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It takes a man to rule. Kill the boy and let the man be born. Jon-Egg similarities.

Jon's Queen Consort

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We know that Aemon said it to both Jon and Egg.

In my opinion there are some other between Jon and Egg; like the fact that they were both not afraid of doing their own dirty job, in early age they learn about common people and their problems and live with them and for uknown reasons I think that their personalities are close enough. There is also the fact that, willingly isn Egg's care and unknowgly to him, Jon, they had their true Targaryen identity hidden.

So, I was thinking if there is someone else who thinks the same.

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I think it is interesting that both Jon and Egg learned to be humble this way. They won't necessarily think their bettert han certain others, by only looking at said persons blood. For Egg, it was mist certainly well to have him learn whats it's like to live like a hedge knight. And since Jon hasn't been thaught that ruling is his right, he migt actually do a better job in leading eventually, whether it is leading the NW, or an entire kingdom (or seven).

That migt be an interesting parallel as well. Neither Jon not Egg were ever expect to rule, yet Egg became a king, and Jon a LC.

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Yeah I like it. I definitely see why Jeor told the story of how Aemon could have been king at one time. So yeah I can see the similarities. They are both forced to let go of their preconceived notions about their own status in the world and in relation to those that look to them for leadership. They have a better idea of what it's like to be hungry, not sleep on a beds of silk and singers singing of their every deed. They had a chance to grow beyond the constraints of the court. I've always felt that Jon's bittersweet ending would be him ruling. He's gotten the recognition that he's always wanted yet, he's now forced to deal with reconstruction a war torn, post end of the world scenario situation. The sweet part also being that he like Aemon said he would find little joy in his command the bright spot for him would be having a son, gathering his family and having Val by his side.

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I would add the "unlikely ruler" factor in both their stories. Although I doubt Jon will end up ruling Seven Kingdoms, I do believe that at some point he will hold the KitN title... And just like Egg, he will be "unlikely" monarch...

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Here is what I see happening

Coma Jon

Uncoma Jon

Pissed Off Jon

King of the North

King Regent of the North (when Rickon returns)

Then King of the 7 Kingdoms (when his Targ heritage is revealed)

But I digress

There is way to much evidence that Jon will end up ruling in some capacity at the end of the story

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There are some parallels, but they don't go that far.

Egg never really killed the boy. Jon on the other hand did take Aemon's advice to heart. That's why Jon would be a great King and Egg was just an average one.

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Jon like Egg left their houses because they wanted to live the adventure and they live with common people (smallfolk and NW's men, freefolk) something that was very usefull at Egg's case.

I think they were both escaping the life they were born into, and the unlikely ruler is a great parallel, but I don't think Jon *wanted* to live the adventure. He wanted to escape his bastard stigma.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the small folk chooses Jon Snow over Dany or any other Iron Throne claimant. He definitely cares about them, and he views rulership not as a right but a duty.

What good is a king who will not defend his realm?

The other rulers think ruling is about sitting prettily on a bigass seat of swords and ordering people around, not protecting the realm from outside threats.

Cersei Lannister fails to understands that by refusing to defend the Reach against the Ironborn, she is undermining both Tommen's and her own reign. Daenerys, if she participates in the DoTD 2.0, undermines her own legitimacy as a result, and I wouldn't be surprised if the small folk and some lord turn against her because of her actions. But Jon if he chooses to defend the realm against the Others, will have his rule solidified because he made a conspicuous choice to protect the people.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the small folk chooses Jon Snow over Dany or any other Iron Throne claimant. He definitely cares about them, and he views rulership not as a right but a duty.

Yeah, Dany clearly doesn't care about the smallfolk. That's why she just took the Unsullied and left for Westeros as soon as possible while leaving all those slaves behind to rot.

Cersei Lannister fails to understands that by refusing to defend the Reach against the Ironborn, she is undermining both Tommen's and her own reign. Daenerys, if she participates in the DoTD 2.0, undermines her own legitimacy as a result, and I wouldn't be surprised if the small folk and some lord turn against her because of her actions. But Jon if he chooses to defend the realm against the Others, will have his rule solidified because he made a conspicuous choice to protect the people.

And this is just BS (well apart from the part about Cersei). How can she undermine her own legitimacy by fighting the people that try and take her throne. If she wants to plant her ass on that seat she'll have to oust her oponents first.

The same goes for Stannis and Faegon btw. If they don't fight for their right to sit on the IT they lose all legitimacy. The only thing that changes that is the upcoming icepocalypse. But Dany and Faegon know nothing about that. Stannis does and went to do his duty.

Only if Dany and Faegon get the same information as Stan the Man and Cersei and choose to keep on fighting for the IT can they lose face in the same way the Lannister-Tyrell alliance did.

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And this is just BS (well apart from the part about Cersei). How can she undermine her own legitimacy by fighting the people that try and take her throne. If she wants to plant her ass on that seat she'll have to oust her oponents first.

I want you to seriously think about the ramifications of a Ironborn attack on Oldtown can have on the realm. If they attack Oldtown, they will drive food prices ever higher, as they steal whatever food the people have on hand. Also if Oldtown is attacked, Cersei can possibly lose her throne, especially if Euron sees the Oldtown attack succeeding. He will not hesitate to pillage, rape and murder his way to Kings' Landing as a result of this success. And I wouldn't be surprised if Euron kills Tommen in order to take the Iron Throne and forcing Myrcella and Cersei to live as his salt-wives.
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I want you to seriously think about the ramifications of a Ironborn attack on Oldtown can have on the realm. If they attack Oldtown, they will drive food prices ever higher, as they steal whatever food the people have on hand. Also if Oldtown is attacked, Cersei can possibly lose her throne, especially if Euron sees the Oldtown attack succeeding. He will not hesitate to pillage, rape and murder his way to Kings' Landing as a result of this success. And I wouldn't be surprised if Euron kills Tommen in order to take the Iron Throne and forcing Myrcella and Cersei to live as his salt-wives.

:shocked: Did you even read my post? This is what I said:

And this is just BS (well apart from the part about Cersei).


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Well tell us how u really feel. Don't have to shout. Yet I do get the frustration of people not taking the time to fully read the post and misinterrupting something that was said.

I like what someone said about Jon in comma, Uncomma Jon , Pissed off Jon. Oh yeah. When he first comes back and he's acculating himself to having to deal with his new wolfish nature. I would hate to be any of the following, sweet donnel hill, Bowen Marsh, Whit whittlespit, or any Bolton or Frey left in the North by the time he wakes up. I want Jon to realize that to kill the boy he has to kill some of that compassion(I know I know), moratlity and high sense of honor. We are already seeing this with him saying that he has honor a bastards sort of honor. I take that to mean that on the surface he's comply with what's going on but he's got something else up his sleeve. So while everyone is looking left he's pulling the rug out from the kitchen from the right.

Letting the man being born is going to take more than wanting to do the right thing. Sometimes what is right for one isn't what's best for the whole. Which is a lesson that Dany still hasn't learned the young girl that she maybe. Which is why I think in his dragon dream at the end of the ADWDS him killing Ned and Robb are telling. They represent all of Jon's lofty ideals, his sense of honor, right and wrong. They're so mixed up in how he identifies himself. He wants to save Ned use to dream of it, wants to better than his brother the young wolf. He wants men to realize that he's just a good as any of the trueborn son's of his families. Whether that be Robb or Aegon as trueborn sons they garner more respect just because they have a noble last name. While Jon has had to fight for everything that he's gotten in life. Nothing has come easy to him. I'm pretty sure when he made the boost to Benjen that he was the better sword while Robb was the better lance. That was his crowing achievement. This is something that no man can take from him, I'm just as good if not better than my brother in one area of life where fighting and fighting well help make give a measure of the man. The better the fighter he is the more respect he gathers.

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Here is what I see happening

Coma Jon

Uncoma Jon

Pissed Off Jon

King of the North

King Regent of the North (when Rickon returns)

Then King of the 7 Kingdoms (when his Targ heritage is revealed)

I can see that actually.

But I think that it will be more like either King or the North, the Vale, Riverland, Iron Isles and Beyond the world than 7Kingdoms.

I wouldn't be surprised if the people choose Jon over Daenerys.

Well since I believe that after LN2.0 Dany would be either dead or powerless, I don't think that she could be a canditate. Even if she is alive Jon has a better Targaryen claim than she has.

But I think that people(or counsil) will chose Jon(like Egg) over Rickon(Aerion's son).

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