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Jaxom 1974

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Everything posted by Jaxom 1974

  1. If the prequels are on the television, despite the flaws, it isn't hard to stop and watch. As someone else said, they've grown on me over the years. That's possibly their greatest strength, they're rewatchable. The sequels? Not even a moment of them.
  2. Bah. What do you know? Take your lutefisk and cry me a river.
  3. Need to know the right restaurants then... A good amount of butter, and sour cream, are the keys to perfect mashed potatoes....
  4. That I don't want to eat anymore? I mean, there are things I chose to skip sometimes, but wouldn't refuse to eat them if it was available. I mean, I don't seek bananas out, but Inhave zero issues eating them if that's what I have. I don't drink milk with every meal anymore, but there isn't any reason I can't. We have ot for the kids. I can't think of anything I don't want to eat anymore, which I think is different tha things I dislike, such as bell peppers, which are horrendous.
  5. Posted this in the wrong thread earlier: Today I finished listening to the entirety of Alan Smale's Clash of Eagles trilogy because I'm always looking for alternative history fiction. And there is fun alt history, there is good alt history, and there is alt history that is good and fun. I'm not sure where to classify this series. Oh it's two topics I enjoy historically. But the divergent point of history to have the Western Empire continue and thrive and not break apart was muddy, but that's probably minor. It was interesting listening to these books while watching the Shogun series on television, as I think I was projecting the latter on to the former. The lone surviving white guy brings "civilization" to the people of the land. Oh it isn't a one for one comparison, but it did echo for me. But the idea that the Roman Empire surviving into the 13th century and one surviving Praetor bringing together the disparate tribes and nations of America together to join forces with Rome to fight the Mongols on the Great Pains? Yeah.
  6. For the record: I agree with you. He has done a lot of good. He'll continue to do so, given the chance. But when dealing with someone who stays out with the age factor or that he's the lesser of two evils, then it comes down to simply hammering home the question of whether the person in talking to like voting and not living in an authoritative regime and that that is why they need to think about how they actually vote. Sometimes it even makes the person actually stop and think.
  7. Today I Dinah listening to the entirety of Alan Smale's Clash of Eagles trilogy because I'm always looking for alternative history fiction. And there is fun alt history, there is good alt history, and there is alt history that is good and fun. I'm not sure where to classify this series. Oh it's two topics I enjoy historically. But the divergent point of history to have the Western Empire continue and thrive and not break apart was muddy, but that's probably minor. It was interesting listening to these books while watching the Shogun series on television, as I think I was projectingthe latter on to the former. The line surviving white guy brings "civilization" to the people of the land. Oh it isn't a one for one comparison, but it did echo for me. But the idea that the Roman Empire surviving into the 13th century and one surviving Praetor bringing together the disparate tribes and nations of America together to join forces with Rome to fight the Mongols on the Great Pains? Yeah.
  8. I loathe the concept of the lesser of two evils. I also think, with what he's had to work with, the majority of Biden's term has been a success. Like said above, you can't find a politician you'll agree with on every single thing, and for me, Biden send to tick most boxes. At the moment, the worst that can be said about him is he's old. (I leave the legacy of the whole to the side for the moment). I'm also like to believe that I'm capable of seeing through BS talking points. How issues with inflation are directly his fault, for example. That's simply not true. But as I've did before and continue to say: we're not voting for Biden's second term. We're voting to ensure we get to vote in 2 years and again in four. And beyond. And no, it isn't just about Trump and his authoritative desires, it's about the authoritative desires that have been given credence and weight to the entirety of the GOP. Frankly, no one should be voting for any Republicans, as they are currently constituted, if one happens to actually like the country the live in.
  9. And there was specific progression within the chapters if his life that we got. Whereas Bariss...seemed like she lacked something...I'm not certain what.
  10. Yeah. For some reason, the forward skipping format didn't work as well for Bariss (or Morgan for that matter) as it did for Ashoka or Dooku in the first series... And for the channels showing SW movies yesterday, for me, I found it telling that I had zero issues watching the OT movies but couldn't bring myself to stop and check in on any of the ST, instead moving to another channel or watching the Family Guy SW trilogy. All the while wondering why neither TBS or or the other channel wasn't showing the PT, and actually missing them...only to realize those were being saved for May 5th...
  11. I spent a lot of time reading a lot of Marvel, though I went through DC phases. I saw a lot of good things about that Human Target series, and I'll likely give it a go eventually, if the library has a copy. I was actually trying to see if my LCL had King and Evely's Helen of Wyndhorn, but I didn't see any copies. I'm actually a huge Strangers in Paradise fan. I've read pretty much everything by Terry Moore and his stuff is actually the only comics I've collected in recent years. I also discovered Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt's The Sixth Gun, which was just a fabulous Weird West tale. Now my tastes run towards odds and ends now, but mainly because I dont think Marvel or DC is really accessible to most right now.
  12. Another Star Wars Day? Sure. But in reality another Free Comic Book Day also! I don't frequent comic shops as much as I did in the 80s, 90s, and very early 00s...but it's always neat to check out FCBD when I can. And this time, it means I've discovered something I wish I'd seen back when it originated in 2010, the Kill Shakespeare series...as there was a new book that's set in this world titles Romeo vs. Juliet...and it's now got me seeking the older stuff... But another FCBD also highlighted for me the wonderfulness that is seeing young people discovering comics (and there were a few in the local shop when I was there today), but it also highlighted the other issue comic books have today: they're actually really difficult to simply pick up and just go, particularly Marvel and DC. There are far too many starts and restarts and when there are four or five titles under an umbrella, it's really hard to know where to start. And I know it sounds like I'm just bitching because I miss titles that are still simply just voilme 1 and numbering in the 700s or 800s...but I know there is good stuff out there still. I follow industry news, if not buy things regularly. Is it all a product of the MCU? Or the cost of paper and printing? Something else? I don't know. But I do know that for every book I read now that I enjoy, there were a lot more for me back in the day. Perhaps I've just gotten old? Because I'm not asking to return to th old days (though older newsprint type paper comics and spinner racks full of them at the drugstore are sorely missed), I'm more looking at how I'd even get back to to easily because it wouldn't be a bad thing to do...
  13. Having watched the finale finally...the argument that the streaming method of limiting a series run was more apparent here than even earlier. Was there not enough book to get three more hours out of this show to let things simmer and come out more naturally? Rather than what seemed, to me, a little half-hearted and rushed? Otherwise...I mean, we're not talking GoT endings here...it was still a triumph of a show. It's sad it can't go on.
  14. Well this is a nice, little birthday present for me with the release of part 1. Maybe 50 will start off just fine!
  15. My time has been limited lately, so only about 250 pages in. It reads easy. It's a odd blend of Shel Silverstein and Suess and some other stuff I can't put my finger on...but it's enjoyable so far.
  16. You're just realizing this now? Silly Sox fan...
  17. Does anyone else get the sense they've decided that, since they have the R Rating, they've decided to see how high they can set the bar for dropping F-Bombs in a MCU movie right out of the gate...?
  18. Until it all backfires and curves back again. There should be room for both in this world. Also, the inability of streaming services to let a series grow beyond a couple seasons more often than not, is also a mark against the model also, in my mind. And I just thought I'd see about maybe picking up a copy of Shogun at the local B&N, since it should be available again with show interest...only they're selling it in Book 1 and Book 2...ha.
  19. This show is absolutely exemplifies everything that's wrong with the whole idea of a show being only 10 epsiodes for a season. It's wrong because I want more. I've not read the book (yet), and it seems, based on comments above, there's been some divergence? But is one more episode enough to wrap this up? My goodness this show is so good. (The Kay comment above was also apt, I thought)
  20. I stumbled upon the works of Walter Moers while looking for new things to read at the library...so I'm now starting The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear...
  21. And for some reason they want to make an "origin" movie set in the Kelvin Timeline...ignoring the fact that the timeline diverges at the time of Kirk's birth, not back when the Federation was founded. But they'll leave the Legacy show idea sitting in limbo... Truly Paramount needs me to run their Trek arm...
  22. Soooo...to try something different, I've actually chose to read the second book after listening to the first. The Philosopher's War by Tom Miller, who because I'm reading the physical copy, I've come to realize is from (originally) the very town I live in now in Wisconsin...
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