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U.S. Politics: We're Saying Merry Christmas, Again

Manhole Eunuchsbane

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3 hours ago, DanteGabriel said:

It hasn't even been a year and I think of Obama like Sam and Frodo languishing on the slopes of Mount Doom, trying to remember the sound of running water or the taste of strawberries.

I loved this so much that I showed it to Raids. 

She says that Sam and Frodo were the lucky ones, they never lived under Sauron's rule. 

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11 minutes ago, WinterFox said:

I loved this so much that I showed it to Raids. 

She says that Sam and Frodo were the lucky ones, they never lived under Sauron's rule. 

Well shit, now I'm even more bummed.

Though Robert Mueller does have the look of a giant eagle about him...

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2 hours ago, TerraPrime said:

Do we usually refer to people who move to different states as migrants? Like if someone moves from GA to NC for a job, do we call them a migrant? 

I suppose that depends on who "we" is. It probably isn't a term used by a lot of everyday people in the USA. However, "internal migration" is definitely the common term for people moving from one place to another within a nation, and  the term for these people used by demographers and sociologists is definitely "internal migrants."


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Did I die the day of the election and maybe I couldn't process it so I'm busy having the dying delusional fantasy of a Trump presidency?  Every single day it just gets stranger.  Maybe I just ahold of one of those Portal guns from Rick and Morty and didn't realize it. 

Will there ever come a point when Republicans will admit there is no difference between campaign Trump and President Trump?  (I still have to check myself mentally when I write those words)

But no among my family it is the same old story Dear Leader Trump wants to do glorious things for the country and its the dishonest media who isn't giving him a fair shake. 

I mean I say "dishonest" but apparently what this means in 2017 is "following someone around and reporting what he actually says"  

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Liberals and free speech absolutists.

Here's an article lamenting insufficient free speech at a nazi event. They've missed the entire point however, and that point is that any speech from fascists that enters the mainstream is harmful and supports their agenda and helps normalize it, and fascists are clearly more aware of that than any liberal journalist. 

Also, it's funny how they're shocked a fascist is gonna fascist and deny people access.


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When the going gets tough, RINO's throw in the towel.


In a sign of mounting frustration among Republicans in Washington, Representative Pat Tiberi of Ohio, a senior lawmaker with close ties to his party’s leaders, is expected to resign and take up an executive post with a business group in his home state, according to three Republicans briefed on his plans.

An abrupt departure by Mr. Tiberi, who is an influential member of the House Ways and Means Committee, would signal a deepening level of discontent among mainstream Republicans in Congress. Despite holding Congress and the White House, Republicans have so far failed to achieve longstanding policy goals like overhauling the tax code and repealing the Affordable Care Act.


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1 hour ago, Nasty LongRider said:

When the going gets tough, RINO's throw in the towel.


Unfortunately his district hasn't gone blue for over 30 years, so not much of a pickup opportunity there, but eh. Still good with some obstacles to tax reform.

Actually, strike that, they voted overwhelmingly for the Dem Senator, so I guess there's some ambuguity there.

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18 hours ago, Morpheus said:

And Kelly is disgusted that his personal tragedy was politicized, yet no word on if he is disgusted that Trump himself politicized his sons death.

I think this is one of the more overlooked events from yesterday. Trump’s Press Secretary effectively said that the Chief of Staff is disgusted with the President for politicizing his son’s death. As he should be.

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35 minutes ago, The Wedge said:

Yes. It's the plot to The Grapes of Wrath

That is because they were farmers.  migrant refers to someone who looks around for seasonal employment.  Not someone who movea in general.

I think the word Vagrant gets thrown around more in that book, but it has been a REAL long time since I read it.

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On 10/17/2017 at 10:41 PM, Tywin et al. said:

I saw a clip of it I think. Safe to say the locals around his golf course hate his guts. 

TL:DR Trump fooled the Scottish government with ludicrous claims of jobs (6000,) causing them to overturn the regional decision. The course destroyed what should have been one of the most highly protected environmental sites in the UK. The local residents (one of whom is probably in her eighties) who refused to sell up were demonised, abused and constantly harassed. Water lines were cut, power lines hit, mounds of earth piled up around houses, access to the beach denied, Trees felled illegally, stopped by security, property removed, charged for boundary fence construction (sounds familiar?). The film-makers were arrested with an unjustifiable use of force. It is worth a watch, it will infuriate you however, especially with the hindsight that he can just fuck off and have an entire country handed to him.

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The Black Bear, thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite movies ;) .

Too bad that life is not anywhere close to it and Trump isn't in the remotest sense close to Mr. Happer (Freddy Trump might have been...)

Under the pavement there lies Ben's Beach. :commie:(extra points for people who get the reference).


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Trump also happened in Charleston.  Same old story and in the end Trump Jr bailed and left the county with a 30 million dollar tab. Would be interesting to see how many times they have done something like this across the country. 


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Such a great guy eh? 
Totally safe and not a danger. 

"White nationalist to control which journalists cover Florida 'free speech' event"

A fascist being a fascist? Liberals still shocked that fascists are fascists and don't play by the rules because they are unethical?

News agencies:

One, stop giving this fucking asshole and others like him platforms. Giving them platforms helps support their agenda, and that is because platforms help to normalize their position, which will eventually become legitimized over time through constant normalization. All they have to do is point to how the media seeks to do interviews with them on their opinions.

Two, call him what he is, he's a fucking nazi. He is way worse than just a white nationalist.

Three, realize that there will be bigger problems than you not getting your story and being black balled by these people if they get into power, they will start fucking killing the majority of the country's population.


stop enabling these assholes and being complicit in their rise. They aren't there to debate. That's why they go with a one man show, or they only have speakers with extremely similar views. They are only there to indoctrinate and recruit and also terrorize the marginalized. Like I said about the media giving them platforms, giving them platforms helps support their agenda, and that is because a platform helps normalize their position, which will eventually become legitimized over time through constant normalization. All they have to do is point to how the media seeks to interview them on their opinions and how Universities allow them to speak to their students and don't perceive their ideology to be a danger.


extend your policy of not helping armed white supremacists to just not helping white supremacists instead of being counter productive assholes.

Centrists , Liberals and pacifists:

Stop pushing false equivalences that are along the lines of Antifa and Nazis / white supremacists are the same, or that both sides bullshit.

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So it looks like Spencer’s speech at the University of Florida is scheduled to start in a half hour. Hopefully this doesn’t devolve into a giant mess. That is, after all, exactly what he wants.

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24 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

So it looks like Spencer’s speech at the University of Florida is scheduled to start in a half hour. Hopefully this doesn’t devolve into a giant mess. That is, after all, exactly what he wants.

Schools really need to start calling his bluff when it comes to his threats of law suits. There's enough evidence that he poses a threat to safety of their students. Plus, I'm sure law suit after law suit will eventually drain his resources. 

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John Kelly is giving a press conference and blaming the Congresswoman for listening to the call and twisting the President's words. He said that Trump was relaying a message similar to what he told him he was told, that a soldier was died doing what he wanted to be doing. No mention of the family saying the call was bad.

He confirmed that Obama did not call him, which he said was not a bad thing, not all Presidents do especially in times wih high casualties. He expressed no anger for Trump using soldiers' deaths in general or his son's in particular to score political points, he just harped on how disgraceful the congresswoman was in her account. I think the myth of John Kelly as the man of integrity in the administration should be put to bed.

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