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20 minutes ago, Martell Spy said:

Well, Trump is an idiot. He's failed to actually destroy Obamacare. Yet, he is taking credit for destroying it, which means he can easily blamed for anything that goes wrong with the markets. There's a good chance Dems can clean this mess up, where as we'll likely being paying the tax bill for the next 20 years.

It Looks Like Trump Failed to Sabotage Obamacare This Year


But if he says he destroyed Obamacare, his deeply stupid base will believe him. They'll cheer Maximum Leader's triumph over the libruls, post on Facebook to say good riddance to Obamacare, and then go sign up for coverage under that nice Affordable Care Act.

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23 hours ago, S John said:

People who want the US out of the UN forget why it’s there in the first place.  Over the decades America has allowed the narrative to become toxic with regard to the UN, that it’s a New World Order organization bent on destroying US sovereignty nevermind the role of the United States in the creation of the UN and its League of Nations predecessor.

Yes, the UN was FDR's baby. That and things like Bretton Woods were an attempt to stop another world war.

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23 hours ago, Martell Spy said:

Our libertarian overlords trying to blow smoke up everyone's asses.

God help the poor Kook Brother's door knocker that comes to my door, speadin' the good news about the tax cuts.

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3 minutes ago, DanteGabriel said:

But if he says he destroyed Obamacare, his deeply stupid base will believe him. They'll cheer Maximum Leader's triumph over the libruls, post on Facebook to say good riddance to Obamacare, and then go sign up for coverage under that nice Affordable Care Act.

This is true. They also believe that Trump's Inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's. However, the Ryanites and wealthy donors know that Obamacare is still there and it's driving them crazy. If the Republicans fail to attack Medicaid before they lose one house of Congress, they have likely lost this fight in the long term, since the Rethugs tend to take power about once every ten years like this.

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Just now, OldGimletEye said:

Our libertarian overlords trying to blow smoke up everyone's asses.

God help the poor Kook Brother's door knocker that comes to my door, speadin' the good news about the tax cuts.

Hahah. Remember when the Kook Broothers sent men in nice suits to Montana to try to stop the Medicaid expansion? Spoiler, it did not go well.

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23 hours ago, Martell Spy said:

Hahah. Remember when the Kook Broothers sent men in nice suits to Montana to try to stop the Medicaid expansion? Spoiler, it did not go well.

A few years back I had somebody knock on my door who was running for whatever and was the Republican candidate.

I wasn't exactly rude (well maybe just a tad), but I did crack a lot of jokes at the Republican Party's and Republican's expense. Good times.

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23 hours ago, DanteGabriel said:

But if he says he destroyed Obamacare, his deeply stupid base will believe him. They'll cheer Maximum Leader's triumph over the libruls, post on Facebook to say good riddance to Obamacare, and then go sign up for coverage under that nice Affordable Care Act.

LOL. Exactly.

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30 minutes ago, OldGimletEye said:

Yes, the UN was FDR's baby. That and things like Bretton Woods were an attempt to stop another world war.

Kruschev predicted decades ago that the US saw the UN as it’s pet guard dog, to be patted and fed so long as it did it’s master’s bidding, but to be abandoned and/or shot the moment it opposed the US on anything significant. Between ‘with us or against us’/ Freedom Fries and now ‘taking names’, I’d say it’s safe to assume Kruschev’s view was prescient. Moreover, that all this happens with so many Americans actually thinking some version of ‘how dare they oppose us, they must be corrupt’ or w/e, it seems most Americans wouldn’t even consider Kruschev’s view controversial...just unflatteringly phrased.

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23 hours ago, James Arryn said:

Kruschev predicted decades ago that the US saw the UN as it’s pet guard dog, to be patted and fed so long as it did it’s master’s bidding, but to be abandoned and/or shot the moment it opposed the US on anything significant. Between ‘with us or against us’/ Freedom Fries and now ‘taking names’, I’d say it’s safe to assume Kruschev’s view was prescient. Moreover, that all this happens with so many Americans actually thinking some version of ‘how dare they oppose us, they must be corrupt’ or w/e, it seems most Americans wouldn’t even consider Kruschev’s view controversial...just unflatteringly phrased.

The old right, think people like Robert Taft, hated the UN and were opposed to it from the start. So there has always been an anti-UN feeling in the US from the begging. I'm pretty sure the John Birch society was anti-UN from the get. So there has always been anti-UNism in America from the begging.'

But certainly, it's true that many of the Neo Con bunch don't like it or came to dislike it because they see it as a restraint on their plans.

But old internationalist liberals, like FDR, did have good intentions regarding the UN, even if things got screwed up later.

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16 minutes ago, OldGimletEye said:

The old right, think people like Robert Taft, hated the UN and were opposed to it from the start. So there has always been an anti-UN feeling in the US from the begging. I'm pretty sure the John Birch society was anti-UN from the get. So there has always been anti-UNism in America from the begging.'

But certainly, it's true that many of the Neo Con bunch don't like it or came to dislike it because they see it as a restraint on their plans.

But old internationalist liberals, like FDR, did have good intentions regarding the UN, even if things got screwed up later.

I’d agree with the last part, certainly. Rejection of colonialism re: Suez kinda being a talk the talk highwater moment. Tragically the complete 180 in Iran with Ajax and the Dulles Bros. essentially running policy for so long meant precious little time walking the talk if/when that contrasted with US interests. 

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Democratic leaders insist they have a strategy to pass a DACA fix in January. Defense hawks—and the Defense Department—have been furious with these stopgap bills and won’t be expected to go along with them much longer. (Indeed, it took an awful lot of effort from House Republicans’ whip team this week to get enough defense hawks to go along with this CR.) They want a long-promised boost in defense spending that would come with the long-term appropriations bill. As one Democratic member told Politico, this means the dynamic will soon reach an “inflection point.” If House Republican leaders can’t muster 217 votes from within their own conference for another stopgap, that’s when Democrats feel they can successfully force a resolution for Dreamers. It helps, too, that another debt ceiling hike—which will require Democratic votes—will also need to be passed early in the year.

Democrats Fold on a DACA Fix
Why Chuck Schumer declined to gamble on a government shutdown.


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7 hours ago, WinterFox said:

Personal gain isn't enough?

I don't think it explains all of his behavior, including the ass licking he's been giving Trump or the walk backs on some of the insults he's delivered to him in the past.  If he's just retiring and taking his personal gain and heading off into the sunset, then why play nice with Trump now?  Unless he's eyeing something.

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Bill Kristol just went at Mike Pence with everything but a goddamn spoon on CNN.

Brought on to discuss the humiliating verbal rimjob Pence gave El Presidento yesterday in a cabinet meeting, I figured Kristol would smile that too-wide smile and attempt a holding action by uncomfortably trying to laugh it off while retreating from the Veep in an orderly manner.

Instead he turned savage on that dude. Sycophantism indeed. 

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18 minutes ago, Triskele said:

I used to think Bill Kristol was up there with Satan, and now he's doing stuff like this.  We live in strange times.

When I was in high school, I actually thought for a brief period that Kristol was Glenn Beck.


ETA: Nah, actually that was probably college.

When did Newt get out of the game?

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Kristol has lots of terrible opinions that aren't backed up by the available evidence, but he thinks he is right about them and wants to make policy based on them because he thinks they are the right decisions. Remember W? He was a terrible president but he thought he was doing the right thing. Both look much better in light of the current administration, which barely makes a pretense of responsible behavior in favor of naked looting and bigotry.

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6 hours ago, Triskele said:

I used to think Bill Kristol was up there with Satan, and now he's doing stuff like this.  We live in strange times.

Devils vs demons. Kristol is Lawful Evil, and a smug dumbass who wants to prove how right his terrible ideas are. Trump is Chaotic Evil, and just an animated pile of greed, lust, paranoia, and desire to have his nuts licked by Pence and the other toadies.

Trump corrupts or destroys everything he touches. Kristol is wrong about everything except how bad Trump is.

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