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Knights are sworn to defend the weak, protect women, and fight for the right, but none of them did a thing. ~Aerys’ Kingsguard.

Jon's Queen Consort

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You should, they are tightly written and excellent and helps flesh out ADWD as well

I can't find them anywhere around where i live, because only the ASOIAF is popular around here largely for the show, there aren't that much hardcore fans that would buy the books not related to the show. I wouldn't mind reading them in english if there is an e-book i can find. To the google!

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Arthur Dayne says hi

Meh, he is no better then Boras Blunt in my opinion (besides sword-fighting).

I actually agree with OP, I have never seen anything that makes Aerys II's kingsguard standout as much as people say they do besides their fighting skills.

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I will never understand how people can say Arthur Dayne or Gerold Hightower are badasses. They are disgusting hypocrites who deserved to die for the pain and suffering they stood by and allowed. Ser Duncan the Tall is the only true knight. I've only read The Hedge Knight, so I don't know if that changes for him, but as of right now he is what all of them should have been.

sorry what suffering did ser arthur allow he wasn't even there when brandon and rickard were killed.

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I adore Arthur but I can't overlook the things he had faild to do to honor his oath, but anyway I don't care about oaths and honorable bs.

Oh the rape thing i thought it was jamie and darry was in that situation not ser arthur or did i miss something? some one tell me because i don't remember.

You mean that Arthur was absent for years every time that Rhaella was raped?

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Yay all the love for Ser Dunk. What a great guy.

Gotta love Dunk, because he's a fake knight who comes closest to ideal knightliness out of anyone, except maybe his great-great-grandniece twice removed or something, Brienne of Tarth. Also not a real knight. Or Davos Seaworth, who is the ideal of lordliness despite being a lord from absolutely nowhere.

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They were stuck between a rock and a hard place. They were sworn to protect a man who ultimately became a monster.

Ser Arthur Dayne's winning concessions for the Kingswood peasants; Ser Barristan rescuing Aerys on his own, and the last three of them defending the infant Jon Snow shows they were good men. "Good men in service to a bad cause." as Varys puts it.

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Dunk was the only true Knight. I still think what he did to Aerion is one of the unquestionably bravest acts in the entire series.

:agree: I'd say Baelor, too, though. He stood up for what was right, and even admits that if he was there, he would've done what Dunk did to Aerion. But Dunk, undoubtably. And to someone who said he wouldn't have stood up when he was in the kingsguard, I have to disagree. He stood up to everyone regardless of who they were. I mean, the bit to Maekar about "Daeron never slept in a ditch, and all Aerion's meat was bloody and rare". That's a pretty ballsy thing to say to that particular prince. Plus, like he wouldn't stand up to King Egg. If the king was being stupid, he'd just give him a clout in the ear. ;)

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I do think Ser Arthur Dayne was a true Knight. Of course, he had blunders, but he had qualities. And nothing can justify their behaviors towards Rhaella, one of the most innocent victims from Aerys's reign. To be honest, though, there wasn't a solution feasible. If they stood against their King, they would all face execution or expulsion and Aerys would get Kingsguard that didn't cared for how awful he was. They had a tough situation to handle, but they have done a good job, overall. Arthur seemed especially noble considering his stance with the Kingswood Brotherhood.

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I do think Ser Arthur Dayne was a true Knight. Of course, he had blunders, but he had qualities. And nothing can justify their behaviors towards Rhaella, one of the most innocent victims from Aerys's reign. To be honest, though, there wasn't a solution feasible. If they stood against their King, they would all face execution or expulsion and Aerys would get Kingsguard that didn't cared for how awful he was. They had a tough situation to handle, but they have done a good job, overall. Arthur seemed especially noble considering his stance with the Kingswood Brotherhood.

it would just be execution they would face. Aerys would likely have them gelded, humiliated, and disgraced BEFORE lighting them on fire. Which would piss off their Houses (Major ones being Hightower, Lannister, and Martell) which could very likely lead to war. Maybe defining them as "true knights" is wrong but they are in no way bad guys.
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There are no true knights. There is very little true honor. These men all serve a broken system. They do the best they can considering the time and place they live in. It's a shitty situation, but they don't have many options. If they interceded, not only do they risk punishment for themselves (gelding, burning, ect) but also for their families. Look what Aerys did to the Darklyns, do you think he'd spare Darry's family if he tried to stop him? Likely not. They're between a rock and a hard place for sure.

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So my question is; why they are considered as true knights when they had betrayed their code? I have 2 possible scenarios a. they were protecting their lives and b. the people call them true knights not knowing that they had betrayed their code.

What do you think?

I think Jaime explains the order legality system to Trant pretty well in this quote:

“Ser Meryn.” Jaime smiled at the sour knight with the rust-red hair and the pouches under his eyes. “I have heard it said that Joffrey made use of you to chastise Sansa Stark.” He turned the White Book around one-handed. “Here, show me where it is in our vows that we swear to beat women and children.”

“I did as His Grace commanded me. We are sworn to obey.”

“Henceforth you will temper that obedience. My sister is Queen Regent. My father is the King’s Hand. I am Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Obey us. None other.”

Ser Meryn got a stubborn look on his face. “Are you telling us not to obey the king?”

“The king is eight. Our first duty is to protect him, which includes protecting him from himself. Use that ugly thing you keep inside your helm. If Tommen wants you to saddle his horse, obey him. If he tells you to kill his horse, come to me.”

The "the king told me to" excuse does'nt work. An 8 year old, a 13 year old, or a crazy king who is ordering you to perform something that is so clearly wrong they put it in the damn vow that every knight needs to make, is no excuse. It takes priority, and if the king orders you to do something that is clearly wrong, you also need to defend him from himself.

No, Aerys' KG, including the big names, are to a man at fault for allowing him to harm innocents, for failing to defend him from himself. Jaime at least had the moment where he could take it no more, but the trio at the TOJ were still mad at him, and boasted, boasted, how Aerys would still be sitting the Throne, if they had a say in things. Yes, I do think it's fair to say that all of them, aside for Jaime, completly lost the true meaning of being a knight, of what is good and what is wrong, and were too obsessed with thier status as Kingsguard.

As much as I dislike Jaime, I feel he is treating himself too bad. He is better than Arthur Dayne ever was. He wanted to be Arthur Dayen, not the Smiling Knight. But what he wanted was a fantasy, a lie that is repeated so often that common folk in the realm consider as true, even though with a couple of minutes of critical thinking, Aery's KG does'nt look too different from Joffrey's. And the sad truth is that posters herecan barely mention a knight who has been dead for the past 40 years as an example of a knight who actually gave a shit, and was known mostly for that specific point in his time.
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I adore Arthur but I can't overlook the things he had faild to do to honor his oath, but anyway I don't care about oaths and honorable bs.

You mean that Arthur was absent for years every time that Rhaella was raped?

raped for years damn they seemed to not have sex for years look how long it took them to get Vis. That rape was when the guy was full on crazy, i'm asking which other incident was mention when he raped her?

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