the shite by Bolton though, like in the books, he'll have to cut himself off from the act of dismembering Jaime as hard and as fast as he can because otherwise Tywin would reward him for betraying the Starks then kill him for doing that to Jaime

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No part of the conversation was covered by the song...

I loved the scene! The music for the credits was awful, but forgivable as long as they don't make a habit of putting out of place music in the end credits.

The pause between Locke chopping his hand off and Jaime's scream was perfectly executed. It was a split second where Jaime Lannister, the best swordsman in the 7 kingdoms & knight of the Kingsguard, realized all off his supposed importance had just been taken. Really well executed by the actors and director.

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No part of the conversation was covered by the song...

I loved the scene! The music for the credits was awful, but forgivable as long as they don't make a habit of putting out of place music in the end credits.

The pause between Locke chopping his hand off and Jaime's scream was perfectly executed. It was a split second where Jaime Lannister, the best swordsman in the 7 kingdoms & knight of the Kingsguard, realized all off his supposed importance had just been taken. Really well executed by the actors and director.

Locke is clearly still talking (his mouth still moving and all) when the song starts...

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Locke is clearly still talking (his mouth still moving and all) when the song starts...

Hahaha. Well uh, either something went wrong with your "broadcast" or...

(in the legit version the song doesn't start until after the credits)

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I get the feeling they will not do something like that again. All the reviews I've read (and the comments) seem to be negative when it comes to the song. I don't think I mind the idea of the song, I just didn't like the over the top rock version of it. Remove the modern drum kit and guitars, and I'd not have had an issue. Just a jolly folk song, but keep rock away from it.

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