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Denial is a hell of a drug

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I am in total denial about:

Arya dying, losing her identity to the FM, becoming completely dark, or living through Nymeria. No. Just NO.

Theon dying before he has a chance to do something completely awesome and courageous. Or just Theon dying in general.... nope. Not allowed.

That it's absolutely necessary for Tommen and Myrcella to die in order for Cersei's prophesy to be fulfilled. She lost Myrcella to Dorne. Maybe Tommen will just completely turn against her. They don't have to DIE.

That there isn't something bigger in store for Gendry than what he is at the moment.

That there's even the slightest chance that Littlefinger may get through the series without paying dearly for playing with the lives of other people for his own benefit.

I'm sure there's more, but this is just off the top of my head.

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It going to take only two books to complete the series . L+R=J . Jon has warged into Ghost. Jon is going to be resurrected by Melisandre becoming Jon zombie no relation to Rob Zombie.

If it's any consolation, if Jon does warg into Ghost, I'm pretty sure it would keep his soul in tact better than Beric's was. So he'd just be Jon Not-so-Zombie. lol no? oh well, I tried. :P

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Totally unoriginal but I refuse to believe Jon is dead. I refuse to believe he is going to be "resurrected" like LS. Regarding LS, I refuse to believe she has any bit of Catelyn remaining in her. I refuse to believe that Jaime and Brienne will be forced to fight to the death. I refuse to believe Cersei and Jaime will die at any but each other's hands. I refuse to believe Tyrion is not going to get a comeuppance for the horrible shit he's done since his trial. I can go on and on...

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I keep denying the possibilities that Benjen Stark or Ashara Dayne might be alive and come back one day. I want them to be dead.

I still hope that sweet Tommen and his Kittensguard will somehow survive the books.

I keep dreaming that Arya will somehow be whole again.

I cling to the hope that Theon has a future and will find happiness one day.

I am not a huge fan of prophecies so I ignore them as a driving force of the story. I feel that it's the characters interpreting prophecies and acting on them that gives them actual meaning and strength but if the story protagonists would ignore the prophecies, they would not come to pass or shape the storyline in any way.

Magic: Even though it is blatantly clear that magic is real in that world, I still see most of it as tricks or people not being able to understand natural phenomena. For example Melisandre showed some real magical abilities (shadowbabies) but for me she's more of a conjuror who uses smoke and mirror techniques rather than someone with real power.

I irrationally idealise Arthur Dayne so I see him as extremely good looking and someone who would not be silent about Aerys beating and raping his wife.

I somehow still believe that George will finish the series (and soon) and that the upcoming books will be as good as the first three.

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It only makes the denial that much worse.

No dude the Hodor thing is pretty bad. Say it with me, it's bad to forcibly take over someones mind. When that someone is simple and can't defend themselves, it's worse.

This. I was horribly uncomfortable with Bran using Hodor to creep on Meera in the CotF's cave, and I don't think that's going to be without its consequences for Bran's character arc...

That Dolorous Edd will ever bite it. What is Edd will never die!



I flat out refuse to admit that winter is coming.


I refuse to believe that The Winds of Winter will not be released any later than Christmas this year.... :smoking:

I wish I could agree but it would be too much to hope that we could get the WoIaF at the end of October and then have TWOW follow so closely on its heels. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd be in heaven if that was the case, but alas, I fear it will be our Christmas gift for next year!


I am going to remain in denial about any foreshadowing of Arya's death, because I want to believe that Parris knows how to ensure GRRM will not NOT NOT kill Arya!

I refuse to believe that the GNC isn't a fact, and that retribution with a capital R isn't coming for Roose and Ramsay. I also think Manderly has room enough for some Bolton pies. :cool4:

I refuse to believe that Samwell Tarly won't be given the opportunity to show up his father. "Hey father, you know how you always thought I was weak and useless? Well guess what motherfucker, I killed a godsdamned Other. Yeah, you heard right. Heartsbane has nothin' on my kickass dragonglass." :drool:

There's plenty more to be in denial about, but that's what I've got for now.

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I refuse to believe that "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" might refer to the Martell's sexual lust for tons of hot, steamy sex because one of the Martells actually said it to Rhaenys when she visited, indicating the Martells had it LONG before the Targs tried to take Dorne

I refuse to believe that LF is anything but a weirdo

I refuse to believe that King's Landing drama is over at the end of book 6.

I refuse to believe that Tormund has the largest member.

I refuse to believe that Stannis has never had sexual relations with a male.

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I refuse to believe that Loras is dying or dead. I refuse to believe that the Hound is dead (I firmly subscribe to the gravedigger theory). I refuse to accept sweet little Tommen dying. I also refused to believe Oberyn was dead for a while, I had to re-read that page over and over before it sank in.

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