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acroPHILIA #4 - The actual game thread


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Jonos Bracken never occurred to me. Once I saw the word 'bent', I became focused on a Stark.

I thought originally that "bent" might refer to corruption, so I had Janos Slynt in my head. Not subduing an arch-rival could then have referred to Slynt's problems with Tyrion or Jon Snow. Offspring obligated confused me for sure. I figured in Slynt's case it could mean that his son became a lord when he joined the NW.

Anyway I knew it was wrong after I asked in prelims. After that I had nothing :dunno:

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I thought originally that "bent" might refer to corruption, so I had Janos Slynt in my head. Not subduing an arch-rival could then have referred to Slynt's problems with Tyrion or Jon Snow. Offspring obligated confused me for sure. I figured in Slynt's case it could mean that his son became a lord when he joined the NW.

Anyway I knew it was wrong after I asked in prelims. After that I had nothing :dunno:

I kept thinking of the KIng who Knelt (Torrhen Stark). Once I figured out the theme, I concluded it was Ned because he bent (offered Cersei a chance to take the children and leave).

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Oh THAT Jonos Bracken!

Sorry Ser, I had Oberyn Martell with a play on the 'unbent' and him failing to finish off whatshisname and his daughters being mad and stuff like that!

That was actually my first thought too but then there was that "serpentine" in the other clue which fit our favorite Red Viper so very, very well.

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That was actually my first thought too but then there was that "serpentine" in the other clue which fit our favorite Red Viper so very, very well.

Well, I had him there as well. :rofl: (After I removed Arianne)

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Three people guessed the theme correctly: Queen_Cersei_II, redriver and a shadow, in the last case at least thanks to Castellan's in-thread hint about the theme clue (Castellan herself sadly ignored that hint).

I must explain, so I won't :pirate: Maybe.

Right when I read Castellan's comment, I knew it was correct and got badly upset laughed victoriously. Because I was definitely not trying to trick someone into telling me the answers. Before I read it though, I had already figured out that the theme was people who have daughters, and made all* the other guesses. I got there by thinking that the theme clue might be the first clue, that 'Brobdingnagian tree decal' is meant for 'a family tree' and that 'alternate offspring option' means either multiply kids, or boy(s) and girl(s), or just a girl (because it is somewhat 'alternate' offspring in that kind of universe). I also had confirmation that the answer for #4 was Stannis, and he only has a daughter.

And then I thought about what I should do and threw a coin that said the game must be played :pirate: I have voted the first clue as my favorite, which I have been wanting to do, even though I did not quite have a good guess for it :blush: I have also updated the theme to 'fathers', which I am not certain if I would have done alone.

Rhaena Sandship is definitely the best of this round.


*My wrong guesses were Robert Baratheon for the first clue (because I stayed with the 'family tree' idea) and Tytos Lannister for the 7th clue, because I read it 'Bent, then didn't subdue archrival. Offspring obligated (to subdue them).'

1. What do you think about the theme clue? Is it fine? Is it horrible and we should abolish it starting with round 3? Shall I make them more obvious?

If you like making the theme clues, definitely keep making them. And otherwise, I do not have an opinion.

When I host, you will only get points for clever compliments of the host.

But how will the host understand the compliments then, shouldn't he be able to? :ninja:

I have been trying to come up with my next clue and its REALLY HARD. That's all I have to say about that.

I have only seen my character for a few minutes now and of course no character is impossible, but this one looks very hard. I will beat them :pirate: Maybe :ninja:

I think I have also skewered myself with the clue for this round. I had a flowing one, which yomi preffered, but then insisted on a frankenstein stitched from pieces and I think yomi let me have it just so that I would suffer for it :laugh:

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" 'Bent, then didn't subdue archrival. Offspring obligated (to subdue them).'"

That's how I read it too, which is why I thought it referred to the Sand Snakes.

Thank you for the fav vote (even though you didn't understand it! :frown5: :crying: )

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I was about to follow shadow into explanation mode re 'hint' until I realised it might sound like useful hints for this round! Yikes!

Shadow your chain of thought is as lateral as i would expect and now i am pretty sure i never get themes cause i just am not that discursive. I put my logic hat on to solve the clues and can't change and let my mind roam around and hit on a theme.

edited by castellan because what she wrote made even less sense than it does now

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