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Human Chess Match, WorldCon 06

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Wait! So Dorne won -- that's great -- but was George playing Dorne? Don't you see the potential insight gained from George choosing between Tyrell and Martell? So, which was he?

And yay Dorne. I've always made my distaste for all things Tyrell quite public on this board. If I had been there, I would have had to be a Dornish piece.

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Many were taken, but there has been literally no time for us to post ours, and I believe there's a problem with the Flickr account. If I find any time, I will definitely post some of the highlights that we've got on hand.

Oh, yeah, been posting some Worldcon reports at Hippoi Athanatoi, in the Memoirs section.

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Having seen some of the photos, I am very glad we weren't outside, though not because I wore too much. Rather, the opposite. ;)

The sunlight would have been as illuminating as a camera flash when it came to the not-so-very-opaque nature of my skirt. ;P

I am glad I didn't look in a well-lit mirror before taking the walk from the hotel to the convention centre. Eeeek. ;)

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Having seen some of the photos, I am very glad we weren't outside, though not because I wore too much. Rather, the opposite. ;)

The sunlight would have been as illuminating as a camera flash when it came to the not-so-very-opaque nature of my skirt. ;P

I am glad I didn't look in a well-lit mirror before taking the walk from the hotel to the convention centre. Eeeek. ;)

but you were so beautiful...and I'm sure many people enjoyed seeing all of your legs on the walk over ;)

I did want to say that Linda totally stole the show. She was so awesome, really got into her role, and aboviously had a great time with it.

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Not just my legs, by the look of that one picture. ;) Thank you, though. :)

I don't know about stealing the show, however. Impossible when the whole Dornish side was fabulous and the Highgarden side only slightly less fabulous. :)

I won't deny, though, that I had a great time. May have been the highlight of the con for me, and I am so glad that a) Ran was persuaded to take part so that I decided to do so as well and B) that I actually went to the con.

Now, I may be biased, but personally I thought Ran looked very hot (almost stole the show from our dashing Knight of Flowers) in the outfit I somehow managed to put together. And we're talking about making a better version sometime in the future, after I get some more practice sewing. Just need to get a fake widow's peak to glue on too. ;)

Edited to add:

And those of us who took part would like to thank those who helped make it possible. A lot of hard work behind the scenes was needed.

Plus, a big thanks to all those who came and watched.

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uploading pics now. Jay took a tremendous number of photos of the match. I think to upload all will crash my photobucket account so I'll have to use both my accounts for all of the pics.

erkay, here's the lazy postage of links:







Thinking hard a waiting


Prince Doran and the mighty Zollo


Kal slitting emo Darkstar's wrists


The Red Viper kindly killing off kal


Thinking and waiting some more


The despairing eyes of the overmatched


The beautiful ladies of Dorne


The wicked measter mormont


Zollo killing the lovely lady... er Ser Loras Grogmosh


Ser Sean and his deadly weapon of Bud!


Princess Arianne takes down the pawn maid sansa


Paddy checks out Zollo's ass as Zollo makes kissy faces at ser sean as ser sean leers at Princess Arianne's breasts


Princess Arianne then takes of Ser Sean's head


and then takes off the QoT's head for good measure


and what's going on here?!


Ellaria and Oberyn protect their prince




Zak you drunkard. Pulling beers out of yer arse.


Zray gets it in the back from Malt (not an official chess move, tho)


Cuz Randyl Tarly can wear whatever the fuck he wants


Finally some Mich on CD... er with CD action




nice jearb!


and just when things were really getting good... I gotta take a break and eat. :P

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