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Who all knows of Jons parentage?


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LOL I have a pet Crackpot that Gerold dayne was ser Arthurs dayne's Squire at the ToJ. and so witnessed all, Ned doesn't kill children, Doran & Oberyn grilled 10-12 yr old boy and conspired to keep it a secret, as it would screw up their plan to wed Arianne & Visery's and re take the throne, thus making the boy into the most dangerous man in Dorne as he could screw up their plan by revealing Jon as the true Targaryan heir. I made a thread. I don't expect others to believe my theory though. I know its pretty crackpot.

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LOL I have a pet Crackpot that Gerold dayne was ser Arthurs dayne's Squire at the ToJ. and so witnessed all, Ned doesn't kill children, Doran & Oberyn grilled 10-12 yr old boy and conspired to keep it a secret, as it would screw up their plan to wed Arianne & Visery's and re take the throne, thus making the boy into the most dangerous man in Dorne as he could screw up their plan by revealing Jon as the true Targaryan heir. I made a thread. I don't expect others to believe my theory though. I know its pretty crackpot.

I see, I am sorry for asking but it I was curious. The Martells's part would be very interesting but I don't think that they would help the child of the woman that was the reason for Rhaegar's treason.

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I see, I am sorry for asking but it I was curious. The Martells's part would be very interesting but I don't think that they would help the child of the woman that was the reason for Rhaegar's treason.

No indeed they would not want to help Jon, hense why Doran styles Darkstar as the most dangerous man in Dorne, if Darkstar revealed R+L=J his plan would be ruined, as He wouldn't want to marry Arianne to the son of the woman his sister was killed because of.

Doran don't want Darkstar to keep quite to protect Jon, they want him to keep quite to protect the Martells plan to bring Viserys/Dany to the throne.

They couldn't move against Jon as it means taking on the North, plus I don't see Doran as a child killer, Darkstar would have revealed that Ned had no intention of revealing the baby as Rhaegars and so they just all hope the kid stays quite. I'll link the thread.

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Howland Reed, as he is sometimes known, the most eagerly anticipate character entrance in literature.

I do believe that he has told Meera and Jojen, or else Jojen found out on his own, through his green man blood.

Wylla the wet-nurse, and by extension, whoever it was that employed her. So, some higher ranking Dayne, most likely Ashara would be brought into that intelligence, but it is unclear if she is still alive, and whoever traveled with Ned and Wylla from the TOJ to Starfall. The rest of the retainers would know there was a baby amongst them, but not sure who it was. It was clearly not with whoever Ned brought from KL to TOJ, but so the baby originate there, but there could be doubt about who it belongs to, whether Lyanna or Wylla herself, or any other woman that was present.

I highly doubt that Varys/Illyrio have any clue.

Doran/Martells is an interesting theory via the Darkstar squire theory, but its crackpot since there is no indication at all that Darkstar had anything to do with his uncle or was at the TOJ. Dangerous Man in Dorne can mean anything from Doran. Maybe he is the only person that knows how to create an effective gout medication, and Doran is scared he will not have access to that medicine.

I also am not sure about the whole Ashara being Howland Reeds wife situation. Not to say it wasn't possible, but didn't she like Ned, and wasn't it Lyanna that saved Howland at the Tourney? And what would be the point of just hiding out forever in the Neck?

As to the magic users, who knows. Moquorro would probably see something having to do with a pale wolf, black dragon, with a bear claw (delicious) and great hair. Wont have any idea it means Jon Snow. No way a fire prophecy could accurately unwind the tangled situation at TOJ.

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Varys cannot know. There is no evidence in his words or actions that would indicate he has ANY clue.

Isn't that the great irony anyway? Varys is the player that knows all the secrets, except the one that matters. The Master Mummer, duped by the shroud of Honor around Eddard Stark, who he simply thought was eaten alive by the Game Of Thrones. Isn't that the triumph of Ned's character? Everyone underestimated him and his ability to play the game, and his best move will be realized long after he is gone.

How boring would to be to find out Varys knew that secret all along and just simply did nothing with it.

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Varys cannot know. There is no evidence in his words or actions that would indicate he has ANY clue.

Isn't that the great irony anyway? Varys is the player that knows all the secrets, except the one that matters. The Master Mummer, duped by the shroud of Honor around Eddard Stark, who he simply thought was eaten alive by the Game Of Thrones. Isn't that the triumph of Ned's character? Everyone underestimated him and his ability to play the game, and his best move will be realized long after he is gone.

How boring would to be to find out Varys knew that secret all along and just simply did nothing with it.

Exactly this. The greatest twist is that honest, naive Ned Stark was able to fool everyone.

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Of the living?

Howland Reed

maybe his family

whoever the other part of "they found (Ned) there" at the TOJ was/were, maybe Wylla?


Bran is going to know

one or two Daynes, though they may be already all dead

He turns to Ned.

"You didn't tell him, didn't you?" Dayne said accusingly.

"I was going to when I thought he was old enough," Ned said defensively. "I didn't know I was going to die so soon, or I would have told him before he left Winterfell Know what, I'm going to go tell him now while he is sleeping off a few stab wounds."

How so?

He died defending his king I recall, and he had all the aspects of knighthood down.

Except the whole "protecting the innocent and upholding justice" aspect. Remember Aerys' actions?

Varys cannot know. There is no evidence in his words or actions that would indicate he has ANY clue.

Isn't that the great irony anyway? Varys is the player that knows all the secrets, except the one that matters. The Master Mummer, duped by the shroud of Honor around Eddard Stark, who he simply thought was eaten alive by the Game Of Thrones. Isn't that the triumph of Ned's character? Everyone underestimated him and his ability to play the game, and his best move will be realized long after he is gone.

How boring would to be to find out Varys knew that secret all along and just simply did nothing with it.

Varys doesn't know nealry as much as he alludes to. Basically he only knows the secrets in KL itself, and he gets the rumors from distant cities sorted and processed faster than anybody else. But that's the extent of his knowledge.

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people who know: Howland Reed, Wylla, Benjen, Bloodraven (and Bran will if he doesn't already), some Daynes

people who might have R + L = J suspicions: Manderly and the relatives of the survivors of the TOJ (from both sides). From the group of TOJ relatives, probably not all of them, but Lady Dustin in particular seems like she would have suspicions.

people who don't know but could be a clue away from finding out: Jaime, Barristan, JonCon, Varys, and maybe Jorah

people who might be in the above categories, but I'm not sure where to fit them: Septon Meribald and Marwyn

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I think it's safe to say that Howland Reed and Bloodraven know, the former being a ToJ survivor and the latter having had an eye on the Stark family, especially births, for quite a while now.

Benjen I think figured it out, he knows Ned and knew Lyanna and he doesn't seem stupid, so I guess Ned didn't have to tell him.

Wylla will of course know she's not Jon's mother, and I think she might know the full story if she was at the ToJ.

Ashara, if she is alive, probably knows everything as well.

Bran will probably learn it soon enough.

Doran and Oberyn Martell are tricky ones, they certainly are clever enough to figure it out if they had any kind of suspicion, but I doubt they knew enough about Ned for that suspicion to be sparked.

Varys/Illyrio don't know. Jon is a huge danger for their whole fAegon plot, and Varys isn't somebody who let's threats to his plans live unless they serve a purpose.

I think Barristan and Jamie could figure it out, if they spend a bit more time around Jon or asked themselves what the hell three KG were doing in Dorne.

By the way, I kind of want Sansa to figure it out. She is hiding as a bastard now too, and not even Bronce Yohn gets who she is. Wouldn't it be kind of poetic for her to be the one to tell Jon, while saying at the same time that she will always think of him as her brother (yes, I know it's not likely to happen, but I can hope, can't I?)

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