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GRRM drops everything to write TWOW


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The difference is he has sold us a chair with the promise of additional arm rails and matching ottoman. So I won't be grateful until he finishes the rest of the parts with the same quality and care.

The single hand made chair is a single item. It isn't part of a furniture set. Once again, I'm sorry for being thankful that George decided to prioritize on writing TWoW

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I dunno. I have been very pleased by George's tone these days. Whether he finishes reasonably soon or not is up to a lot of things, but I'm happy and hopeful.

Man this a weak argument that is over used. The only reason I bought this particular chair is because I expected arm rails, so he td me I would have the option to buy them in the near future. Yes, I paid the money for that particular book, but I bought it with the expectation of the series being completed. So to say I should be grateful is asinine.

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Man this a weak argument that is over used. The only reason I bought this particular chair is because I expected arm rails, so he td me I would have the option to buy them in the near future. Yes, I paid the money for that particular book, but I bought it with the expectation of the series being completed. So to say I should be grateful is asinine.

I'm going to assume you meant to respond to someone else here.

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Yeah, they will go through them simultaneously, just not all the way through I wouldn't expect. Again, it's the only source material they've got left. Why burn through it when they have a huge, growing hit on their hands?

Because much of said material is unfilmable. With the higher expectations of plot movement and action that have been established the last 2 seasons, seeing things completely grind to a halt as they did in those 2 books are going to completely crash the show's popularity. So the show's producers are making the wise choice and are doing what GRRM refused to do, edit things down to provide a swifter and more entertaining product. And let us not forget that a lot of book 4 and book 5 material has already been used in season 4.

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Man, some seriously funny analogies on this topic. Armchairs and bakers lol :P

Because much of said material is unfilmable. With the higher expectations of plot movement and action that have been established the last 2 seasons, seeing things completely grind to a halt as they did in those 2 books are going to completely crash the show's popularity. So the show's producers are making the wise choice and are doing what GRRM refused to do, edit things down to provide a swifter and more entertaining product. And let us not forget that a lot of book 4 and book 5 material has already been used in season 4.

Euh... What? Unfilmable, there is loads of great material in those books. D&D probably don't feel up to adapt it, since it's more introspective than tits, swords and dragons. The showbies who still think Daenerys' name is Khaleesi will not get it and sadly, the show primarily caters to them.

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Labour law, carpentry and people arguing over the details of a narrative divide that's only just occurred as an idea in this thread.

I honestly love this place.

Makes you wonder about what we're going to do when the books are all finished :)

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I happy when I hear GRRM say stuff like this................but then am reminded how he pretty much wrote nothing these last two months because of his trips to Europe.

So yea, I'd like it if the book came out relatively soon, but it really does seem like GRRM more or less ignored The Winds of Winter these past 3 years to edit other books and to write his fake history for Dangerous Women and The World Book. Ohh, I'm sure he finished a chapter hear or there, but it really doesn't seem like he was given WoW the attention it needed. I'm expecting another 2 year wait because of this.

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Unfilmable, there is loads of great material in those books. D&D probably don't feel up to adapt it, since it's more introspective than tits, swords and dragons.

No, there isn't. AFFC is basically a thousand pages of Cersei being drunk and paranoid, Brienne wandering around, and sideplots which end up going nowhere. I liked ADWD, but even I'll admit that there's plenty of fat there too. Neither of them exactly rocketed the plot forward.

And people here seriously need to get over themselves and realize that their opinions about the quality of the show aren't shared by the vast majority of the fandom, the independent critics, or the writer. There's no requirement for an author to say nice things about an adaptation, so when Martin talks about how well executed it is, you're basically calling him a liar.

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Yeah, they will go through them simultaneously, just not all the way through I wouldn't expect. Again, it's the only source material they've got left. Why burn through it when they have a huge, growing hit on their hands?

I can't answer that. All I know is its been stated that HBO wants to keep it to 7 seasons and 8 seems to be the absolute max. D&D may prefer more, but that doesn't mean it will happen.

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Of course I want to read the next book, but to me, what Martin does with his personal life is his own business and I don't think I could ever pass judgment on him for anything he does with his own time.

Also, if the show passes the books, so be it. I'm fine either way.

Just how I feel about it.

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I wouldn't conclude they cut the Greyjoy story line. For one thing, there are probably more casting pronouncements forthcoming; for another, the Greyjoy story line can be boiled down quite a bit and still be where it needs to be to support WOW. They primarily just need to introduce Euron as King in a satisfactory and engaging way, and set up Victarion through him as his 2nd-fiddle competitor who goes after Dany for himself to finally one-up his brother. That shouldn't take tremendous amounts of screentime and could come in in a subsequent season.

Right. Which is why I said it is still possible the Greyjoys, Manderly, etc could still be cast.

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Euh... What? Unfilmable, there is loads of great material in those books. D&D probably don't feel up to adapt it, since it's more introspective than tits, swords and dragons. The showbies who still think Daenerys' name is Khaleesi will not get it and sadly, the show primarily caters to them.

It's truly depressing how accurate this statment is. :crying:

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I kind of disagree. He does HAVE to finish it soon. People have been reading this series since it first started, and to have the show potentially finish first, is unfair to people that were fans of his before the show aired. To see something on TV, then read it in a book, takes away the magic from the book. When you read first, then watch the show, the magic is still there IMO. I did not start reading until I watched the first season(I have read them all by the start of the second season.). When I read through A Game of Thrones, I felt bored. I knew what was coming, there was no magic. Now that I read ACOK, then I watched season 2, the show was still good. Just my opinion though.

Basically what I am saying is, there is no point of reading the books, when you have already seen it in the show.

I'm optimistic he can finish it soon but I 100% agree about the magic. I started reading the books after season 3 and it took me from about September to January to get through AGOT and ACOK because everything is so similar between the two. However once I got the the second half of ASOW, I read that and both AFFC and ADWD in about 3 weeks. I could not put the books down. I tell everyone I know to read the books also because there is just so much more of what you love from the TV show in them.

However I'm find with the TV series finishing first. I agree with GRRM that the show and books are different even though they are very similar. I think D&D respect GRRM enough that if they finish before him they will not spoil how the books will end although I think they both end similar. I guess I'm in the minority that I see what the show does and what the book does is different. They follow the broad strokes in the show but continue to deviate more and more and I thinks that's just gonna keep happening.

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Well, this is very encouraging news. I finally let loose yesterday on another thread and ranted a bit about his travel schedule and all the other things he has going on, and then lo and behold here's this news. I say "yay!!!" that GRRM is apparently committed now to actually writing TWOW, which I don't think was the case before. He's feeling the pressure, no doubt, from HBO, from his publishers, his agents, and that's a good thing.

Two notions to consider when thinking about GRRM's ability (or inability) to beat the show:

1) We don't know how long it actually takes him to write once he clears his schedule and bears down on the task at hand. We do know that he likes to dabble in other projects and travel and speak at events and so forth, and it's probably true that these books seem daunting to him. I can only imagine what it must be like to have one of these books hanging over your head. My guess is that he can finish TWOW in 6 months once he gets going.

2) The writing has to be getting easier at this point. He's on the downhill slope. ADWD probably got him something like 3/4 of the way done with the entire series and he knows the end point, how it all ends. So it has to be getting easier, though I imagine it still seems like a daunting task. But that's where the pressure helps.

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Tbh it is about time if he said he was bigger then John Lennon i would believe it. The shows are just horrible we need answers think of all the days and nights people have spent wondering or making theories it's almost to the point were people will murder just to find out what will happen next

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