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Samwell Tarly in The Winds of Winter


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Sam Tarly has been dead ever since Marwyn asked Sarella the Assassin to "take care" of Sam, and Sarella delegated the task to Fake Pate the Faceless Man. Of course, he DID get offed by a faceless man, so that probably means we'll see him again, as we did with poor Pate.

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The only person in eons to kill an Other deserves better than to be knocked off by some random Ironborn. Plus, with no new POV's he is our only chance to see inside the Citadel. I would like to see a few books on dragons.

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Hate to burst your bubble but, it feels as though most of the released WINDS chapters feel like nothing but pure filler.

Yea that does sadly seem to be the case, the Vic and Barristan chapters only advance the plot in their final pages.

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Sam Tarly has been dead ever since Marwyn asked Sarella the Assassin to "take care" of Sam, and Sarella delegated the task to Fake Pate the Faceless Man. Of course, he DID get offed by a faceless man, so that probably means we'll see him again, as we did with poor Pate.

And how exactly will we see him without POV characters in the vicinity.

Sam accidentally lucked out and killed an other, why not a faceless man.

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Hate to burst your bubble but, it feels as though most of the released WINDS chapters feel like nothing but pure filler.

I'm not doubting you but how can that possibly be? I mean the last two books were largely filler . There's no law that says he has to write seven books, if he could have wrapped this in five he should have.

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And how exactly will we see him without POV characters in the vicinity.

We won't. We'll see Sam show up in someone else's POV later in the book. He'll fill that other POV in on his history until ... SURPRISE ... it's not really Sam, but a faceless man in disguise.

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Cant stand him, chapters are boring as hell

I do want to know whats good in Old Town though, with Jaquen/Pate, Salleras/Alleras etc.

Guess some of the maester training would be cool to see but in general I would not mind if him and Gilly got killed


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I like Samwell. I think that we will finally see Sam come into his own at Oldtown. Whenever I think of Sam, I always remember Ned Stark's words to his son Brandon in the very first chapter of Game of Thrones.

Bran tells his father that Jon said that the deserter was afraid and Robb said he was brave.

Ned says, and what do you think Bran?

Is it possible to be brave if you're afraid?

"That's the only time you can be brave."

I may not have gotten the quote exactly right, but, that's the gist of it. Sam is so afraid, he doesn't realize that his actions despite his fear make him braver than many of his Black Brothers. It doesn't seem to faze Sam that overcoming his fear and taking action is the very definition of bravery. His father really did a number on him. I am also hoping that he will be able to stand up to his abusive father and prove himself a better man, a braver man, a great man even with his father looking on.

His book smarts should take him to some interesting discoveries, and us along with him! I want to know more of the Jade Compendium. I want to hear more about the oily black stone at the base of the Citadel. I think Sam will be able to answer a lot of nagging questions for us and perhaps make some discoveries that will help save the realm, possibly even Jon himself.

Too much? Well, in short, I need a hero!

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Sam Tarly has been dead ever since Marwyn asked Sarella the Assassin to "take care" of Sam, and Sarella delegated the task to Fake Pate the Faceless Man. Of course, he DID get offed by a faceless man, so that probably means we'll see him again, as we did with poor Pate.

I truly hope that this is not what will happen. Is Sam that much of a threat that he would need to be killed? I truly hope not. We need someone to tell us of what's going on at the Citadel. Who is your candidate if not Samwell?

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I'm operating under the assumption that ChillyPolly's post was meant as humor.

Samwell is the character I relate to the most in ASOIAF, so seeing so many people say they wouldn't mind if he died is slightly disturbing to me. (Though I don't mean to suggest that they would not mind my death -- after all, I myself would mind Samwell's death much less than my own, since he is only a fictional character.)

I will admit that his chapters in Feast may not have been the most exciting; however, I suspect his storyline will be much more interesting now that he's reached his destination. I'm especially excited to see more of Sarella.

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Sam's archery skills have been given special attention in AFfC. The last time his arrow managed to reach a longship. I think Jaqen is after Blood and Fire, given the FM have been given a job to whack Dany's dragons.

Now that is an interesting theory!
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I've a feeling Samwell's Oldtown arc with slightly resemble GRRM's story The Way of Cross and Dragon, with Samwell discovering some secret propagandra or conspiracy of the Maesters.

I'm almost certain something is going on with the Maesters.

"The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons." - Marwyn the Mage.

The quote can be interpreted in different ways, but I think this may be a subtle indication that the Maesters (excluding Marwyn) are conspiring against Dany and her dragons.

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I truly hope that this is not what will happen. Is Sam that much of a threat that he would need to be killed? [1] I truly hope not. We need someone to tell us of what's going on at the Citadel. [2] Who is your candidate if not Samwell?

[1] Well, he was going to talk to the Archmaesters on Aemon's instructions. Marwyn obviously wants to stop him. He also wants Aemon's books of lore, Gilly's magic sacrificial baby, and perhaps Aemon's kingsblood corpse as well.

[2] Nothing is going on at the citadel. Marwyn & Co. are heading elsewhere and elsewhere is where we'll next see them.

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[1] Well, he was going to talk to the Archmaesters on Aemon's instructions. Marwyn obviously wants to stop him. He also wants Aemon's books of lore, Gilly's magic sacrificial baby, and perhaps Aemon's kingsblood corpse as well.

[2] Nothing is going on at the citadel. Marwyn & Co. are heading elsewhere and elsewhere is where we'll next see them.

1) Marwyn already succeeded in stopping him. Sam doesn´t have the books of lore nor Aemons corpse.

2) nothing is going on at the citadel? Sure ...

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1) Marwyn already succeeded in stopping him. Sam doesn´t have the books of lore nor Aemons corpse.

2) nothing is going on at the citadel? Sure ...

(1) Marwyn told Sam to keep quiet, yes. And no, Sam does not have the books nor Aemon's corpse any more. He left them on the Cinammon Wind, and that's where Marwyn is going. But do you really think Sam will continue to trust Marwyn and do what he says after he makes off with Aemon's books, and Aemon's corpse, and Gilly's baby too? Nope, Sam has to be silenced in a more permanent way.

(2) Exactly. Marwyn & Friends were what WAS going on, and they're headed elsewhere, now, probably to use blood magic to wake a stone dragon on behalf of the Tyrells, or something equally sinister.

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Sam's archery skills have been given special attention in AFfC. The last time his arrow managed to reach a longship. I think Jaqen is after Blood and Fire, given the FM have been given a job to whack Dany's dragons.

IIRC Littlefinger said that the price for killing a merchant would be enough to hire an army (when discussing how to assassinate Danaerys with Robert Baratheon's small council). Who could afford the price of killing three dragons???

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