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  1. I have a suspicion Jaime may not be long for the story. We're overdue for a major surprise death, and Jaime would fit the bill. And if he's not the valonqar, and I suspect he isn't, there's nothing left he's needed for. In fact, the only reason I think he is still alive is because his body hasn't shown up, and the BwB have no reason to hide it. I think they are saving him for something. Possibly Red Wedding 2, though I doubt he'd participate; he'd probably die first. I think he may be sent to rescue the prisoners taken by the Freys at the Red Wedding. He could show up with a bunch of men and say he's there to take the prisoners to Kings Landing. It might even work. It could also go badly and get him killed, which is more likely.
  2. Arya's connection to Nymeria is at this point entirely passive. She has "dreams" where she sees through Nymeria's eyes, but doesn't initiate any action. Also, she has no knowledge about Edmure or anything else going on in the area. It does seem likely that Nymeria may have run interference for Arya after her escape from Harrenhal, preventing Roose Bolton from finding her. But that's essentially protecting her person from harm. Nymeria has no such connection to Edmure. As for Arya, Edmure is an uncle she has never met, hardly a close connection there either. I therefore really don't see a Nymeria attack, especially given the convoy's size.
  3. Arya had the Faceless Men to fall back on. Jeyne doesn't even have that, and I see no reason for Arya to discuss her time with the FM, or for the FM to have any interest in Jeyne in any case. In fact, without Jaqen, Arya herself wouldn't have gotten to Braavos at all. She would have been stuck in the Riverlands, probably picked up by a wandering friar and plopped down at the Crossroads Inn. Jeyne is only 14, if that. Still essentially a child. Plenty of time to move on and leave her past behind if she wishes. In actuality, what happens to her will depend on how useful she is in moving other characters' stories forward. And Arya and Sansa are two of the hardest characters to figure out the future stories of; they (especially Arya) could go in many different directions (literally as well as figuratively).
  4. Jeyne didn't defraud the North; that was the Lannisters and Boltons. She was merely their pawn. If the Starks choose to regard her as a victimized pawn, I expect the North will go along. There is no reason for her time in Littlefinger's brothel to become widely known, but even if it did, any likely marriage would be years in the future (She's only 13/14). And as for her future in Westeros she may or may not have one there, but I can't imagine she has any future in Braavos. She's a foreigner who doesn't speak the language, and has no skills or funds to speak of.
  5. When I say "infodump", I mean that information will be given to us, the readers, through that character telling a POV what they overheard or were told. In other words, we might learn more about Baelish or the Boltons through her. While traumatized, she is clearly functional. She is able to answer Mors Umber's questions about Winterfell with ease. In other words, she has a coherent conversation with a man she is unfamiliar with; not bad considering her experiences. And simply getting out of the abusive situation will help. I agree with 1 and 2. I think Arya will hear that "Arya Stark" is in town and will go find out what is going on. I disagree with 3. I think that after the preview chapter Arya will be on thin ice with the FM, and it will be clear that she cannot become no-one. I also doubt Arya will tell Jeyne, or anyone else, about being with the FM. I actually see Arya taking Jeyne with her on her return to Westeros, both as a useful companion, and to avoid abandoning her in Braavos. I would be quite shocked if Arya actually becomes enough of a FM to get a solo assignment in Westeros or even learn to change faces, and taking Jeyne's face would be stupid in any case. As for Baelish, he's Sansa's responsibility to deal with. I believe that it was Alys Karstark, and is an example of Melisandre's difficulty in interpreting her visions. And if Jon is injured and comatose, as I expect, then Jeyne will arrive and leave without meeting Jon.
  6. Jeyne Poole (FArya) is my suggestion. While not quite "six degrees of Kevin Bacon", she is connected to a ridiculous number of characters. Sansa, Arya, and Littlefinger are the most obvious, but the Boltons, Stannis and Jon have ties as well. The whip marks on her back and Theon telling her she needs to continue pretending to be Arya suggest her story has a ways to run yet. She is currently on her way to the Wall in the company of two men who are heading on to Braavos. Given Jon's current condition, it is likely they will be unable to meet, and she will head on to Braavos to avoid Ramsay. I think she could meet the real Arya and possibly be the catalyst for her return to Westeros. The whip marks lead to Littlefinger so I see potential there, especially since I imagine Sansa will not be happy to learn of her friend's mistreatment. She could also be a potential infodump on Littlefinger or the Boltons, considering how much time she spent with them. Lastly, there is the possibility of her being pregnant by Ramsay, setting up a potential inheritance to either the Dreadfort or Hornwood. In any case, I expect her to cause trouble and have a notable effect on the story.
  7. I would also like to nominate Varys. We know next to nothing about him, but he is definitely powerful enough to cause trouble if he wants. Given how little we know of his objectives or the means he is willing to use to achieve them, I would definitely classify him as having the potential to be very dangerous indeed.
  8. I agree with Euron, Cersei, and Daenerys for the reasons stated: Euron's total evil and likely access to magic; Cersei for political authority combined with narcissism and instability; and Daenerys with her dragons and a sense of righteousness. I would like to suggest Littlefinger as someone to watch closely. His meddling was a major cause for the War of the five kings, and he seems to thrive on chaos and stirring up trouble. He also doesn't care who gets hurt, as long as it's not him. He's unpredictable and uncaring. Even worse, nobody seems to realize how truly bad and dangerous he really is. Even Jaime, who is sensible and knowledgeable, thinks Littlefinger would make a good Hand.
  9. I still remain optimistic that Winds will come out eventually, though I have to admit my confidence in it actually appearing is diminishing by the week. As for A Dream of Spring, I expect that it will remain merely a dream.
  10. If they don't run into one another at the crossroads inn, it's quite possible nothing would have happened. They most likely would have crossed paths along the road. Catelyn would recognize Tyrion, but would keep quiet and hope to not be recognized. Even if recognized, it's unlikely she could do anything. She arrested him at the inn only because he recognized her, and announced her presence, and the inn was full of her father's vassals who she could count on for help. Unless she's with a crowd when she meets him at Moat Cailin or elsewhere, she doesn't have the manpower to do anything about it even if she's recognized. About all she could do would be to send Ned a message and hope he gets it.
  11. My guess is that it takes place at Casterly Rock. We get an update on events in the Westlands and Riverlands from a Lannister perspective, and are introduced to Martyn Lannister, the likely new head of the family and his household, somewhat like Stannis in the prologue of ACOK. Jeyne and Edmure arrive either just before or during the chapter, and we get their take on things as well. As for the BwB, they may or may not make a rescue attempt; if so, it will be unsuccessful. If we don't get the prologue at CR I suggested, a failed rescue is the likely alternative.
  12. As a Lannister man (in Lorch's company), he could have heard that the Lannisters were searching for Arya Stark, the former Hand's daughter. He already has the other pieces he needs: she used the name Arry (very similar to Arya); she thought the goldcloaks were after her, not Gendry; she has a castle forged sword she insists is hers; and Yoren was willing to take her along, despite her age and sex, which he clearly knew about. Simple deduction, if he's observant and intelligent, which he clearly is. It's also possible, that as a fellow expat, he could have known Syrio in KL and heard about his new gig teaching the Hand's daughter. That would also give him the information he needed.
  13. Getting put in the Black Cells and subsequently riding all the way from Kings Landing chained in a wagon is hardly a reliable or efficient method of joining the Nights Watch. If secret agent guy can't come up with a convincing story of running from a vengeful lord intent on his execution or something like that, or arrange to get arrested in White Harbor for rape, robbery, theft, what have you, then I have to question his effectiveness as a secret agent. Being able to tell a good story is practically the first requirement for being one. I suspect that whatever happened before he met Arya has no relevance for the story and we therefore won't find out why he was in the Black Cells.
  14. We have no real idea of how big an organization the Faceless Men is. I don't think it is huge, with tentacles everywhere, nor do I think it has much presence in Westeros. Having someone in a position of power who can help them could be quite useful. And her training seems more aimed at being an undercover agent than being an assassin. What talent she has is really nothing special. Her martial training is limited; I think her sword skills are basic at best. She is fearless, resourceful, and can be ruthless, all of which is useful, though hardly rare. However, she lacks the sort of sociopathic personality that would likely be necessary to be successful as an assassin for hire. She cares too much and asks too many questions.
  15. So what if it looks like a hit. If anybody gets blamed, it would be the Lannisters, which would suit Baelish just fine. He's been pitting the two families against one another for some time. And I still fall to see how being locked in a wagon helps. The Wall is at the end of the world. Nobody would be able to hear Ned if he did say anything. And he doesn't know about Lysa's letter being arranged by Baelish, or who gave the initial tip to Stannis.
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