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ASOIAF Guessing Game XIII - Favorite Sigil


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I don't really like the "worst of them all" hint because of how subjective it is. It kind of depends on what you consider "bad". If arrogance is the worst thing to you, you might say Umber. If gluttony, Manderly. If it's just about body count some might argue that Baratheon fits the bill. I would personally consider it Bolton, but I don't think it fits the other things. But the case can be made that Arryn is pretty shitty... its current liege lord is a sickly boy who loves to make people "fly" and the current regent protector is a guy whom one might argue is basically responsible for all the conflict in aSoIaF on Westeros below the Wall.

I will tell you this: It isn't me that determined the definition of 'worst'.

In other words I don't consider them to be the worst of them all. This is a hint to the House & not my (or anyone else's in the forums) opinion.

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I will tell you this: It isn't me that determined the definition of 'worst'.

In other words I don't consider them to be the worst of them all. This is a hint to the House & not my (or anyone else's in the forums) opinion.

Heh, well I'm sure I'll get the cleverness of it once you reveal it. I'll give you this... you certainly made sure it was un-Google-able

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It was #5 on my list!! Love it!

#9 on mine. Thankfully, the only other one that was on my list was Connington, and it was all the way down at #19. Whew!

As for why it didn't quite make the cut.... my guess would be, the guys playing thought it was a bit too girly for their tastes. You know, being a unicorn in all it's day-glow fuschia glory. LOL

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