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most honourable/dishonourable character ?

TheLightning Lord

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Most honourable should be Ned Stark or Stannis Baratheon. They do they thing they are vowed or suppossed to do, no matter what.

Most dishonourable should be Jaime Lannister. I'm all in favor on saving the people of King's Landing, and even the need to kill Rossart. But Jaime could have arrested Aerys, no need to kill the old man. He then prance around the Throne instead of running to where the royal family is (Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon). He also broke his KG vows when he flee KL after his attack on Ned. He even have the nerve to put a red cloack and fight for the Lannister army, and even the cynism to return and accept the LC of the KG. He freed a man sentenced of killing his nephew and king he is vow to protect, out of jail (Tyron) and refuse to help his "love" Cersei, when she most need him. The guy never keep his word. He didn't try to return Sansa to Winterfell or search for Arya, he send Brienne do his job. I'm not saying I did not enjoy his chapters and I finding a very interesting characther and sometimes even I pitty him, but the he keep breaking his vows, his kingsguard and knighthood vows (and never forget, he try to kill Bran).

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Honorable: Ned & Cat. I suppose they're mirrors of each other in that their faith in honor really lets them down in the end, and both have a sort-of last moment of "dishonor." Ned's false confession of treason in order to save Sansa and Arya, and Catelyn's hostage taking of Jigglyball and epic slaughtering of what used to be his neck.

Dishonorable: Tywin, Jaime, Tyrion, and Cersei Lannister. Nuff said.

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Honourable? Depends on whether you accept the medieval definition of honour as fealty. I don't, so I won't try to assess anyone on an undefined basis.

Dishonourable? A toss-up between any randomly selected Ironborn and any randomly selected Dothraki.

OR any randomly selected slaver.

..OR too many candidates to list.

OK, Urine Greyjoy. He's dishonourable even by Ironborn standards, so I'll say him.

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I'd say Ned or Barristan are the most honourable, Not Stannis.

Most dishonourable would be a much more loaded pool of competition. I'd say the Mountain because literally nothing means anything to him, but the Dothraki seem to lack much of a sense of honour and aren't loyal at all (loyalty can be a weakness). Littlefinger is deplorable too and Cersei Lannister, Euron Greyjoy, any of the Boltons, the Faceless men, Arya Stark, The Nightswatch deserters at Craster's, Any of the Wildlings since honour is a foreign concept to them, etc, etc.

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Brienne and Davos are most honorable.

Dishonorable is harder, there are a lot of really evil dudes and even among the not so evil honor is not a common trait.

I give Brienne the edge, IIRC Davos has cheated on his wife. He also used to be a criminal.

Walder Frey gets my vote as most dishonorable.

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Stannis Baratheon.


I really wouldn't say Stannis is honourable. A case could be made for dutiful, but honourable? No.

I'd go for Brienne as far as honourable goes, Davos is pretty high up there too, but as the previous poster stated, he cheated on his wife and used to be a smuggler.

Frey gets most dishonourable, even though he is far from the most evil character in the series. Littlefinger comes right behind.

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We need to stablish waht is honour? I say is keep your word (vows), act accordingly with what you think is right and be trust-worthy (If I come to you for help and you say you promise so, you help me).

Ned always keep his word (except at Baelor's Sept, and he did it for family) and try to act good. Stannis always did what he should and lives by the law. To this point, I don't see him breaking a promise (steel brittle before it breaks). Brienne is also very honourable.

The Mountain is a pile of s**t, but he has always been loyal to the Lannister (the guy fight against the Viper on Tywin's orders). Sandor has less honour (ditching Joffrey in the middle of a fight, kidnapping Arya and stealing from the farmer. But the guy never said he is honourable, like Littlefinger. He also break promises, but also tells you, not to trust him.

Ramsay, and Roose to a extent, the Bloody Mummers are treacharous and had little honour, maybe non. So, I'll give you that.

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Most Honorable: Ned Stark, Ser Barristan Selmy, Ser Arthur Dayne, King Jaehaerys I and Good Queen Alysanne

Most Dishonorable: King Aegon IV, Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton and Walder Frey

Dishonorable: Tywin, Jaime, Tyrion, and Cersei Lannister. Nuff said.

This is the honest truth. I couldn't agree more.

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Most honourable character is maester Aemon, because he has given up the throne thus proving he gave up his ego altogether. He served humbly the NW for many decades as just maester Aemon. He showed humanity to everyone, including enemies of his family who came to the Wall en masse after the fall of the Targaryen dynasty, people like Benjen Stark and Donal Noye.

Most dishonourable character would be the one who dishonours his family values the most. Although competition is tough, I'd go for Euron Greyjoy followed closely by Gregor Clegane.

ETA: I don't know how precise the OP question was, but I wouldn't mix dishonourable with immoral, amoral, evil or mad.

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Clegane is a monster, I wouldn't even consider him. Most dishonourable has to be Walder Frey.

Most honourable? Jon Connington gets fired (not literally), exiled and all he had was stripped from him and from his family by Aerys and he still feels guilty and responsible about his death and the Targaryen's fate. Beat that.

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