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What is Euron exactly?

Muffin King

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Big Euron fans here. Put on an eyepatch and suddenly rape, murder, and molestation are cool! Someone should let Ramsey know.


In all fairness, there are Ramsay fans out there too. Euron's appeal is less about approving of his actions in a real-world sense and more about enjoying him as a character.

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In all fairness, there are Ramsay fans out there too. Euron's appeal is less about approving of his actions in a real-world sense and more about enjoying him as a character.

I just have a hard time getting on the Euron is a badass bandwagon when he's just as much of a monster as Ramsey. But I get what you're saying
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I can't help but think that Eurons only real purpose is to negate the power of the Reach and clear the way for Aegon to set up the Dance between Aegon and Dany.  Unless GRRM is completely off the mark still thinking 2 books left, then not everyone can be the huge badass.


Lets not forget how stupid the Reader made him look.


I expect he kills Garlan, and sinks the Redwyn fleet, but at some point he is going to run out of Ironborn.

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Barbosa & Jack Sparrow fight each other for the honor of licking Euron's boots.


Blackbeard longs for the honor of swabbing decks on the Silence.


Squidfaced Davey Jones wishes he was worthy to be Euron's mascot / jester.


Ragnar Lothbrook goes to Euron for advice on how to win at life.


Loki learned all his magics from Euron's little known self published: 'How to Magic for dummies'


Odin's very own ravens Huginn & Muninn are carrying that crown on Euron's sigil.


Euron b- slapped the eye of Sauron and put that on his sigil too.


what did I miss?

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Barbosa & Jack Sparrow fight each other for the honor of licking Euron's boots.


Blackbeard longs for the honor of swabbing decks on the Silence.


Squidfaced Davey Jones wishes he was worthy to be Euron's mascot / jester.


Ragnar Lothbrook goes to Euron for advice on how to win at life.


Loki learned all his magics from Euron's little known self published: 'How to Magic for dummies'


Odin's very own ravens Huginn & Muninn are carrying that crown on Euron's sigil.


Euron b- slapped the eye of Sauron and put that on his sigil too.


what did I miss?


It is also rumored that he makes one hell of a bunt cake.

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The future dark lord Sauron of Westeros. It's in his flag for crying out loud! *see my icon.*


There are hints dropped that Euron may have been contacted by Bloodraven at a young age, referenced by Euron himself who mentions to Victarion that he has dreams of "flying." 


Theon has memories of Euron's "black eye of malice" or the one he keeps hidden. Sorta hints at the whole "third eye" thing that Bloodraven has going on.


Even more disturbing is if you look at Euron's crew. All of them mutes, freaks, and some possibly disabled in some way. Bran is able to warg into Hodor with relative ease, and it's been pointed out by readers and book characters that this is an "abomination." Is it too much of a stretch to theorize that Euron might be warging his crew, the way Bran wargs Hodor? Even more creepy when you think about the dusky woman and how she just happens to be a gift to Victarion that's always around when Vic monologues about his plans. 


I think Euron has discovered some of the secrets to blood magic and plans to warg into one of Dany's dragons, then bring chaos and destruction on Westeros. To rebuild the ancient Valarian empire in his own image with "fire and blood."


So yeah, dark lord.

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I think Euron kinda gets a bad rap, I personally don't think he's mad at all.

honestly he's the first Ironborn who isn't content with their shitty pile of rocks and wants more. Ambitious? yes. Crazy? nope.

Next he planned the only win in the Balons Rebellion, mad people generally make poor commanders...

IDK, I find it passing strange that a culture based on rape and plunder call a dude mad a couple of times and we nod and accept it as fact, I find 98% of the Ironborn more "mad" than Euron.
I will say, if something unspeakable happened to Damphair I will stand corrected

It's worth remember that, aside from Victarion and Aeron, Euron's biggest detractors are Asha, the Reader and Baelor Blacktyde. I would count them among the most reasonable and progressive Ironborn. All of them want peace, all three are also critical of Balon's lordship and ambitions. The Reader is a scholar, the most atypical Ironborn we've seen, he doesn't seem interested in reaving or raping. Baelor Blacktyde grew up in Oldtown and worshipped the Seven. He is also the one who accused Balon, Aeron and Euron of being mad.
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Euron is...




Damnit Mithras, what's the first rule aboard Silence? We don't talk about.. well, anything.. ever. That's why I do the whole tongue thing. I may be a tall and twisted thing with one black eye and ten long arms, sailing on a sea of blood, but I have feelings too.



But hey, no hard feelings buddy. Swing by Pyke when you get a chance, we'll crack open a cask :laugh:  catch up a bit. It'll be a great time. Oh, and I almost forgot, I have a gift for you.   

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a red eye with a black pupil, beneath a black iron crown supported by two crows

Samwell V, Feast 45

1) The red eye with the black pupil is Euron's hidden eye, a symbol of his malevolent nature. . .

We get our first physical description of Euron Greyjoy in The Iron Captain, Feast 18 . . .

Euron was the most comely of Lord Quellon's sons, and three years of exile had not changed that. His hair was still black as a midnight sea, with never a whitecap to be seen, and his face was still smooth and pale beneath his neat dark beard. A black leather patch covered Euron's left eye, but his right was blue as a summer sky.

Elsewhere we learned that Euron's ship Silence had a red hull with black sails. And after Euron was crowned, we saw in The Reaver, Feast 29, that he had replaced his black eye patch with a red one. [spoiler]In Theon, Winds we learned that behind the patch Euron hid a black eye shining with malice.[/spoiler]

Curiously, Victarion thought of Euron's blue eye as his smiling eye. We saw that Euron's smiling eye glittered when he charmed the captains in Victarion's tent on the eve of the kingsmoot. And he turned his smiling on Victarion after Aeron left the tent, as he spoke gently to Victarion and Asha. On the other hand, after Asha and Vicatarion rebuffed him, "Euron lifted two fingers to the patch that covered his left eye, and took his leave."

Following the kingsmoot, in The Reaver, Feast 29, Victarion noted that . . .

Euron had seduced them with his glib tongue and smiling eye and bound them to his cause with the plunder of half a hundred distant lands; gold and silver, ornate armor, curved swords with gilded pommels, daggers of Valyrian steel, striped tiger pelts and the skins of spotted cats, jade manticores and ancient Valyrian sphinxes, chests of nutmeg, cloves, and saffron, ivory tusks and the horns of unicorns, green and orange and yellow feathers from the Summer Sea, bolts of fine silk and shimmering samite . . . and yet all that was little and less, compared to this. Now he has given them conquest, and they are his for good and all, the captain thought.

And, "Firelight glimmered in Euron's eye. His smiling eye," when Euron charged his brother with retrieving Daenerys.

But in The Drowned Man, Feast 19, when Euron made his claim at the kingsmoot, Aeron noted that . . .

The Crow's Eye stopped atop the steps, at the doors of the Grey King's Hall, and turned his smiling eye upon the captains and the kings, but Aeron could feel his other eye as well, the one that he kept hidden.

And in The Wayward Bride, Dance 26, we learned that Rodrick the Reader warned Asha to flee immediately following the kingsmoot, "Don't be a fool. Euron shows the world his smiling eye tonight, but come the morrow . . ."

2) The iron crown associates Euron Greyjoy with Urron Greyiron . . .

In The Kraken's Daughter, Feast 11, we learned that Rodrick the Reader likened Euron Greyjoy to Urron Greyiron . . .

Better a kingsmoot than a war. "I believe I'll kiss the Damphair's smelly feet and pluck the seaweed from out between his toes." Asha wrenched loose her dirk and sheathed it once again. "A bloody kingsmoot!"

"On Old Wyk," confirmed Lord Rodrik. "Though I pray it is not bloody. I have been consulting Haereg's History of the Ironborn. When last the salt kings and the rock kings met in kingsmoot, Urron of Orkmont let his axemen loose among them, and Nagga's ribs turned red with gore. House Greyiron ruled unchosen for a thousand years from that dark day, until the Andals came."

"Archmaester Rigney once wrote that history is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again, he said. I think of that whenever I contemplate the Crow's Eye. Euron Greyjoy sounds queerly like Urron Greyiron to these old ears. I shall not go to Old Wyk. Nor should you."

Baelor Blacktyde agreed . . .

Lord Blacktyde says this kingsmoot is a dangerous folly. He thinks your uncle will descend on them and kill them all, as Urron did."

In the World of Ice and Fire, we learned that Urron replaced the driftwood crown with a crown of black iron. And sure enough, Euron moved ruthlessly against his detractors following the kingsmoot, but Aeron slipped through his fingers, and Asha fled. Nevertheless, Victarion could only watch as Euron attracted a strong following and bound potential detractors to his cause with poisoned gifts.

3) The crows crowning Euron symbolize what Euron did to win his crown, and what he is doing with it . . .

In Theon II, Clash 24, we first learned that Euron had a sinister reputation . . .

"Euron Croweye has no lack of cunning, though. I've heard men say terrible things of that one."

Theon shifted his seat. "My uncle Euron has not been seen in the islands for close on two years. He may be dead." If so, it might be for the best. Lord Balon's eldest brother had never given up the Old Way, even for a day. His Silence, with its black sails and dark red hull, was infamous in every port from Ibben to Asshai, it was said.

In Catelyn V, Storm 45, we learned that Euron returned to seize his brother's throne . . .

"Balon Greyjoy?" Catelyn's heart skipped a beat. "You are telling us that Balon Greyjoy is dead?"

The shabby little captain nodded. "You know how Pyke's built on a headland, and part on rocks and islands off the shore, with bridges between? The way I heard it in Lordsport, there was a blow coming in from the west, rain and thunder, and old King Balon was crossing one of them bridges when the wind got hold of it and just tore the thing to pieces. He washed up two days later, all bloated and broken. Crabs ate his eyes, I hear."

The Greatjon laughed. "King crabs, I hope, to sup upon such royal jelly, eh?"

The captain bobbed his head. "Aye, but that's not all of it, no!" He leaned forward. "The brother's back."

"Victarion?" asked Galbart Glover, surprised.

"Euron. Crow's Eye, they call him, as black a pirate as ever raised a sail. He's been gone for years, but Lord Balon was no sooner cold than there he was, sailing into Lordsport in his Silence. Black sails and a red hull, and crewed by mutes. He'd been to Asshai and back, I heard. Wherever he was, though, he's home now, and he marched right into Pyke and sat his arse in the Seastone Chair, and drowned Lord Botley in a cask of seawater when he objected."

And then, of course, we recalled this vision from Arya IV, Storm 22

"I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings."

So, we surmised that Euron, the drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings (the Crow's Eye who was banished to the sea), hired a Faceless Man, a man without a face, to murder Balon, and that the Faceless Man cast Euron from the bridge in a storm. When he learned that his brother had seized Balon's throne in The Prophet, Feast 1,

Aeron tugged his beard, and thought. I have seen the storm, and its name is Euron Crow's Eye.

In The Reaver, Feast 29, Euron remarked to Victarion, "Men are meat." And in Cersei VII, Feast 32, Pycelle noted, "Carrion crows make their feasts upon the carcasses of the dead and dying," when discussing Euron's incursion into the Reach.
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Euron is IMO, a deconstruction of the pirate trope. He has many of the qualities of a pirate one would like to read about: charismatic, handsome, good sense of humor/laughs often, sailed to exotic places with lots of treasure and he even has the eye patch.  However, he is also a complete psychopath, and when one Greyjoy is universally hated by all the other Greyjoys, that isn't a good sign. He sexually assaulted his younger brother Aeron and Victarion's salt wife and he had his older brother assassinated. He is also insane in attacking the Reach before he even has one dragon, something the Reader points out is a bad idea. 


I think he is mainly to drive the arcs of POVs: Victarion (sent to Meereen), Daenerys (gets a fleet and a dragonhorn) and Sam (when Euron attacks Oldtown). 


Exactly. This is why I think all those theories that Euron will die in Oldtown/the Reach are way off the mark. I could see him gaining a dragon, or even the Iron Throne for a brief period

How could he gain a dragon without the dragonhorn which has been sabotaged? How can he take KL with such a small force without being unseen? 

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How could he gain a dragon without the dragonhorn which has been sabotaged? How can he take KL with such a small force without being unseen? 


Cuz foreshadowing. Euron has a big role to play


People too often make the mistake of thinking we have all the pieces to predict the story's future, if we could just arrange them the right way. Not so.  Would you have predicted the Red Wedding in ACOK? 

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